Doctor Who

Didn't see that coming but I'm happy. He'll hopefully get the show back to a good standard.
Ditto. Came out of the blue (Tardis box!). Makes sense as he launched the current incarnation of the show with Eccleston and then Tennant. If we're doing returns of former showrunners maybe we could get previous Doctors to come back? Tennant era Mk2 anyone? :p
We are saved, so glad RTD is back
I think the show is in a position where it needs some who knows Doctor Who and the show, which kind of means it's got to be a past showrunner and really RTD is the only person with the skills, history and knowledge that is available. I don't know if the older series had showrunners but even the people running it before BBC cancelled it in the late 80s must be ancient now so RTD is the only choice.
I don’t know how I feel about this.

Sometime going back is not always the solution to a problem but you can’t take away from what he has done with the show in the past. Does he still have that hunger he had back when the show came back? It’s not the same BBC either.
Just hope he's allowed to take it in a more gritty direction and ditch the constant shoehorning in of the BBC's pathetic agenda. Also hope that he's given a budget to allow Dr Who to compete with other modern sci-fi shows, although I won't be holding my breath.
A surprise, but a welcome one.

As a long time fan of the show there has been so much I didn't like about the Chibnall material that I stopped watching it as it made me cringe.

I'll definately be watching the RTD stories again in the hope it gets back on track again and he is given a proper free reign to do what he wants with the show without having to follow any sort of politically correct agenda.
Said it before, if you want to push an agenda then you need to smoke people out of there supposed apathy with good writing first. Everything else is secondary. RTD certainly prized the former over all else and I really hope he utilizes that skill set to write some great stories modeled around what the BBC and Chibnall where going for.
As 9 would say.


Hope he can get Julie Gardner and Phil Collinson back in the team, that would be the icing on the cake.
It's only going to work if Davies is given a free hand to rebuild Who the same way as when he first resurrected the franchise. If Davis is just going to be a misleading front man so all the fans come back while the BBC continue to enforce their identity politics agenda, then Who is going to continue crashing down to earth.
I would hope that was one of his conditions to returning.

I hope so too, but once he's there, the people above him are still going to try and get their agenda forced through. I'd like to see Davies retcon the retcon of Timeless Children to really put his stamp on it and show he's righting the ship.
It might not be as essential, but I think they need the music back too. I don't want to be hearing Bejewled 2 style music again in place of The Doctors Theme when they're supposed to be about to make a grand stand against an alien force that refuses to see reason. Bring back Murray Gold. :)

Although all of this will be for naught whilst that horrendous Timeless Child retcon remains in place. Retcon that out, doesn't need to retcon Jodie, but please, remove that trash that I could have found better material on at slash fic. :mad:
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