Doctor Who

Well the problem with time travel is that the doctor is not the only person who can do it. Hence although he went forward at that point in time nothing changed however if after that poiint in time another source goes back and changes something then it will change as he's following his own timeline (thats the way I see it anyway).

So then when people make different choices that are not in the doctors timeline they would just disapear?
The basic idea, if I remember rightly, is that while the major events, pompeii, etc, are set in stone and cannot be changed (see episode earlier this series), smaller events such as the lives of most people, can be changed here and there, without too much trouble. The universe adapts to the changes and just carries on.

It's very complex stuff to get your head around. But roughly equates to the idea that chaos theory isn't quite so sensetive as people think, maybe a butterfly flapping it's wings can cause a huricane. but only if it is a big enough butterfly.
So then when people make different choices that are not in the doctors timeline they would just disapear?

Well if they were not in his timline (parallel universe perhaps?) they couldn't affect his timeline as they're not in it. However if he crosses over to the timeline (some weird wibbly-wobbly space anomolie perhaps) then changes could be made but unless you have the power or ability to shift time - i.e. as the previous poster said about pompeii that its set in stone I guess thats only because the time lords protect it and that the universe council 'rules' protect it as well not that it would be impossible to change.

Thats just my views from a logic point of view - though as, at this moment the hardware from timecops not avaible to us, we will just have to take it with a pinch of salt i guess.

I just thought of something.

The hand seems to be bubbling a lot most of this season.

What if Donna was the Doctor's daughter? Everyone's been saying she's 'special' - well that would be pretty special. It would need to be based on her somehow going back in time, but then she is the Doctor's daughter.

Hope this theory's as crazy as it sounds though tbh.
no you know who donna mother is, but have you seen her father

Yes, he was in the Christmas special. Unfortunately the actor playing him died so they replace him with the Bernard Cribins character for this season.

I am still waiting for his character to remember that he has already met the Darlks in 2150!
I also loved how they tied in that long running joke about the Bee's dissapearing into this episode i thought that was great :)

Its no joke! i have a 'hedge' of heather planted on my front and it has been for the last few years. Every summer you get loooads of bees n bumbles swarming it, but this year not a single one :eek: and only a few round the back garden.
I dont know if its the acting or the script writing, but theres definately been a sharp decline. The whole Captain Jack kissing Janto and whatshernames head and tearily declaring that there was nothing he could do was awfully written/acted.


And if Jack's supposed to be immortal, why isn't he out there fighting the Daleks himself? :confused:
Yes, he was in the Christmas special. Unfortunately the actor playing him died so they replace him with the Bernard Cribins character for this season.

I am still waiting for his character to remember that he has already met the Darlks in 2150!

Cribbens is the grandfather IIRC

And if Jack's supposed to be immortal, why isn't he out there fighting the Daleks himself? :confused:

i guess because he never knows if he is actually, properly immortal (which he isn't, if it's to be believed that he is the face of boe as the series' have alluded to), and besides, he is out there fighting the daleks (perhaps you missed the fact that it was we who neutralised the doctors attacker
Evangelion said:
if Jack's supposed to be immortal, why isn't he out there fighting the Daleks himself?
Because 'bad things' happen when people realise he's immortal. Torchwood realised he was immortal and threatened to lock him up and torture him for all time. The last person that realised buried him alive - think what the daleks would do!
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The Doctor and co. always seem to crap themselves every time the Daleks make an appearance as if everyone is going to die.

Haven't they defeated the Daleks in every encounter so far?
The Doctor and co. always seem to crap themselves every time the Daleks make an appearance as if everyone is going to die.

Haven't they defeated the Daleks in every encounter so far?

Always defeated but allowed to escape in some way just like in this season's finale everything will be undone in some way which is really annoying.

I want some proper destruction that leaves an imprint on everything, sick and tired of all this "reset button" carp.

And I bet you Davros gets killed :(
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