Doctor Who

Slightly off topic, but I thought that was pretty good ending that filled the gaps in for Torchwood too.

If Billie wasn't staying then I think that was possibly the best way to conclude her story.
I thought Tate was alright, although I've never seen her in anything else before so I wasn't pre-annoyed with her.

In fact, I'd never even heard of Catherine Tate before that Doc Who Christmas special.

Preferred Billie tho. :)
so Doctor and crew win the day and one of the Daleks survive as that blob of a Dalek said "only one will die" but didn't say who it was between??......... Davros, The Doctor or the Blob Dalak who predicted it???.i guess..........himself or Davros escaped or survived the explosion.............who knows??????
I have really enjoyed the series but I have to say the last 2 episodes when considered as one have been a massive anticlimax. The Library story and the midnight moon were up there with the stone angels and Peter Kay episodes. Donna was an annoying companion and I get the concept of the character just not Tate doing it.

Looking forward to cybermen at Christmas but a year off whilst Tennant does Shakespear might be tough to live with.
Hopefully someone that can act. Don't care if she's fat and ugly as long as she's a believable character.

you want someone like Cheryl Fergison who plays the character in eastenders dont ya ;)

It seemed like they were ending the series... but then the trailer fixed that, lol!
its because the main writer is leaving the show, i hope the new guy makes dr who a bit darker.

the series 3 episode family of blood had a nice dark ending i wish there were more :(
In a montage, the Son explains that he now understood that the Doctor made himself human out of kindness to the Family, to let them die out peacefully. Instead, for seeking immortality, the Doctor punishes each of them eternally: he traps the Father in chains forged at the heart of a dwarf star, the Mother in the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy, the Sister in every mirror in existence, and the Son suspended in time as one of the scarecrows to watch over the fields of England as its protector.

to much happy endings makes me a sad panda :(
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Damn good last episode, although I'm surprised that Davros called the Doctor "The destroyer of Worlds" and not "Ka Faraq Gatri" which he should have done!

At least 'Tate' isn't going to be around for a while. Sorry, but she was dreadful.
I have really enjoyed the series but I have to say the last 2 episodes when considered as one have been a massive anticlimax.
Both written by RTD...
The Library story
Written by Moffat

were up there with the stone angels
Written by Moffat

He also wrote the episodes with the child wearing a gas mask (the empty child IIRC).

To me all of the best scripts have been written by Moffat. He's taking over as head writer now. Things can only get better.
Agree. The majority of the best episodes have been written by Moffat although Shearman did a fantastic job with Dalek. Just hope Moffat can keep his level up for a whole series rather than the odd episode here and there.

Wouldn't mind seeing Georgia Moffett become the new assistant. Thought she was great in The Doctor's Daughter.

you want someone like Cheryl Fergison who plays the character in eastenders dont ya ;)
She's hot :cool:
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