Does anyone else hate going to the barbers?

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
I hate going to the barbers. When I wore glasses I used to sit there blind, letting the guy get on with it and hoped for not too much of a shock at the end when I put my specs on. Now it's more sitting there uncomfortably, wait for him to ask me if I watch the football while he snips away, no I don't, notice how one eyebrow is slightly higher than the other, notice I'm getting a bit thin on top, bit of earwax dislodges in ear and feels like it might fall out, then have them style it how you don't like it. The guy yesterday was Mr Clippers, a bit rough with them and I thought he'd cut a slit in my forehead when he finally used the scissors. He literally scraped an entire layer of skin off with the cut-throat.

It actually looks pretty good today, all things considered. Anyone else hate the barbers or got any good barber stories?
Fortunately my missus is a hair dresser. She works for herself and is mobile, it's surprising the amount of people who prefer to have their hair cut at home.
Go to a decent hairdressers, and visit the same person over, if they're decent. That's what I have been doing for years, I know the lad quite well and get on uite well.

notice how one eyebrow is slightly higher than the other
I absolutley hate it. I always put it off and put it off until I have to go then I have to psych my self up for it on the way there. Always a ncie relief when it's over and done with though.
meh, barbers, not a pleasure of mine either.

When they ask "so, what do ya want?" i never know how to describe it, just...well...long? no poncy style, just long, trim it to tidy it up *shrug* :(
I absolutley hate it. I always put it off and put it off until I have to go then I have to psych my self up for it on the way there. Always a ncie relief when it's over and done with though.

This :)

I prefer a girl cutting mine. Hate it when a man does it and runs his hands through my hair!!! :eek::eek:
Yep, hate it. The guy who cuts my hair is a lovely bloke but I just want it over with as soon as possible, I always have the same cut, it's never styled or anything, I can never think of anything to talk about, and I'm not a fan of the close-quarters contact!
Love it when it comes out and looks awesome. ;) It's all worth waiting for if you want a nice cut.
I also hate it, all the waiting around then having some randomer touching your head :(

I also split my head open as a child and hate people poking around back there even now as it was quite tender for a long while after (stuill have the scar).
lol, not just me then!

Can't stand it either, as soon as I sit down I start feeling tired, so I sit there with my eyes closed. Don't really talk to the person doing it but they don't seem to mind, probably a break from the women gossiping on the other side of the divide.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about the barber. I get my hair cut as short as I can stand it, and leave it until it gets in my eyes before getting it cut again. I've been going to the same barber for the past 7 years but they seem to change staff every 6 months, so I can't always go in there and ask for "the usual". Fortunately they prefer to talk to each other rather than the customers; I've grown tired of explaining why I stopped watching TV and don't care about football.
Thats why I got my own set of clippers. Grade 3 all over. The missus takes the scissors to behind my ears to make sure its all tidy and job done. It saves a fortune too.
I don't know it's been years since I've been to one! :D

However when I was in my early teens I used to enjoy having my hair washed by the pretty girls in the hairdressing places - though that was a long long time ago now!

The barber I used to go to when I was in my late teens/20s was a really nice Turkish guy and we had fun chats about Turkey, the world, and really quite interesting stuff - never was football mentioned!! :cool: However as my hair started to disappear I resented paying for a hair cut and as such started doing it myself when it got to the stage where the top hardly grew... I can leave it for months and the sides will grow (slowly) but the top just does sod all :p
I hate the idle chit-chat. Not because I'm anti-social but I've been going there for years and they ask the SAME thing every time.

"Out on the weekend?"
"Busy week at work, is it?"
"Yeah, quite busy this week"
"What do you do?"
"Health and Safety officer"
10 minutes later
"£8 please"
Thats why I got my own set of clippers. Grade 3 all over. The missus takes the scissors to behind my ears to make sure its all tidy and job done. It saves a fortune too.
I'd look like Grouch off Sesame Street if I skinedded myself :p

Lol @ EHV :D
ive hated it since i was a kid. been to loads of different ones to see if i can find a place i like. not happened yet.

1 time i came out with my ear pouring with blood after the woman kept coming my hair down in the same spot battering my ear each time till it opened up. i didnt realise until i got outside :/

another time the bloke started shaving his arms with the razor and then carried on doing the back of my head :/ i know that sounds like nothing but it was very weird at the time.:p

i recently went to a posh one where a nice fit bird washed my hair. i thought this should be nice but she washed it like id just murdered a puppy or something. not very relaxing :mad:

need to go at the moment as my hair is a mess. think i'll get a number 2 and be done with it for another year :p
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels this way about the barber. I get my hair cut as short as I can stand it, and leave it until it gets in my eyes before getting it cut again. I've been going to the same barber for the past 7 years but they seem to change staff every 6 months, so I can't always go in there and ask for "the usual". Fortunately they prefer to talk to each other rather than the customers; I've grown tired of explaining why I stopped watching TV and don't care about football.

^ This is almost exactly how I feel and what I tend to experience when I pop down to my local barbers.
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