Does anyone else hate going to the barbers?

I'm not very fond of small talk, I probably am anti social lol.

I've been going to the same place for awhile now and they always ask, "So where do you work". I've told them about 10 times before. They probably know where I work, but don't have anything else to say.

It could be worse. Imagine been a barber having to make small talk all the time. Nope not for me.
I also hate it, all the waiting around then having some randomer touching your head :(

I also split my head open as a child and hate people poking around back there even now as it was quite tender for a long while after (stuill have the scar).

hehe so do I! I split my head open twice in two weeks whilst at primary school and needed dissolvable stitches both times. They were about 1cm apart and were sensitive for years, now apparently I have a little bold patch on the back of my head, hence why I have long hair to hide it. :)
I'm having my hair cut tonight. I've started going to a bit of a poncy salon, but it does mean I get a nice head massage from a busty blonde, waited on with free drinks, boobs in the back off my head (nice soft pillow) whilst I get my hair cut and some harmless flirtatious chat with the receptionist before I leave.
I like it, just can't really justify the cost and have my own clippers.

Then again I only really like it because I want to fingerblast one of the girls there.
I think it's just sitting there motionless and feeling you have to make small talk that gets to me. I don't do small talk. I don't like it. So there.
I hate the hairdressers, mostly because they end up being useless. I try to describe what I want, even bring in pictures of the front and back (sometimes I can't and as a result try to explain it, you would think that a hairdresser, trained in this field, would be able to extrapolate, or make some kind of judgement on the matter) and they end up butchering it. I have a butchered haircut for my passport that I have to have for another six or seven years. :/

I either have my mother do it, or my neighbour whom I trust and actually does a good job. Plus, it's free. xD
I dislike it unless I get one guy at a particular barbers that annoying doesn't take bookings. He likes Triumphs and has a few bikes and cars so we chat about rebuilding vintage vehicles.

I dislike talking about other things, such as the weather, my weekend or where I'm going on holiday.
I don't mind it, but then again i've been going to the same barbers since I was young, and always chat the whole way through..mostly football etc, helps when the guy is actually pretty cool. The other hairdressers there just cut your hair and it don't speak at all, gets really awkward.
I hate going to the barbers. When I wore glasses I used to sit there blind, letting the guy get on with it and hoped for not too much of a shock at the end when I put my specs on. Now it's more sitting there uncomfortably, wait for him to ask me if I watch the football while he snips away, no I don't, notice how one eyebrow is slightly higher than the other, notice I'm getting a bit thin on top, bit of earwax dislodges in ear and feels like it might fall out, then have them style it how you don't like it. The guy yesterday was Mr Clippers, a bit rough with them and I thought he'd cut a slit in my forehead when he finally used the scissors. He literally scraped an entire layer of skin off with the cut-throat.

It actually looks pretty good today, all things considered. Anyone else hate the barbers or got any good barber stories?

Why not go to a different barber/dresser? at most they may charge a few £ extra but at least you'll have someone more interesting cutting your hair.

I like my barber, she does a fine job :p

It's just getting free time to go get it cut that is a different story!
No I don’t hate it, I rarely wait for a cut, I don’t mind having a chat with him, the conversation is always interesting and sometimes we even carry on after he has finished.
Me, which is why my hair has been to long for the last three months.

Currently looking for a small, cheap unisex hairdressers near the centre of Liverpool.
I don't mind. Tbh, I prefer going to the barbers say once or twice a month, rather than waking up everyday and having to wash my hair so it isn't sticking up in a million places, sometimes it is nice not to shower till later in the day. 2 showers in one day is not good for your membrane either.
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