I already answered that question as well you know. After all, it was one of your questions that prompted it. You did read my response didn't you?Originally posted by Matthew-1985
And what if people said they were? What would you do then?
I already answered that question as well you know. After all, it was one of your questions that prompted it. You did read my response didn't you?Originally posted by Matthew-1985
And what if people said they were? What would you do then?
Originally posted by gurdas
You said you were proBNP are you for the idea of sending everyone back to the land of their ethnic origin?
Let's hope the other parties don't miss the "point" of a protest vote for the BNP and assume the country is turning into one full of extreme right-wing fascist racists and bigots then.Originally posted by dirtydog Or a third option.. people vote for the BNP knowing all of the above, but do it purely to influence the policy of parties who otherwise don't listen?
I've already acknowledged that fact earlier but yes, I'm still waiting to hear from Kanes amongst others.Originally posted by dirtydog And a number of us have answered the question of whether we are racists, or was your post directed just at Kanes?
Originally posted by phykell
Let's hope the other parties don't miss the "point" of a protest vote for the BNP and assume the country is turning into one full of extreme right-wing fascist racists and bigots then.
What it will show is that people are generally too lazy to do absolutely anything other than go and place a tick in a given box. It would perhaps, give protest voters some credibility if they had at least written to their local MP, Tony Blair or newspapers, but I imagine most will simply turn up and tick the BNP box.Originally posted by dirtydog They may try to depict BNP voters in that way but they will know very well why the BNP vote has increased. Not as an explicit endorsement of BNP policies (although many of their policies, taken at face value, I agree with) but as a rejection of the government's failure on asylum. I believe a vote for the BNP is a powerful and effective tool which does influence government policy.
OK, now please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying the protest vote is just fine as long as they don't actually get into power? If so, can I remind you that BNP members have won some seats. I wonder how many of the people who voted for them were just protest voting, never believing they would get in.Originally posted by dirtydog ...and I believe a vote for the BNP is a powerful and effective tool which does influence government policy.
Originally posted by phykell
What it will show is that people are generally too lazy to do absolutely anything other than go and place a tick in a given box. It would perhaps, give protest voters some credibility if they had at least written to their local MP, Tony Blair or newspapers, but I imagine most will simply turn up and tick the BNP box.
Those things do not register on the government's radar; a BNP councillor being elected does.
OK, now please correct me if I'm wrong, but are you saying the protest vote is just fine as long as they don't actually get into power? If so, can I remind you that BNP members have won some seats. I wonder how many of the people who voted for them were just protest voting, never believing they would get in.
I don't have a problem with councillors being elected - that is exactly what makes the government take notice. There is no prospect of them winning real power, ie. a majority of MPs in the House of Commons. No.. please don't say there is such a prospect, now or in future - I hope you won't embarrass yourself by suggesting otherwise.
Every time you speak up for the BNP and especially if you vote for them, you are helping to further their cause, a cause which is coloured (no pun intended) by their fundamental belief in the superiority of the white man.
The BNP will pass laws to prevent mixed-marriages. What do you feel about that?
They will never win power to be in a position to do that so it doesn't matter!
Q: Why are you against mixed-raced relationships?
A: We are against mixed-raced relationships because we believe that all species and races of life on this planet are beautiful and must be preserved. When whites take partners from other ethnic groups, a white family line that stretches back into deep pre-history is destroyed. And, of course, the same is true of the non-white side. We want generations that spring from us to be the same as us, look like us, and be moved by the same things as us. We feel that to preserve the rich tapestry of mankind, we must preserve ethnic differences, not ‘mish-mash’ them together.
Source - BNP website - Q&A with the BNP Chairman...
Read it, digest it and understand it...
To that end we will restore our economy and land to British ownership.
we call for an immediate halt to all further immigration,
I see. So have you tried writing to anyone? Have you tried anything other than telling us you'll support the BNP as a protest?Originally posted by dirtydog Those things do not register on the government's radar; a BNP councillor being elected does.
Do you live in an area where there either is, or there's a strong chance of, an elected BNP councillor?Originally posted by dirtydog I don't have a problem with councillors being elected - that is exactly what makes the government take notice. There is no prospect of them winning real power, ie. a majority of MPs in the House of Commons. No.. please don't say there is such a prospect, now or in future - I hope you won't embarrass yourself by suggesting otherwise.
I'm sure the same was said of the Nazis last century...Originally posted by dirtydog They will never win power to be in a position to do that so it doesn't matter!
Do you live in an area where there either is, or there's a strong chance of, an elected BNP councillor?
I'm sure the same was said of the Nazis last century...
Originally posted by phykell
I'm sure the same was said of the Nazis last century...
Are you going to say anything about their policy on mixed-marriages?
No problem, but could you use the conventional quote system as it made for some extra work to reply to this...Originally posted by memphisto
phykell i responded to your points you made earlier in the day back on page 6 could you please comment on them.
Why on Earth would you think that? Do you really believe their past beliefs have nothing to do with their current politics? And it's not about portrayal, it's about facts. There is plenty of evidence which is freely available, to show what the BNP is all about, and recent evidence too. The Panorama investigation showed that all too well. Still, if you want to judge a party simply by what its website's front page says conveniently forgetting the very roots of the party and what it stands for, then I suppose it's your problem.Originally posted by memphisto yes I do mate but the point I was trying to make before is that I do not think the party is anywhere near as bad now as it was portrayed etc in the past
You accept that they are only "above board" on what you read at face value, and then you expect me to condone them because other parties also have their hidden agendas. What is it you want me to say? That they're not that bad after all just because other parties are bad also? No, the truth is that the BNP are the most dangerous party out there, with simple manifesto policies designed to hide their true nature. No matter how bad the other parties are, they have not been linked to violence and inciting racial hatred and I think I'd be wasting my time if I tried to explain just why the BNP is so beneath contempt because there is plenty of evidence freely available as I've already said. But that's not your point is it? You have read the front page, you've even delved deeper and found reasons for concern yet you still talk as though they are a viable alternative. They're not and if you don't understand that based on what you've read, you are probably beyond my ability to convince you otherwise.Originally posted by memphisto I know where your coming from in terms of there past performances and policies as well as the current members past histories. My point is that at face value they are no worse than anyone else. If you dig deeper then yes you will find the things that you have said and as I put these must be considered. However I do not think any of the other parties are as white as sheets either. They themselves have there own agendas which probably are not as well known or broadcast but quite easily be as damaging to britain as a society. Obvioulsy this is not in terms of race but in terms such as tax, war policies, the forging of links further linking us to europe, the none policy on dealing with korea and mugabe my point is that each party have there own agendas and will do many things with which we disagree but overall we can only vote for the one that appeals the most.
That isn't the issue I'm afraid and I have to say that your reasoning is very weak. To imply that Labour's policy of equal rights is racist in the same way as the BNP is racist is ridiculous (sorry but that's my opinion). I'm not saying that Labour is right in enforcing such a policy, but as I say, there is simply no comparison with the kind of racial policies the BNP would wish to enforce like preventing mixed-race marriages.Originally posted by memphisto ok then I say labour are rascist. the reason for this is in there time in power they have implemented things such as having to have a quota of people from ethnic minorites working in say the civil sevice. This is not based on who is best for the job but simply in having to fulfil this quota. This in my view is a racist policy as it is rascist against those who are no from ethnic minorities. Am I wrong ? If not then how can you call the BNP rascist and not tarnish labour with the same brush ? Yes you may consider the BNP to be more openly rascist but that does not mean the other parties are not.
Originally posted by memphisto
there policy on mixed marriages i disagree with however that is only one policy out of most of them on there.
I do not support labours stance on
The Use of Spin
the list goes on and on.
All I am saying is that of all parties the BNP have the most appealing policies to me whether they appear unworkable or not. If they manage half of what they say on some policies then they will have done a good job in my view.
This isnt saying i will or wont vote for them but the blanket refusal of most people to even consider them and then call them rascist scum is to me wrong.
SOme of you arguing on here have had a look at the BNP and have said that in your opinion that they are not the party for you and also you dont think they are the party for the country. Some of us think differently than you that does in no way mean we are wrong, it just means we have different opinions than yourselves.
You term them as rascists yet refuse (as none has commented on my post yet on page 6) to also deem labour as a rascist party eventhough they could easily be considered so.
As I have said under there leadership we have seen the introduction of policies in certain sectors which mean that a certain percentage of all jobs must be occupied by those form ethnic minorities. This is not a case of best person for the job but simple discrimination against those who are not from ethnic minorities.
By this the party has implemented rascist policies already within Britain. To not acknowledge the fact that we currently are ruled by a rascist party is ironic when calling the BNP rascists.