Does driving a certain make/type of car, make you think you own the road ?

7 Nov 2002
Glasgow / Canberra
Howdy !!

just wondered what everyones take on this was, because i was talking to a friend last night about it, and basically BMW drivers really hack me off :)

you could be sitting in the fast lane of the motorway going plenty fast (and lets face it, no-one sticks to 70 in the fast lane) and they come screaming up behind you, flashing their lights, to get you to move over, its like they think having a nice car, gives them ownership of the road (personally i dont think there is anything much about Beemers that is prestigeous, sure they are very well built cars, but are now 10 a penny on the road)

in general it seems to be any good german car, although Audi owners seem to be a bit more conservative, and even mroe so with Mercedes drivers. its like the BMW is the "chav" of the german luxury car ...

so basically, what i am asking is, does having a car with a good badge, or a bit of poke, turn you into a prat ?

i know this is me generalising (dons his flame proof suit) :)
Interestingly, I find that normally it's the Audi drivers who are now the worst. Almost as though the real plebs who've recently changed to an A4/A6 now think that they have to prove just how big a plonker they are.
Mr_Sukebe said:
Interestingly, I find that normally it's the Audi drivers who are now the worst. Almost as though the real plebs who've recently changed to an A4/A6 now think that they have to prove just how big a plonker they are.

thank god, its not just me !!

And to finish the set off I find Merc drivers the worst. Like they think they have a nice car or something.
I think for some it does, depends on the person, if they are cool they will not be bothered . . . .

there are a lot of audi tt drivers round here that think they are the most important thing in the world, how wrong could you be.. .. .
Although I'm a bit of BMW driver disliker, you're only really noticing the BMW drivers because of the stereotypical BMW driver you have in your head. You'll probably find there are plenty of drivers out there with the same attitude, just you wont notice them as much.

then you've got to ask yourself... should you be in the outside lane anyway? :p
Gilly said:
And to finish the set off I find Merc drivers the worst. Like they think they have a nice car or something.

so basically, all the german cars?

i dont think i have ever seena BMW in the slow lane of the motorway, i quite regularly watch them pull on to the motorway, and goes across both lanes, into the fast lane, then hyperdrive ....

Mercedes saloons i tend to find more conservative ... but Merc sports coupes etc. are among the worse offenders
Mr_Sukebe said:
Interestingly, I find that normally it's the Audi drivers who are now the worst. Almost as though the real plebs who've recently changed to an A4/A6 now think that they have to prove just how big a plonker they are.

Yep me to, seems like all the BMW drivers are moving to Audis.

I do take a slightly diff attitude depending what car i'm driving, in the Clio i will just flow along with the traffic minding my own business, in the MX i usually find myself throwing it into corners and being frustrated when someone is taking a corner at 50 when i really want to be going round it quicker for more fun and overtake quite a bit on country roads, when i'm in a bigger car, accord / a4 / 3 series i tend to pressurise people more particually the smaller cars.
Enfield said:
For me it's the 4x4's down country lanes.

i hear you, but really thats their domain ...

its got to be BMW on the motorway though .... FLASH FLASH, get out the way, i am driving a BMW and i think i am kewl, and i am gonna intimidate everyone on the road, however fast your going ... its not fast enough .... blah blah blah ....

I wouldn't go as far to say that all Mercedes drivers are like that (My dad for example who is a very [font=&quot]courteous driver and normally stays in the middle lane of the motorway apart from overtaking etc) but there is a few round here who don't seem to share that mentality. To be honest though i find clio/ fiesta etc banga drivers to be more hassle especially when they don't have the power to overtake but think they're flying a rocket ship:(:p[/font]
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Toryglen-boy said:
i hear you, but really thats their domain ...

Doesn't mean they own the bloody road though! Plus it was a normal narrow type road with grass on either side, hardly 4x4 territory.
dun said:
I wouldn't go as far to say that all Mercedes drivers are like that (My dad for example who is a very [font=&quot]courteous driver and normally stays in the middle lane of the motorway apart from overtaking etc) but there is a few round here who don't seem to share that mentality. To be honest though i find clio/ fiesta etc banga drivers to be more hassle especially when they don't have the power to overtake but think they're flying a rocket ship:(:p[/font]

bet your dad drives a merc saloon that glides along ... kewl

i was really meaning BMW drivers who jsut stay in the fast lane, and flash everyone to get out of the way regardless
Everyone who drives on the road thinks they own it. Not just because they drive a paticular make of car :o
I had a someone pull out in front of me the other day and he stopped so I just let him out then straight after him from the same turning a SLK driver stopped at the junction there, took one look at me and just pulled out - gammon slipper! :mad:
Firstly, the type of driver that is quite annoying IMO is one that refers to motorway lanes as "slow lane" and "fast lane". These DO NOT exist.

In general however, I seem to find that the more expensive the car, the less likley it appears that they will use their indicators and/or mirrors.
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