Does everyone drop their first bike?

Never dropped my first bike or any of my earlier big bikes.

I *almost* dropped my FJ once. I pushed the freshly lubed sidestand down, but the pressure of my foot meant it sprang back up as my instep came off the lever and I was already leaning the bike over. It's also flippin HEAVY... I held it off the floor and then, by some miraculous feat of strength and wrenching back muscles, I lifted it back upright.
It didn't touch down, so not technically a drop. Any lighter bike would have been no problem at all.

The first thing I was told when I got it was to fit engine bars, for this very reason and I'd always advocate these, crash bungs, mushrooms (same thing really) or any similar guard, as even cracked rotor covers can cost a lot of money.

Typical low-speed/static drops will bend/break gear and brake levers, snap/shatter mirrors and scuff fairing, but you could just as easily crack/shatter expensive fairing, snap off footpeg mounts and more.

Mainly just take it easy, be mindful of your surroundings and get to know your bike so you don't end up in awkward situations... like facing nose-down on an adverse camber, trying to reverse a 42st bike on gravel!! :D
have you ever forgotton yourself and thought your sidestand was down when it wasnt,only to nearly drop the damn thing when you lean it over too far
have you ever forgotton yourself and thought your sidestand was down when it wasnt,only to nearly drop the damn thing when you lean it over too far

If you mean me, then I only remember using the middle stand on my old scooter. Was around 7 years ago though, so I could be wrong.
have you ever forgotton yourself and thought your sidestand was down when it wasnt,only to nearly drop the damn thing when you lean it over too far

I forgot my disc lock was on once, started pulling away and thought, "did I take off the...." Crunch. Tried holding the bike up but it was no use. I felt really st00pid and it broke a peg and scuffed things.
Saw a ducatti monster for sale today. Had a sit on it and wow it felt light. While I like the styling I don't think it's the kinda bike I'm after. But I was amazed at how light it felt, made me feel like I could pick it up haha.
It's not just your first bike, it's quite possible for even experienced bikers to be caught out occasionally; bike forums have many posts from people who have had unfortunate incidents.
My "first bike" (a DT125, so more of a glorified moped) after my 50cc moped was dropped more times than Amir Khan, mainly because I was commuting across untreated B roads in snow and ice to get to work.

I remember one day I fell off it 3 times in 6 miles it was that bad.
It's not just your first bike, it's quite possible for even experienced bikers to be caught out occasionally; bike forums have many posts from people who have had unfortunate incidents.

I was just thinking that. It seems the general consensus is that it's usually accidents like leaves/oil etc more than 'big heavy bike'. Thanks for all the replies everyone.
It's not just your first bike, it's quite possible for even experienced bikers to be caught out occasionally; bike forums have many posts from people who have had unfortunate incidents.

Indeed, you can be the most skillfull, careful, experienced of riders, but there is still an element of luck involved, case in point being a guy I used to know who dropped his bike after he hit a pheasant of all things.
I dropped my DRZ400SM at some lights, when a guy forgot to brake, luckily I was at the front of the queue, he said the sun blinded him lol. All fixed so no harm done.
I dropped my first bike on my front drive. Luckily the bike fell on the wet lawn, and not on the concrete! I had just come back from a ride, got off, went to put the side stand down and lost my balance. The next thing I knew, the bike was falling away from me. Doh! Thankfully the bike wasn't damaged, just my pride!
I highsided by Bonnie on a corner within a couple of months of ownership, luckily both myself and the bike weren't damaged too much. I certainly learned my lesson and adapted how I rode as a result.

As long as you learn from your mistakes, it makes making them less bitter!
I dropped mine once, I wanted to take a sharp turn right in a town and there was a drain cover in the middle of the road. Didn't see it until last second and I was already using the front brake, being a wet day it just went. Was only doing about 5mph so was quite lucky.
I'm REALLY good at dropping bikes, every single one I've ever owned. I've kind of accepted the fact I can't have nice things.
Dropped one of my bikes but it was a silly thing. Forgot I had the disk lock still in and turned while pulling away. Lucky I had bike boots on as my anckle ended up wedged between the path and the bike, taking all the weight.
I highsided by Bonnie on a corner within a couple of months of ownership, luckily both myself and the bike weren't damaged too much. I certainly learned my lesson and adapted how I rode as a result.

As long as you learn from your mistakes, it makes making them less bitter!

Good effort! That must take some to high side a Bonnie!
I didn't drop my first or second bike but have dropped my current bike twice (DL650), both within 3 weeks of purchasing it. The first I came to a stand still at a T junction, Put my foot and which promptly slipped away from me so I over balanced to that side and my bike fell the other way. I ended up lying on the floor and a guy pulled up next to me, Asked if I was OK then drove off without even waiting for an answer.

The second time I was walking the bike backwards off of my drive and the handlebar slipped out of my hand, the bike then over balanced and I managed to grab it again but it was already way over balanced for me at this point. I put my feet against the wheels and leant back to try and pull it back up but that only served to catapult me over the bike where I landed in a combat roll and stood it, it was glorious and no one saw it :( although this did bend a bar end and smash an indicator which weren't ideal.
I dropped my RSV by catching my foot on a rather large/tall tail pack as I was trying to get off it. Fortunately it was on fairly soft ground and I had crash bungs so damage was minimal, just a snapped clutch lever.

I've also had a couple of very close calls in petrol stations; rolling to a stop and putting my foot down only to find someone has thoughtfully spilt a load of diesel so my foot goes flying out. Managed to save it though.
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