Does everyone drop their first bike?

not happy at all, suppose i best get the yellow colour code and a new sticker kit and get them re-sprayed and refurbish them, only way otherwise its worth nout
I dropped my scooter yesterday 20 mins after picking it up. I was Paddle walking to park it and I slowly lost it. Brake lever is slightly bent but OK, my pride is completely gone though.
Well it's a 3 wheeler but no not that heavy, I guess I just leaned over a bit too far and as I'm on a hill that didn't help. Very embarrassing.
I almost dropped my bike yesterday because I wheeled it into the garage with the side stand down. The side stand must have caught the floor and flipped backwards, as when I started releasing the weight of the bike it went over more than it should.

I only just caught it, it would have fallen into the side of my car to double the pain! Noob mistake, never let go of your bike until you're sure the side stand is down properly!
Not just their first bikes.. (in my case anyway)

Dropped my RD125LC (1st bike) in heavy traffic coming up to a roundabout, had to stop and put my foot down, my "Hi-Tec" (oh the 80's) boot laces got caught on the foot peg and I couldn't put my foot down, timberrrrr! :o

Dropped my RD350 powervalve (3rd bike) when trying to put it on the centre stand in the rain, boot slipped off the stand, stand flipped up, bike went over as I lost balance and me with it :o

And most recently.. GSXR1000 (8th bike) in France a few year ago. My mates iphone satnav was sending us in circles around Boulogne. Some temp traffic works were confusing it, so I said I'd park up top of street and wander down to see if we could cheekily ride through the dug up road. Parked bike with front wheel against the kerb (pointing down on an incline) so it wouldn't roll off the sidestand... Well that didn't work, as I swung my leg off the sidestand folded under as the bike rolled forward and went down on it's left side, with me under it :o

Don't think I'm ready to take my stabilizers off yet :p
Not really, if you don't support it, it'll drop just like a 2 wheeler although it's a bit more stable.

Oh, didn't know that.

I remember my instructor saying he had a laugh on them, could put one wheel on the road whilst the other was riding the kerb.

Probably not something an instructor should be boasting about though :p
Well making this thread jinxed me clearly!

Today, one week after owning my CBR I dropped the damn thing parking. I put my foot down on a patch of oil, and by the time my foot found grip it was too late. I literally 'layed' the bike down gently though, so there's not a single scratch on the fairing, bars etc, so I'm pretty pleased with that.

However it won't start now? My friend said dropping it can flood the engine and to leave it for a bit? There's literally no damage to the bike so not sure what can be wrong lol
You didn't accidentally hit the kill switch did you?

I did, but clicked it off when starting. It sounded like a flat battery but it was freshly charged very recently and I'd just gone on a drive so was a bit confusing. It's possible that I left it on a bit too long while there, but it would have been less than 5 minutes I'm sure.

Ah well, will bump start it later if I have to I guess. I think it must just be a flat battery. I really can't imagine what damage could be done on dropping it so gently.
I did, but clicked it off when starting. It sounded like a flat battery but it was freshly charged very recently and I'd just gone on a drive so was a bit confusing. It's possible that I left it on a bit too long while there, but it would have been less than 5 minutes I'm sure.

Ah well, will bump start it later if I have to I guess. I think it must just be a flat battery. I really can't imagine what damage could be done on dropping it so gently.

Hmmm my Vstrom was on its side for about 4-5 minutes before I managed to pick it up the first time and it seemed to start OK after about ten minutes of me checking it over before attempting to start it. Have you checked all the fuses and connectors to make sure they are all good?

Does it turn over at all?
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