Does everyone drop their first bike?

Dropped my bike by going too fast round a small went bent once, little bit of damage. Had same bike wrote off earlier this year at 50mph when someone changed lanes into my back end, currently in the shop at the minute getting MOT'd for it's and my return to the road, just in time for winter :S
I have five bikes and have dropped them all at least once! Nearly all times it has been in the snow, you would think i would have learned by now but for some reason I like riding in the snow!
Yeah I've dropped a few :( Some of them have been really embarrassing too. Still, I haven't dropped a bike for a few years now. Hopefully I'm not jinxing myself here.
Dropped my 50cc Scooter - mud! - no damage, just very dirty.
Lowsided my 125cc Varadero - ice! - cracked fairing, scraped exhaust, levers
Dropped my ER6F - turning it around on driveway/gravel - bent footpeg
Dropped my ER6N - stalled it pulling off at an angle - bent footpeg

Now I don't have a bike until March so nothing to drop :p Will definitely be having bar end/engine protectors etc though.
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Hahahaha oh wow, seems everyone does. Luckily we have 300 odd days of sunshine here so rain won't be too much of an issue. I can hide it away and use my car in the winters lol.
Dropped my 50cc Scooter - mud! - no damage, just very dirty.
Lowsided my 125cc Varadero - ice! - cracked fairing, scraped exhaust, levers
Dropped my ER6F - turning it around on driveway/gravel - bent footpeg
Dropped my ER6N - stalled it pulling off at an angle - bent footpeg

Now I don't have a bike until March so nothing to drop :p Will definitely be having bar end/engine protectors etc though.

Thats just clumsy! :eek:
Since posting in this thread i have dropped my bike :D

LOL, Yours was a bit more than a drop though.

Oh my... sealed your fate there.

Was talking to my dad about this last night and he told me about the first time he dropped his bike, He was wearing trainers (like an idiot), pulled up to park and went to put his foot down but his lace had got stuck around his peg so his foot was stuck. The bike just slowly fell to the side with him still sat on it. Idiot.
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Was talking to my dad about this last night and he told me about the first time he dropped his bike, He was wearing trainers (like an idiot), pulled up to park and went to put his foot down but his lace had got stuck around his peg so his foot was stuck. The bike just slowly fell to the side with him still sat on it. Idiot.

Done that so many times as a kid on my mountain bike, lace wrapped around the crank and you always noticed too late que the slow motion comedy fall.
I imagine it would be a bit more painful with a proper bike on top of you though!

I'm fully expecting to drop mine at least once over the next couple of months once the weather gets a bit crap, already had a slight bum clencher coming off a roundabout last weekend.
I've dropped every bike I have owned.

Never while moving, usually by doing something stupid, catching on something while pushing it, or forgetting to put the stand down.

Surprisingly, I have not caused a single scratch on any that I have dropped
lol @ the shoe lace comment,done that a few times

dropped my first bike through not leaving it in gear on a very very slight sloping drive,barely visable(rolled off the sidestand)

nearly dropped my zx10 a few times,once putting foot down on snow and slipping/it leant over so far and broke the mirror off,luckily my body stopped it smashing on the floor

second time I thought I put side stand down and leant it too far over and just about caught it

think I need some stabilizers:eek:
Not done the shoelace but back when I first got a bike and riding to college in jeans as I went to put my foot down my jeans got caught on the foot peg... luckily In my panic I pushed down hard enough for them to rip all the way up! Always tuck your trousers into your boots :D
Forgot I had the disk lock still in and turned while pulling away.
I always put the disclock right up behind the brake caliper, for this reason - If you do try and pull off, the bike only moves a couple of inches.

A few years ago, we had a rideout to a biker cafe. One of the guys on our rideout put his disclock on in front of the forks!
We all gear up and get ready to leave. Blokie being the type he was, hops on his bike, revs the nuts off it and goes for a wheelspinning pull-away at high speed, probably to impress all the other bikers at the cafe...

He got six or eight feet, before the disclock came full circle and flipped the bike forward, spitting him off and landing both of them in a crumpled heap in front of the other bikers... The worst part is that the rest of us had already pulled away and were halfway down the road!!
Thats just clumsy! :eek:

Haha, I have relatively good reasons for all :p
The 50cc Moped - I was about 2 weeks into riding, felt my helmet strap wasn't on and pulled over.. Right into some mud and slipped over!

The Varadero - was inexperience and over-confidence in winter and I didn't see the ice.

ER-6F - The weight got the better of me when I was trying to do a sharp U turn on a drive when I hit gravel.

ER-6N - Had fuelling issues and I (it) stalled when I pulled off from a junction.
That's nearly 1 drop per year of riding :eek:
Luckily never had a disc lock incident, but I did start always putting the reminder cord on.

My next bike will be relatively more expensive and shinier than my previous ones so will take a lot of care into making sure it stays up-right when I want it to! :D

I've also done the "thought I put sidestand down" caught it though!
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i hate the old ducati,cagiva side stands! got back from work, rode down the alley on the side of my house, put stand down, still in gear, walk off to go unlock my gate and BANG! my amazing condition cagiva mito evo ii fell into a wall!

scratched and chipped tank with a scratched screen and just below it, side mirror fixing damaged and the tail fairing has real bad scratches, right down to the material :(

not only that, because the way the bike fell, i couldn't get to the right side to pick it up, struggled like crap trying to pick the bike back up, would have been worth a lot of money in the future, 100% original as well :(

damn it, cant wait for the road legal YZ125, so much easier lol
i hate the old ducati,cagiva side stands! got back from work, rode down the alley on the side of my house, put stand down, still in gear, walk off to go unlock my gate and BANG! my amazing condition cagiva mito evo ii fell into a wall!

scratched and chipped tank with a scratched screen and just below it, side mirror fixing damaged and the tail fairing has real bad scratches, right down to the material :(

not only that, because the way the bike fell, i couldn't get to the right side to pick it up, struggled like crap trying to pick the bike back up, would have been worth a lot of money in the future, 100% original as well :(

damn it, cant wait for the road legal YZ125, so much easier lol

yeah they are lethal sidestands,just looking at them made them flip up
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