Does something need to be done about dogs?

Who's gonna pay for the cops to sit outside properties for a couple of weeks each with a tally-box and soundmeter, counting how loud and often particular dogs do/n't bark, before giving up and dragging Ms. Dried-Beef Curtains off to prison?
No need, just invade the neighbour and if it's tiny leg biter immediately go to the accuser and arrest them. Release the cam footage as well to shame them.
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Any ban should be based on data and evidence.

There are lots of large breeds, some of which go back hundreds of years, which have never really been a problem and almost certainly never will.

Just because we’ve allowed an insane abomination of breed (XLbully) to exist, doesn’t mean we should now start to demonise all other large dogs, when they’re not causing a problem.

Data and evidence must be at the forefront of any decision, not knee jerk reactions.

I agree it isn't about size, New Foundland's are massive but they haven't gained a reputation for killing people. One aspect is a dogs strength and the inability to be stopped during an attack e.g. the videos going around of the recent attack in birmingham that showed many fully grown men unable to stop the dog. I think banning of further breeds based on data/facts should be considered (there's currently only four banned breeds in the UK). The other aspect is bad owners training/beating dogs to be their 'protection'. Not sure what the answer is to that part would be, other than bringing in some kind of licensing to own a dog... it would probably help but then who's going to pay for it to be implemented and enforced...
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No need, just invade the neighbour and if it's tiny leg biter immediately go to the accuser and arrest them. Release the cam footage as well to shame them.
And if it's... say.... I dunno, a Border Collie?

The other aspect is bad owners training/beating dogs to be their 'protection'. Not sure what the answer is to that part would be, other than bringing in some kind of licensing to own a dog... it would probably help but then who's going to pay for it to be implemented and enforced...
Training courses and licencing costs money. That money should pay for enforcement.
Likely it would then cost so much to get a dog that almost no-one would have one, and then we'd all be one big happy dogless society, eh. Amazing how much things change in a couple of years...
Just a shame Dowie isn't around to enjoy the thread.
Thanks for not giving a total crap about people dying due to dogs.

Might be a different story if you lost a loved one to a dog

I know one thing, it can't stay as it is, deaths will continue and only get worse
Saying I don’t care about people being killed is some stretch fella!

XL bullies are being banned so it isn’t going to continue.
Saying I don’t care about people being killed is some stretch fella!

XL bullies are being banned so it isn’t going to continue.
Are you completely oblivious to the dangers of dogs? Just because the XL bullies are being banned doesn't automatically make everything OK

We have a major issues with dogs in the country and just banning this breed won't stop deaths and mauls from dogs.

This stinks of not giving a total crap I'm afraid
Ahh yes, just saw that, Jesus wept, a second Bully XL attack this week, and outside a primary school...

And the video of the 10 year old boy being attacked:
That poor kid isn't going to forget that in a hurry..

Jesus, poor kid. Lucky that it didn't go for his face / neck when he was pulled to the ground.
My mate has had a Bully XL for about 7 years, he's really worried what's going to happen.
Had it as a puppy and its played, with their 7 year old kid all its life, they are best buddies, even has a nap with it.They don't leave them alone before the, oh they are bad parents crew chime in, they didn't leave the now older kid with their previous dog which was a Spaniel
While they aren't my cup of tea of a dog to have it's a lovely dog and a big softy.
Shows what a bit of training and how they are bought up can do.
Unless they bring in certain things, training, licences etc then you may as well ban these breeds and other types as the merry go round will just continue and some other poor breed will be in the spotlight next year.
Are you completely oblivious to the dangers of dogs? Just because the XL bullies are being banned doesn't automatically make everything OK

We have a major issues with dogs in the country and just banning this breed won't stop deaths and mauls from dogs.

This stinks of not giving a total crap I'm afraid
Oh you’re just ridiculous you are.

it’s impossible to have any debate with you as you have an immovable view that all dogs bigger than a yorkie must die.
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I agree it isn't about size, New Foundland's are massive but they haven't gained a reputation for killing people. One aspect is a dogs strength and the inability to be stopped during an attack e.g. the videos going around of the recent attack in birmingham that showed many fully grown men unable to stop the dog. I think banning of further breeds based on data/facts should be considered (there's currently only four banned breeds in the UK). The other aspect is bad owners training/beating dogs to be their 'protection'. Not sure what the answer is to that part would be, other than bringing in some kind of licensing to own a dog... it would probably help but then who's going to pay for it to be implemented and enforced...
You pay yourself if you want a certain type of dog breed. If you don't and still have one then you get fined heavily.
Will cut the number of certain fashionable dog breeds and the attack numbers will drop too as their won't be so many getting into the wrong hands.
They can ban dog after dog but people will just go to the next one and we will still be in the same boat as we are now.
Oh you’re just ridiculous you are.

it’s impossible to have any debate with you as you have an immovable view that all dogs bigger than a yorkie must die.

How am I ridiculous, dogs are capable of killing people, they should at the very least be heavily licensed.

I may of gone a bit far in the past to suggest all dogs should be killed but as of now dogs are killing people almost on a monthly basis! banning a certain breed whenever there are deaths is too late for the people that have died.

Every single person with any type of dog should have to be licensed, and anything bigger then as you say a Yorkie you would need special permission to have it and be found to be a responsible owner.

Banning a single breed does nothing to resolve the issues with dogs in this country
Was the Staffy-type wearing a collar?
I don't know.. why?

Usually human attacks are treated much more seriously, so I would have to presume there are good reasons why the Police let it return.
I was phoned by a distraught Mrs, and being only 5 mins away I arrived before the police did. I whisked our dog and the Mrs off to the Vets/A&E, no ambulance was needed, and all we know is the dog was released to the owner by the police on the scene, the 'dog handler' was not involved until later that day, and only spoke to the owner, that's all we know... The fact it bit my Mrs first was known by the Police on the scene because all the neighbours told them..

The following 2 weeks were weird, they tried everything to play it down, and give us the impression we had no recourse.. and even mentioning that had them threatening that our dog would be investigated and possibly destroyed too.. I had to press hard to get them to take a statement and press charges, and the moment we did, the dog disappeared, apparently put down due to ill health.. We don't know what the actual truth is, but the dog disappeared, my Wife and the neighbours of the dog were all relieved and we obviously didn't press things and moved on..
I think one problem, especially with bigger breeds is unsavoury characters (criminals) getting hold of them.

They’re much more likely to cause problems.

I was wondering whether technology could be used, specifically- augmenting existing criminal records data into a system which licensed breeders would be forced to use.

If I go to a breeder and I want to buy a Rottweiler puppy, I have to provide a copy of my DBS certificate to the breeder, which proves I have no outstanding convictions for violent or organised crime.

If I did have any recorded violent criminal history, it would be a criminal offence for the breeder to sell me the dog.

The idea is not a million miles from how US gun dealers do background checks on customers buying guns.

Obviously there would be lots of details to iron out, and it still wouldn’t stop backstreet breeders, but I think something like that could help.
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A bit tangential but I wonder what proportion of the dog poisonings that occur in parks/what not is not actually the result of a sociopath but someone trying to get rid of a dangerous dog indirectly because they got intimidated on that path or attacked without anyone doing anything about it?
A bit tangential but I wonder what proportion of the dog poisonings that occur in parks/what not is not actually the result of a sociopath but someone trying to get rid of a dangerous dog indirectly because they got intimidated on that path or attacked without anyone doing anything about it?

Probably deserve to be mauled by a dog tbh if you’re the type of person who puts poison down as some kind of vengeance. The likelihood is something like a hedgehog will get to it first and it’s very unlikely you’d be able to target the specific dog that upset you in a public space.
I don't know.. why?
Makes it far easier to grab and hold. I've seen numerous videos with people trying to get one dog off another, or a human, and almost no-one grabs the collar, despite it being one of the first things to do.
Dogs that 'clamp' or 'jaw-lock' are trying to choke their prey out, rather than bleeding them like most hunters, so choking the attacking dog themselves often promts them to release so they can refocus their attention.

Beating the dog usually does nothing, as they expect their prey to be kicking and thrashing anyway.

We don't know what the actual truth is, but the dog disappeared, my Wife and the neighbours of the dog were all relieved and we obviously didn't press things and moved on..
The whole narrative is pretty weird, I have to say.
Doubtless there were other things going on that they weren't giving details about, but from your PoV it is quite suspect.
How am I ridiculous, dogs are capable of killing people, they should at the very least be heavily licensed.

I may of gone a bit far in the past to suggest all dogs should be killed but as of now dogs are killing people almost on a monthly basis! banning a certain breed whenever there are deaths is too late for the people that have died.

Every single person with any type of dog should have to be licensed, and anything bigger then as you say a Yorkie you would need special permission to have it and be found to be a responsible owner.

Banning a single breed does nothing to resolve the issues with dogs in this country

Probably the best way TBH. If you want a dog you should need to apply for a licence, your property inspected to make sure it's suitable etc. Make sure you can actually afford to look after it too.
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