Does something need to be done about dogs?

The fun one in this argument would be.

Imagine dogs have never existed, they've just been created now!

Currently they're being used by the police and armed forces for many roles including as weapons.

The government is thinking dogs should be made accessible to the public.

What measures should they take?
The argument was licenses are licenses. I don't doubt they can put in effect and lead to the benefits you are saying (driving licenses), but the poster who said licenses won't work because those who disobey will disobey regardless is totally true.

:cry::cry::cry: welcome to OCUK 2022

I *feel* it therefore *it must be*

Well if they don't have a license it's a 2 second job to confirm that and the dog is removed and destroyed woth no legal recourse?

It solves the problem pretty quickly over a few years

On dog ownership google days 33% of housolds in the uk have dogs this puts it 7th in what we're the EU countries

Interesting which countries are the top 6
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