No penalty will be enough, because until it happens, it can't possibly happen, in the owner's view, so there is no deterrent. I'm quite sure that every owner who has seen their dog maul someone to death is absolutely mortified and probably traumatised by it.I don't care what anyone says, there is no justification for buying such a dog in the first place. The majority of people who bought them, bought them because they look aggressive. That makes them part guilty in my mind. The shame, though, is that (as per usual) the government have been very slow to react. This conversation would not be happening if they banned them before they were imported.
I am tired of the bickering. The "penalty" for owning such a dog is not that great. If I had my way, all dogs about a certain weight would be muzzled when outside. It would not stop all issues, but it would stop many. Dogs have become scary to non-dog-owners, and that's not acceptable.
That level of aggression in such a strong animal is worse than a lethal weapon, because they literally have a mind of their own.
I'm a pretty big strong guy, and I feel pretty confident I could deal with an average dog if necessary, even the ridgebacks my parents have always had..... But these massive bull terrier breeds? No way am I risking having my throat ripped out by those ****ing things, I am running a mile.