Does something need to be done about dogs?

Sad to see dog mess littering parks and woodlands. I’m surprised councils don’t have people in high vis doling out fines to people in the same way you get traffic wardens.
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this thread reminds me of the usa daily mass shooting thread. but a super tame british version. we have this obvious problem but don't do anything about it, and loads of ppl don't even accept there's a problem.
Then what pertinence did your post have?

An observation that it would seem the majority (not all) of the dog attacks take place in the home environment, not outside.

I don't know anything about this specific incident, but have previously said that a lot of people who have experienced these home attacks often seem to buy a dog "off a mate".

I'd be more than happy for all breeders to be licensed.
An observation that it would seem the majority (not all) of the dog attacks take place in the home environment, not outside.

I don't know anything about this specific incident, but have previously said that a lot of people who have experienced these home attacks often seem to buy a dog "off a mate".

I'd be more than happy for all breeders to be licensed.

I honestly don't think licensing of breeders goes far enough. There should be proper vetting/licensing of all owners.
Unfortunately for both the wider public and animal welfare lockdown has illustrated just how many people should not have dogs (or other pets tbh).
To the people saying owners should be vetted and licensed, what would possible reasons to preclude soneone from a licence be?

Inability to remember there is the need for a lead, inability to pick up mess, inability to look after them so they don’t go crazy. I know it sounds difficult, but they should get points on said licence with fines and then removal.

I’ve got no axe to grind, apart from those scummers who let their dog off the lead on my road so it can roll around in fox excrement and think it‘s ok to just walk in everyones front garden. That lot need shooting :D
this thread reminds me of the usa daily mass shooting thread. but a super tame british version. we have this obvious problem but don't do anything about it, and loads of ppl don't even accept there's a problem.

Yep, because people are unwilling to accept that it's not just the owners but the type of dogs that are the problem. We have the types that have very young children around Pitbulls and harp on about how soft they are or they're bred to be "nanny dogs", it's a load of ********* frankly. You have these terrifying creatures hanging around you and wonder why they tore the face off your 5-year-old.
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