FML - what do you think the ban involves if they've all got to be neutered and can't be sold on anymore?
That doesn't stop people from ignoring the law and creating or importing monsters, whereas active enforcement on both would not only address the bad lineage lottery but also return them to pet-suitable condition, as we already have with other breeds.
Again - why? What's cowardly about this?
You ****** up, now you want to cut and run, shirking responsibility for your **** up... That is cowardly.
It's also a lovely argument which I shall apply to other similar situations in future threads, just so you can see why it's not a solution at all.
Is it also cowardly to not let people own leopards and tigers rather than [insert handwaving] magically make them genetically friendly?
Do they have thousands of years of domestication bred into them?
You're just proposing a nonsense solution yet again because you can't face the fact that this breed is dumb, it doesn't need to exist and we can simply end it.
OK, so pugs are next on the chopping block, are they?
They're dumb and don't need to exist.
King Charles Spaniels, brachycephalics, any of the Merle breed-variants... that's 32 breeds that need eradicating due to being dumb and having unnecessary harmful genetic disorders. At least American Bullys were originally bred with the intent of a well-behaved dog - These 32 breeds were bred purely for cosmetic and status purposes!
@ttaskmaster 13 separate replies to my 7 points.
Whats the actual point. You need to learn how to let a reply go, but you clearly cannot.
And yet you always reply back. Yet again, pot, kettle.....
Bet you're fun in the real world....
I'm not here to entertain you. If you want that, you're better off watching CBeebies or something.
A car and an animal is not comparable and your "analogy" is you trying to get out of a hole, get a grip.
I just did compare them, so they clearly are. Not my problem if you refuse to understand how analogies work, even after they've been explained to you...
What? humans care if you bring a dangerous breed which will maim and kill other humans.
How deluded are you?
You were talking about pugs not being dangerous, with the inference that no-one gives a **** how ****** up they are so long as humans aren't being killed.
You seem to have lost the plot and are now calling me deluded for your failing...
The breed might not have been created for such reasons, but you got to be completely blind and stupid to see the breed has been shaped to be violent.
I agree, since this is what I've been saying all along.
This is why, in light of how we've already shaped, mis-shapen, and subsequently re-shaped other breeds when people have screwed them up, we have no reason not to try and correct what the chavscum status breeders have done to this one...
Some people also stick up for murder dogs as this thread shows, people cant be trusted, we know this, this is why its banned.
While others argue against the whole principle of banning, based on how flawed the implementation always is.
You know the scene in The Rock, where the guy they just shot is still twitching and Sean Connery says, "What do you want me to do, kill him again?"....?
That's what's happened here - The American Bully breed (and all its variants) were already banned in 1991, before XLBs even existed... yet here we are banning something that's already banned.
Yeah you are deluded and
@dowie is right, you cannot identify what you are replying to.
So deluded that I predicted exactly what you'd do and was proven correct...
You asked one question and then asserted another.
Nothing twisted there, you answered the own question. You have no idea what you are replying to do you?
As per the quote, the question was - "So if you had XLB's that you class as a good boy, you'd allow them to be sold and kept in this country?"
It was not, "Are you defending a dangerous breed and want them to be able to sold in this country"... yet this is the line to which you pinned my answer.
So not only was it an assumption, but an outright misrepresentation.
Covered this numerous times now, very much like you who cannot be told any different, humans wont listen or change their behaviours, hence its the governments responsibility to protect the civilians from its stupid population.
People change their behaviours all the time. If they didn't, the marketing industry would go bankrupt overnight.
It just takes the right marketing. The fact that both Dowie and the government won't even look into this because it requires time, effort and money, and because it's "too much of a faff" doesn't make it any less true.
Didnt say that, said you stand no chance on changing the humans who buy these dogs. Do you actually read any of these replies? Guessing not.
I do read them, I just afford them no validity, especially when you fail to make your points so often, while also ignoring everything I say or pretend I said something different in order to fit your own narrative... Why, does it annoy you?
Something makes people want these dogs, so there will be something that'll make them no longer want them. Enough people already get other dogs and subsequently abandon those, and it's not because of a breed ban...
Nope, you have stated numerous times that yo have piggy backed off of others ideas, but they were never your own.
Certain specific ones, yes, and I specifically specified where such specifics were specifically the case.
Others were most definitely my own, and you'll find plenty of posts trying to discredit those one while not actually exploring or addressing them. Given the lack of contest to those, I can only presume there is no objection and they were actually rather good ideas.
Cant forget the classic you piggy backed on to "lets get rappers and entertainers to stop using these dogs and promote a positive message", if you think that works, I am sorry but I cant help your naivety.
And again, you clearly haven't thought it through - If they can tell people what to buy, use, wear, eat, do, think, etc, and people follow along like utter sheep... how do you think it is that they are unable to do the opposite? I bet if [insert relevant/popular celeb icon] started ripping into people who wear Crocs, you'd see a serious drop in Croc sales
Status dogs are fashion, and fashion can change overnight. Do you not wonder why men no longer wear velvet jackets, corduroy bell-bottoms and disco shirts with massive collars?
Right okay, importing and breeding restrictions will stop people being injured and killed today?
Here you go again... I didn't say restrictions. I said active enforcement. That means finding the channels and cutting them off, while also tackling the breeders with resources already in the UK.
Existing strategies for drugs? How naïve are you, the war on drugs has been lost, over and over again by governments. You need to step outside and look at reality.
The War On Drugs is a global strategy designed to impact the United States, and is almost entirely about the US doing things in other countries to stop their drugs coming into America. It has almost no bearing on UK strategy, beyond some 50-year old policies that are long-since outdated.
As the late Bill Hicks said about it, "A war is where
two armies are fighting"....
As far as Europe and the UK go, our customs are actually not bad at stopping drugs. Drug crimes are up, particularly since Brexit means we no longer have co-operative intel from the EU and Conservative funding has focussed too far on criminalisation (kinda like the DDA and XLB ban, really, and yes I am 'comparing' two sets of legislation)... but responses and proactive enforcement have also increased, almost to record levels now.
But you know what the best thing is?
You can't hide an XL Bully up your arse and expect to sneak
that through customs.... but do feel free to prove me wrong!!