Does something need to be done about dogs?

Another thing a good sturdy stick is useful for - something I read in the book Trainspotting that wasn't in the film - is to put the stick under the collar of the offending dog and twist it until the ****** passes out or dies, either will do. A bit harsh many will think, but until you're in the position of a dog attacking you, your child or anybody, please reserve your judgement.

No problem with that and I have a dog. I would quite happily wring another dogs neck till it passed out if it attacked my cocker
Yeah god help the guy trying to beat my dog with a stick. Hysterical owners can quite often cause a quite normal situation between dogs to flair up into something else.
I would pay for you 2 to go on a dog walk together, aka lastman standing deathmatch.
Winner winner chicken dinner.
I know it’s personal taste but how can you call this dog ugly?


Ugly and vicious looking. Usually seen with its owner in its natural habitat, 3 stripe tracksuit, can of strong cider in one hand and fag in the other.
Why it's ugly.
Dogs should have tails.
It looks like an ikea chair with a head photoshopped on it.
It doesn't look cuddly or fluffy or anything....
It looks like someone overcompensating for their own failed physique.
It is literally an accessory to urban lumpen prols.
Regardless of why it does, it is still responsible for murdering babies and old women.
If dogs could be Nazis this dog would be saluting at Nuremberg.
It's as good as gold wouldn't hurt a fly....
You refuse to acknowledge any information which contradicts that, instead you allow your preconceived notions of a stereotype to rule your judgement.
Pictures of your dog doesn't contradict anything though, it doesn't change the fact these dogs are associated with chavs and the sort of scum who don't bother to train their dogs leading to a well deserved reputation.
I knew a guy that fits the description you have given that had German shepherds, he wasn’t a nice guy either. Do I let that cloud my judgment by stereotyping an entire breed, or do I acknowledge that this particular guy was a bit of a penis.
Pictures of your dog doesn't contradict anything though, it doesn't change the fact these dogs are associated with chavs and the sort of scum who don't bother to train their dogs leading to a well deserved reputation.
I don’t have a dog but I’ve known plenty of them over the years. Your wrong about the vast majority sorry but that’s just the way it is.
It’s the equivalent of saying African-American males are all pants sagging, gun totting, gang bangers because some deprived areas have people that fit that description. That’s how silly your being.
It’s the equivalent of saying African-American males are all pants sagging, gun totting, gang bangers because some deprived areas have people that fit that description. That’s how silly your being.
Not really, these dogs have an association with the sort of people who don't train them, who don't care. Nothing you say is going to change that fact.
Not really, these dogs have an association with the sort of people who don't train them, who don't care. Nothing you say is going to change that fact.
They may well have that perception, just as other dogs like German Shepherds and Rottweilers have in the past but they are far from exclusively owned by such people.
They may well have that perception, just as other dogs like German Shepherds and Rottweilers have in the past but they are far from exclusively owned by such people.

No, but there is a significant enough ownership demographic that the perception has arisen for a reason.
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