Does something need to be done about illegal/unlicenced/uninsured electric vehicles on our roads (and pavements)

In terms of junctions, I could go along with that, driveways I don't know the type you mean, around me they don't break the pavement and would work as is, people have to be mindful when leaving/entering their driveways which is the best compromise anyway, you can't stop them having access to their house..

So I think I am in total agreement..
Sorry by break I meant destroy/damage, not necessarily a purposeful break of the pavement.

On driveways where the pavement is right beside the road, the dropping the kerb tends to damage the pavement sometimes totally making it almost impassable with a pram/mobility scooter etc., on those where there is a grass verge first, the pavement may survive the kerb dropping. Thing is a lot of places with large grass verges still have tiny pavement whereas I feel councils should be obliged to provide a minimum of 1.5m almost everywhere.
Most mobility scooters around here are driven by fatties rather than old dears. With a higher proportion seemingly emanating from the local council estate.

Are they available on prescription?
On driveways where the pavement is right beside the road, the dropping the kerb tends to damage the pavement sometimes totally making it almost impassable with a pram/mobility scooter etc., on those where there is a grass verge first, the pavement may survive the kerb dropping. Thing is a lot of places with large grass verges still have tiny pavement whereas I feel councils should be obliged to provide a minimum of 1.5m almost everywhere.

They would need to re-lay pavements anyway, so I presume it's not that hard to make something for the exceeding light use (compared to a road) that would last a bit longer.

THe cycleway in front of work is a good example of the stupidity.. it used to be a wide road in good repair with a wide pavement on one side and a normal pavement the other..
In my view, the wide pavement could just have been resurfaced and made in to a cycleway with no pedestrian part who can already use the other side of the road.. that would have been a much cheaper/quicker solution..

Instead they've remodelled the entire road, narrowing it, remodelling junctions that didn't need to be and have made the wide pavement a cycleway and pedestrian path alongside each other, making the cycleway part fairly narrow.. so it's provided less space for cycles, put them next to pedestrians (and people are already cycling on the pedestrian bit dodging around pedestrians) whilst making the road narrower for car drivers that probably do get annoyed stuck behind those cyclists that don't want to use the cycleway as the road is that much narrower and lorries/buses cannot ever legally overtake if you are anything other than in the gutter, so would be behind you for 2-3 miles

It feels like a lose-lose-lose situation.. when it could have kept the existing wide road, had a wider cycleway and put pedestrians on the other side completely on their own for a fraction of the cost.. a win-win-win..
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You can't walk down a London pavement without some muppet on an electic scooter/uniwheel thing abusing the pedestrians.

Just fine them on the spot. I've seen it work in Singapore. Or slap them with an asbo, or whatever. Just get them to stop.

How do you stop them without risking killing then?
How do you stop them without risking killing then?

The only safe way is to set a roadblock and then double down with plainclothes just before it to yoink people that decide they'd rather run after seeing it.

Wobbling a fleeing scrote moving faster than running speed is unnecessary risk.
The only safe way is to set a roadblock and then double down with plainclothes just before it to yoink people that decide they'd rather run after seeing it.

Wobbling a fleeing scrote moving faster than running speed is unnecessary risk.

And in terms of resources for an operation like that, when police are already struggling to attend 999 life and death emergency jobs, how do we the tax payer expect that is going to be on the list of priorities?

This lawlessness via underfunded police is what the British people voted for.
Two more and I've got a full house

They do, isn't most fuel taxed? Is that what you meant?

All of us including pedestrians and little old ladies pay for the roads through normal taxation and council tax, your fuel tax just goes into a big pot like my roasted nuts tax does.
Honestly, try to learn that we motorists don't own the roads.
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They should all be licensed, same with bicycles.

If you can do damage to a pedestrian then you should have some form of insurance and a way to be identified.
Or people, as they can cause damage to other people without the need for any wheels? :eek:

Pedestrians have caused me to come off my bike 3 times with one breaking my finger, they think it's normal to walk straight out into a road.
Pedestrians should also be taxed with a big number plate on their backs.
A mate of mine ended up in ICU for 3 weeks when a pedestrian walked straight in front of her, she braked hard and went over the handlebars.
you have to give pavement pedestrians, and especially their dogs, a berth when cycling on the road in Cambs - unpredictable.

I thought some of the SG bikes were microchipped like dogs, which gives easy identification by the police to see if they are insured, maybe pedestrians can check too.
Pedestrians have caused me to come off my bike 3 times with one breaking my finger, they think it's normal to walk straight out into a road.
Pedestrians should also be taxed with a big number plate on their backs.
A mate of mine ended up in ICU for 3 weeks when a pedestrian walked straight in front of her, she braked hard and went over the handlebars.

Perhaps you should be more aware of your surroundings if you fail to see people crossing the roads, don't they have priority?
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