Does something need to be done about illegal/unlicenced/uninsured electric vehicles on our roads (and pavements)

Does this include children?
Any age?
There would need to be classifications like there is for motorbikes and cars.

It's more about the transport that needs to be looked at. If someone is legally riding on the road then there needs to be a way to identify them.

What is the situation in other countries, like Netherlands who have a lot of bikes and e-scooters?
Perhaps you should be more aware of your surroundings if you fail to see people crossing the roads, don't they have priority?

Are you serious :)
How the hell can I prepare for a phone zombie just walking straight into the road?
I can't wait for the reply :)

We pedestrians have priority on a junction with road markings or walking across a road with those white bollard things, we aren't allowed to walk out anywhere in front of a vehicle, that would be silly.
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What is the situation in other countries, like Netherlands who have a lot of bikes and e-scooters?

I've been to countries all around Europe and into major cities and their humans aren't fixated on cyclists like Britain are.
I always ask coach drivers about cyclists and I get replies like "Can you imagine what the traffic would be like if all the cyclists were in cars?".
In Cambridge where there are 39,000 cyclists the coach driver had the opposite response so I said "but imagine 39,000 extra cars on the road around Cambridge" and he wasn't bothered.
We are a weird lot, the other day I stood by traffic lights outside the Pharmacy and in 10 minutes waiting for my wife I witnessed at least 20 cars going through on red from all sides, if there was one cyclist there would be uproar.
Cars own the roads, I've never seen such self entitlement from a group of people.
hadn't realised the govt were already on it -

2. What we want

To identify new and innovative concepts / designs that could enhance police ability to prevent and stop E-Scooters and E-Bikes from being used for crime.

The key requirements are that any system / technology should:

  • render a stationary E-Scooter or E-Bike incapable of moving off.
  • bring a moving E-Scooter or E-Bike to a controlled stop.
  • be capable of being successfully deployed in many different locations against E-Scooters or E-Bikes whilst they are moving or stationary, i.e. the system/technology should be readily portable.
  • be target specific, i.e. does not affect persons or technology around the suspect vehicle.
  • be reliable in use and consistent when activated.
personal EMP ? (leave phone at home)


... reading about chatgpt IQ level , maybe intelligence should be a parameter for vehicle insurance quotes

2) Having a higher IQ protects you from death

This is an uncomfortable one: According to the research, people with high IQs tend to be healthier and live longer than the rest of us. This graph represents a study of 1 million Swedish men. The researchers found a threefold difference in the risk of death between the those with the highest IQs and those with the lowest.
There are a few interrelated reasons why this may be. One is the fact that people with higher IQs tend to make more money than people with lower scores. Money is helpful in maintaining weight, nutrition, and accessing good health care.

It could also be that people with higher IQs are smart enough to avoid accidents and mishaps. There's actually some evidence to support this: Higher-IQ people are less likely to die in traffic accidents.
Yes, quite often :rolleyes:

Now don't be silly they are not going to be car-sized ones just need to be read by modern camera systems.

Just think of all the money in fines for light jumpers/cutters.

I have a dropper post and my rear light sits under my saddle, how's that going to work?
I've been to countries all around Europe and into major cities and their humans aren't fixated on cyclists like Britain are.
I always ask coach drivers about cyclists and I get replies like "Can you imagine what the traffic would be like if all the cyclists were in cars?".
In Cambridge where there are 39,000 cyclists the coach driver had the opposite response so I said "but imagine 39,000 extra cars on the road around Cambridge" and he wasn't bothered.
We are a weird lot, the other day I stood by traffic lights outside the Pharmacy and in 10 minutes waiting for my wife I witnessed at least 20 cars going through on red from all sides, if there was one cyclist there would be uproar.
Cars own the roads, I've never seen such self entitlement from a group of people.

Absolutely not IME.. the biggest difference I notice when cycling in other countries (I worked all over Europe for 12 years) that both sides have much better attitudes..

My experience is where I live is that maybe 1 in 50-100 cars might be a little inconsiderate, but more than half of cyclists I encounter either when cycling or as a pedestrian are inconsiderate (and most dangerous).

I can see a set of traffic lights from my office that 98% of cyclists ignore them entirely, I've just watched 23 cyclists over 10 minutes all ignore it.. I only say 98% because I cycled in and waited at the lights but had 2 overtake me through the red lights at that time.. I also had all 4 bikes I was following show no basic awareness of their own safety, none checked either side before changing road position, none slowed for a pedestrian that was crossing and I lost all of them eventually since they flouted the rules and hopped on pavements at speed to bypass lights and junctions, jumping straight back on without looking..

I had around 80 cars pass me this morning, one was inconsiderate, where the roadworks widen I checked, and moved position to the center of the road to start indicating I would be turning right at an upcoming mini roundabout and had that car overtake me with probably just about 1M of clearance, less than prescribed, but I didn't have to take any form of action.

Since I drive, cycle, walk and ride motorbikes I see things from all perspectives.. I am very cogniscent of my own hypocritic feelings when I'm on the various modes, but this just reminds me that we need proper segrefated infrastructure.
If a law did come up it is your responsibility to comply not make excuses.

Where should it be placed on this bike?

And what about these little people?

What about other wheeled forms of moving, such as rollerblades?

How should this man be identified?

Where should it be placed on this bike?

And what about these little people?

What about other wheeled forms of moving, such as rollerblades?

How should this man be identified?

Why did you cut the quoted text where I suggested a bib, odd that :confused:
It's a bit of a nonsense to me. As @SexyGreyFox said earlier in the thread, motoring accidents are far more likely to happen and often cause more harm to others then ones simply involving Ebikes.

I was took out by an ignorant fool motorist some 8 years ago as he overtook me then slammed the breaks on at an intersection. Scared me off my bike for years until I brought an eBike recently. Feel so much safer on this as the motor helps me navigate out of potentially dangerous situations much quicker then before.

The issue is an age old one. People taking advantage of the technology and acting like **** or disagreeable people thinking they own the road, be it on bike, car or motorcycle.
Once they deal with drivers using their phones get back to me about piddly little scooters.

Best to put out the forest fire before sweeping the garden.

It doesn't matter that many 1000s of people are maimed or killed by motorists every day by driving recklessly but one cyclist going through a red is a major news event in their tiny little brains.
You have to ask yourself why there are so many Traffic Cop type programs on the TV but funnily enough none related to cyclists.
"This weeks episode of Cycle Traffic Cop, a cyclist is spotted on a pavement, in another scene we see a cyclist go through a red, later on we see cyclists riding two abreast" and so on .....................
It doesn't matter that many 1000s of people are maimed or killed by motorists every day by driving recklessly but one cyclist going through a red is a major news event in their tiny little brains.
You have to ask yourself why there are so many Traffic Cop type programs on the TV but funnily enough none related to cyclists.
"This weeks episode of Cycle Traffic Cop, a cyclist is spotted on a pavement, in another scene we see a cyclist go through a red, later on we see cyclists riding two abreast" and so on .....................
Cycle Traffic Cop. I'm sure one of those random channels could pick it up, bang in between the 'Hunting for Ghosties and Overreacting to Normal Noises' and 'The Nazis: What They Ate For Breakfast' programmes.

I never get the two abreast thing btw, it's perfectly within the highway code to do so and you only have to let cars pass when you feel it's safe.
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