Dog Owners: Please Read

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Originally posted by molinari
of course your not expected to stand on the spot and do nothing, abosolutely defend yourself, but if I was being bitten once a fortnight or even just once, I'd have been to the council and local police station to report the dog and the owner.

You'd use force to stop them biting you though? Thats what the majority of people here are saying.

Originally posted by molinari

And not really wanting to go off topic, I've been on the recieving end of more damage from cyclists who don't give a damn about pedestrians, than agressive dogs trying to get at me.

Really? I find that decidedly hard to believe, with good reason. Cyclists have much more chance of getting hurt if they collide with you than you do, and tbh if you have sustained damage from more than one cyclist you should start to take notice of what is going on around you...
Now, y'see there's a lot of cyclist-hate here, and I can well understand it - the sheer number of times I see fellow cyclists jump red lights, ride on pavements and so on irritates the hell out of me. Us mountain bikers have got a bad enough image at the moment, so I'm trying to do my bit by being nice on the trails, saying thanks, letting others by and so on. But strangely, whenever I do say thanks, many walkers look at me as if I've just insinuated that their mother performs oral sex for money on the streets at night. If I were to unleash a tirade of pirate-style cursing in the direction of the dog owners, I doubt that would greatly enhance the image of cyclists...

Anyway, must dash, I'm just going to squeeze into my Lycra and go to Bath and back. Tata!

Originally posted by Slime101
But if you were to cycle into my dog, or kick it or anything else by god i'd beat you into a pulp.
They say dogs are like their owners - QED?
Cycle away if a mutts chasing you:p

Nah I love dogs my m8s got some but even though there trainers they too say that dogs have minds of there own. Its stunning to see some dogs there so well behaved but if they see another dog.... sets them off and no one stopping them.


If your any of the above your in trouble:D

If your a man then u gotta worry cos they have an internal set of balls, bear that in mind when your kicking a dog in its face.
Originally posted by Seraphim
Anyway, must dash, I'm just going to squeeze into my Lycra and go to Bath and back. Tata!

Ohhh let me grab my handbag. :rolleyes: If you wish to turn to threats in order to get your point across you need to get a life and yes thats how I see it, although I really doubt how far you would get.
You dont want people to rant back is that the general idea? As long as your views are aired (albeit in a PUBLIC forum) you dont expect any reprise? Sorry but I am sticking up for my animal which you with your sweeping statement tarred everyone who owns a dog as being irresponsible. If you dont want people to defend a side of the argument keep your views to yourself and grow up.
Originally posted by Seraphim
They say dogs are like their owners - QED?

Not at all, my dogs are softies (sorry, dog) and wouldnt hurt anyone in any situation.

I am totally against violence these days - spent a lot of time fighting off bullies in my early school days and really dont like it at all - but if you were to intentionally hurt my dog then i would probably beat you to a pulp.
Originally posted by Slime101
Not at all, my dogs are softies (sorry, dog) and wouldnt hurt anyone in any situation.

I am totally against violence these days - spent a lot of time fighting off bullies in my early school days and really dont like it at all - but if you were to intentionally hurt my dog then i would probably beat you to a pulp.

Its all very well to threaten him, but if ANY dog decides my leg is its next meal, I will kick it as hard as I can. simple.

I don't like violence either, but I will defend myself whenever I'm attacked.
Dogs don't bother me in the slightest, but I have had to kick a couple in the nose in the past (nothing stops a dog quicker) after they went for me (one stupidly clamped onto my knee). On both occasions the owner was no where to be seen.

I think defending yourself is one thing... but then being surprised if the owner wants to give you a kicking too is another. The dog will have it's own mind and unfortunately you cannot relate to it, talk to it and try to calm it down - unless you happen to be carrying a 16oz steak in your pocket! :D People who treat dogs nonchallantly are at fault too.

However I agree that in the cases where people have been attacked for no apparent reason defending yourself is priority - that's normal animal instinct anyway. However not doing anything about it if it happens repeatedly is just as bad as the owner not training the dog properly IMO.

At the end of the day owning a dog is a big responsibility and I think requires training and a little intelligence. However tarring everyone with the brush that all dogs and dog owners are bad is a little too sweeping a statement. I have to say on more occaisons (pretty much 9/10 times) I come across a friendly dog, be it small or large than i do across some vicious beast from hell.

If you are going to send a dog with it's tails between it's legs the best place to strike it is on the nose - anywhere else it'll be back at your neck - a good blow to the nose is pretty much their weakness. But I would leave it as a last resort. It is scary being attacked by a dog - and I sympathise with the "anti-dog" people as they will now have this irrational subconcious fear of them - which is understandable - however it's not the case for all of them! :)
Few months ago the same thing happened to me, I was coming home from a long bike trek and a little terrier was chasing me down the road jumping up trying to bite me. My little brother was behind me on his bike and was terrified.

The owner was a very old lady on a 3 wheel thing so she could walk, she has no control over her dog at all. She didn't even say sorry or anything, just looked and then walked (wheeled) away.

I hate dogs and always have. I'd consider getting a dog as I'd train and care for it properly, unlike some of the common muts that are left to roam the streets.

There are two very funny dogs around here, stray dogs... one's an Alsation and the other is a smaller dog... they go around as a pair going through wheely bins, they've been doing ours for weeks everynight now... they literally EMPTY the ENTIRE wheely bin...

It was hard to believe it was dogs untill we caught them in the act. Really clever things. They go up our lane, house to house, going through bins. :D

Unlucky though, should have kicked them just that bit harder. :)

No offence to those who have got some idea...but I am kinda seeing a pattern here.
How about NOT riding your bikes within biting distance of the dogs???? At the end of the day they are going for you because they feel threatened or intimidated. Would you blame a lion for biting your hand off if you stuck it in its face???
Heres a link for the cyclists amongst you with advice:

Heres a link for those that own dogs that do bite:
Personally I am very wary of dogs, as a general rule I'm not keen on them, despite our family having them as pets, purely because of the number of times some dog has decided to bite me for no fault of my own (I can remember being bitten by a dog whilst walking home from school last year, the owner then had the cheek to say 'you startled him, the strap in your bag was blowing in the wind' and didn't even apologise...I mean whats with that, his dog came bounding over and just lunged at me, bit me on the hand. Its just as well it was a tiny little mutt really, and I'm not a midget!).

Most dogs I have come across have been well behaved, and I'll give em a stroke and a pat on the head, or chuck the ball for them or something when I'm down the park, but when some strangers dog starts jumping up trying to lick me, or starts barking uncontrollably, or actually bites me, I remember why I really don't like them all that much.

I blame the owners personally, it takes a fair bit of time, responsibility and energy (hell following an excited dog thats running around sand dunes like a rocket is pretty energy sapping ;)) to look after a dog, and it just seems some people cannot be bothered to look after the animal properly so its no wonder its badly behaved. Most dog owners are fine :) its just the minority who can't control their dogs that now make me extremely wary of any dog that comes running.
If a dog bites you then you can get it put down. I would take this option if i was you, a dog that is visous enough to bite with no cause is a danger.

My dog, a minature poodle, has gone for people in the past. I know for a fact that i would be more than applagetic if it happened when i was walking the dog. The dog has now had its balls chopped off in order to calm him down.

If the owner is not even aboligetic then that is really discusting IMO and the owner deserves to loose their dog.

You should have put your new disc brakes to good use.

Cycled as fast as you could on grass. Once at top speed turn handle bars and pull rear brake. Thus resulting in doing a 180degree skid around the point of your front wheel.

This, in turn would result in the smelly mutt being smacked in the face by your rear wheel. It would also result in an uproar of laughter!


Originally posted by Bobbler
Ohhh let me grab my handbag. :rolleyes:
I'm fairly bemused at your reaction to my post, as I see no threats contained within the words that I posted. Maybe you were reading something into it that wasn't intended?

Anyway, I wasn't lying about squeezing myself into some Lycra - I've just been to Bath and back and had a lovely time. Also, wearing Lycra makes me strangely horny, so I wear it at every opportunity. ;)
Originally posted by Bobbler
How about NOT riding your bikes within biting distance of the dogs????
As sane and laudible as this suggestion may seem, you seem to have missed the part where I mentioned I was on the opposite side of a river when I was confronted for the 3rd time. The dog ran through the river, up the other side to sample a bit of leg á la Seraphim.
Originally posted by Bobbler
No offence to those who have got some idea...but I am kinda seeing a pattern here.
How about NOT riding your bikes within biting distance of the dogs???? At the end of the day they are going for you because they feel threatened or intimidated. Would you blame a lion for biting your hand off if you stuck it in its face???
Heres a link for the cyclists amongst you with advice:

Heres a link for those that own dogs that do bite:

This post irritates me. I was actually cyling on the road, and the dog came chasing after me. So please, stop being stupid. I'm guessing that Mr Seraphim here was on a made footpath for pedestrians/cyclists... is he not meant to cycle here because he gets attacked by dogs?

Another thing about dogs is that they crap everywhere, I'm sure every single one of you has stud in it many times...

Humans aren't allowed to crap on the streets and nor should dogs, something should be done about it.


EDIT: Lmao, Seraphim, you should write to the BBC or something to be a comedian... you have a talent sir. :D
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I never thought there would be so many people what dont like dogs. Not all of them are bad. Maybe the animal had been 'attacked' by a human before and therefore is defending its self. You may be just ignoring the dog and cycling on by but the dog might see you as a threat and feel that it has to protect its self or protect its owner. Also dogs love things that move especially to play with them. My own dogs 2 Boxers. Are propertly trained. One loves everyone that it meets and the other runs away from them because she is scared. Both would chase after me when i am cycling and either try to bite/catch my feet or the tyres but they are only playing. My last boxer was qutie agressive to other people that it didnt know and would bite but was always kept under controll he too chased after me and did exactly the same thing but wouldnt attack me in any other situation.

I have experienced this problem with other dogs especially sheep dogs when cycling in the countryside where they just come bolting out of their gardens and try to catch up with you. They are probably just being protectie of their 'area'. I have heard of whistles that you can get on your bike that animals can hear but not humans maybe this would help you.

Carry a biscuit with you or something and give it to the dog if it trys to attack you. If you kick the dog in the face while cycling this will probably result in it chasing you even more. Not all dogs are bad nore is it their owners fault. (most of the time)
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