Dog Owners: Please Read

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lol @ the fact u were attcked 3 times in 2 hours

i have never been bitten by a dog in my life. But i can say that kicking a dog is not a wise idea i have 2 ridgebacks who have never bitten ne1 luckiily. but they are very protective of me and my family and dont like to let any1 within 2 feet of us. A nd i have to say if u attempted to kick em ur foot would not be left on ur body cos they would tear it of along with any other limbs u have become attached too.

I think the key to this arguement is to blame the owners cos if the dogs have such a temprament they shouldnt be of their leads.

i am a responsible owner and as both of my dogs weigh over 10stone each i take them for walks seperately. And never let them off their leads.

oh and sorry i was wrong i once got bitten on the calf by a yorkshire terrier and then tripped over it and landed on top of it lol. didnt hurt me but the dog couldnt move so i left it for the owner to find. If the owner had been responsible enough he/she would have seen this happen and then not be wondering why they had a paralysed rodent.

wish it hadnt happened but it did and i was busy so couldnt look for the owner. what a shame.

oh and by the way that dog on the first page is a blue pitbull.

lol an other story of a dog attack was when my m8,s next door neighbours pitbull savaged a ****** up bloke in the street and the local hardman smacked it 8 times on the head with a shovel and it was still goin so they ran off into his house lol funny stuff to watch. That dog should have been put down in all honesty .
cos it was SAVAGE
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ah and a quick tip in the very worst case scenario if a dog is definately gonna tear u up do not try and kick it. go low try to grab its two front legs as it jumps and pull them apart as sharply as you can this will cause the dogs shoulder blade to penetrate its heart.

But please this is a VERY LAST OPTION.

and who knows might save some1 a little plastic surgery or even their life . So dont complain
Nice big scar on my arm thanks to some irresponsible so and so. Dog in question got kicked in the head repeatedly.

You don't hang about when there's **** knows how much great dane hanging off your arm I tell you. Never did see that dog again...
At the end of the day, I guess all of us that don't like or own dogs are asking is that owners exercise full control of their pet. We have as much right to walk or cycle unmolested in public as you do to walk your dog. The difference is that dog owners are bringing a potentially hostile animal into a public place.

Don't give me all that 'Oh, my <dog's name> wouldn't hurt a fly'. Just because he hasn't yet doesn't mean he won't. There have been enough cases over the years of seemingly docile, placid dogs who, for whatever reason, have turned on a member of their owner's family. My point is that dogs do not think like human beings, an apparently innocent movement or gesture by one of us can be seen as an act of provocation to a dog. Therefore, dog owners have a responsibility to ensure that their animal is under full control when in public, preferably on a lead, at the very least sufficiently well voice-trained that it will do as it's told.

To those who have said 'Touch my dog and I'll kick YOUR head in', I would say fair enough, as I do not condone the mistreatment of animals. When push comes to shove, who knows how any of us would react in that situation? Some of us would kick the dog out of self-preservation if nothing else. But if it happened to me, the owner can expect to be receiving a visit from the Police and local dog warden, along with a hefty claim for any personal injuries, whether inflicted by the dog or its owner.

This is not an anti-dog rant. I admit that I do have an irrational fear of dogs that I don't know the origin of, but I say again, I DO NOT CONDONE THE DELIBERATE MISTREATMENT OF ANIMALS. Like every other aspect of life, it's a case of 'live and let live'.

I am sure that the vast majority of those pro-dog in this thread are responsible for their animals, I guess my comments are really aimed at the shaven-headed, tattooed imbecile that thinks its hard to own a pit bull or such like.
Why do you people not just kick the bloody thing in the face as it charges up to you ?

If you are feeling threatened by a dog you are allowed to give it a boot ot make it go away.

My sister got bitten by a dog in a park about a year ago now, ripped stright through her trousers and only just missed her skin (see stupidly baggy jeans are good for something). It ran off to its owner who promptly had a go at my sister for provoking it, which you can aparently do by looking at it :rolleyes: i 'politely' informed the owner that if they didnt want it looked at for fear of it attacking someone they should lock it in their house. We wondered off without an apology (as seems the standard)

Not a minute had passed when i hear a barking noise behind me. Being an inquisitive fellow i looked round to see the same mut running at me. I promptly booted it directly in the face with my newly aquired steel toecap boots :D. It yelped and fell over (read traveled a good distance).

This time the owner thought this was just too rude, pushed me and pronounced he was goning to 'knock my pucking head off' which he then forgot to try, and instead anounced he was going home to call the police. Being a resourceful pair we offered the use of my sisters mobile phone for such a worthy cause as the police would certainly want to see sucha hanus crime scene unscathed.

To my utter astonishment the police attended the scene! I was hoping tyhey had rather more important criminals to catch but alas we were seen at the scene (in a rather impressive response time).

After the man ranting at the policeman and producing some amusing extras, i was asked my side of the story. I pointed out my sisters now ripped jeansand that i thought that this dog was a bit dangerous so i booted it.

After more ranting by the man, the police eventually told him to shut up, the dog was put down for being dangerous, my sister was told she could have a new pair of jeans and i was asked if i would like to press charges for the man pushing me. She declined, they were an old pair of jeans and she didnt really care that much about them so she said the loss of the mans dog was enough (rather gracious i thought after his actions). I also declined not really seeing any point, there was blame a claim and im not a muppet so got over it.

I was however told that even if the dog hadnt bitten my sisters trousers, i was still perfectly entitled to boot it if i thought it was gonna bite me.

I have since had 2 other fracars with dogs in parks, one time the owner was very apologetic and nice, i didnt mind, mainly because she had apologised and had lovely boobs. The second was another booting incident and again the owner wasnt too pleased, so he booted the dog aswell :D. Some owners are nice, some are not and some just have nice boobs :D

PS. I assume if uve had disk breaks fitted and wear lycra u use spd shoes or similar ..... ever been dog hopping, if they get infront of you jump em. Only ever managed it once but so long as you get your front wheel up well your home free :D
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Originally posted by kkelly
My dog is still the cutest posted;)


Kind of a wierd angle but its my Beagle :)
Originally posted by Rancidelephant
I have since had 2 other fracars with dogs in parks, one time the owner was very apologetic and nice, i didnt mind, mainly because she had apologised and had lovely boobs. The second was another booting incident and again the owner wasnt too pleased, so he booted the dog aswell :D. Some owners are nice, some are not and some just have nice boobs :D
You have a remarkably similar outlook to me. I was cut up the other day by some doddering old fool and he got a loud blast of airhorns, some gesticulation and a few choice words.
The utter BABE, however, who cut me up as I pulled into Halfords, got a cheeky smile and a "don't worry about it"

Us men are so shallow :D
I get chased all the time by dogs along the routes I cycle in the fields, half of them are private land and I have permission from the land owners where as no one is allowed to walk dogs on these fields.
No owner has ever said sorry for my bites, no owner has even attempted to call off a dog... if I was a heartless git I would have smacked the dog in the face with my foot... and I cant really pedal either just incase a dog gets a whack from the metal studded pedals.
Dogs are dangerous and stupid animals if they are bought up wrong, which shows that its more the owners fault and they should be destroyed.
About 2 years ago my Pursian was savaged in my garden by a lurcher, the people was walking in the street with dogs that were clearly trained to hunt rabbits (they were carrying guns) and they didnt have a lead on... all they could say "we will pay the vets bill"... and they didnt even care... £350 later, and a dead cat... they never paid, and they never appologied and they both keep dangerous dogs and various other unlicened animals. Rupert was the nicest cat ever :(

I still see the dog about every so often, and each time I just want to maime it good style
*******s :(

Originally posted by Seraphim
WARNING: This post may offend. To be rather blunt, I DON'T CARE. Live with it.

Picture the scene... It's a Saturday, and the sun is shining. Your beloved bull terrier/whippet/spaniel* is yapping around the sitting room floor, playfully holding it's lead in an effort to drag your grossly overweight, fat-laden frame away from the vital goal replay-replay of last week that's currently being vomited at you by your TV. Deciding that it's better to get this over and done with, you grab the canine by the neck and thrust him into the back seat of the car, where he can 'playfully' vomit all over the upholstery and bark randomly at pedestrians on the pavement. Soon enough, you reach your goal, the local parkland.

I imagine this is how life this Saturday morning passed for the owners of the two dogs who decided to try and eat me while I was riding my (lovely) bike just yesterday. Having decided to eschew the advantages of a lead for the sake of pure laziness, these fine up-standing folk thought that their beloved poo-factory of a dog would be absolutely fine without their lead. And, no doubt, they would have been completely fine, had the countryside been populated with nothing but trees and the occasional shrub. Unfortunately for me, I was to become a doggy-treat this day.

The first occasion was forgivable. I passed the dog with three feet to spare, and the dog tried to keep up with me, running alongside as I cycled up the muddy hill. How cute. Cute, that is, until the canine dope decided that my revolving feet would make a tasty snack, at which point he lunged, and dug his teeth into the left shoe. Luckily, the structure of the footwear held tight, resisting the undoubtedly vast pressure from the stupid dog's jaws. A minor irritation, which I can handle, albeit with a few choice swearwords as I cycle away...

Then, not more than 10 minutes later, the very same devil-dog appears again as I tentatively snake my way down a perilous decent. Having had new disc brakes fitted to my steed just one day previous, I was hesitant to go full-bore down the slope, should the brakes decide to display some previously-unknown manufacturing fault, and so I was merely trundling down the hill as the filthy animal tried 3 times to pierce the armour of my shoe. Luckily for me and my so-far tetanus-free bloodstream, my four-legged foe's teeth did not penetrate the soft, supple skin of my plates of meat. Disaster averted.

Let's wind on time for an hour or so. I've been in the saddle, blazing the trails for a time and am having a whale of a time. I become suddenly overconfident and attempt a river crossing. Despite smacking my genitals on the stem whilst attempting this (PAIN), I make it over the watery chasm and on to the other side. Buoyed by my victory, I continue towards the car park and my eventual exit from the parkland. But lo, as I cycle along the twisty, muddy path, a stupid dog-type creature bolts from across the waters, through the rapidly progressing river and over to where I was riding. This fella wasn't playing around, and as soon as he reached my side of the waterway, he attempted to take a sizeable chunk out of my right calf. Luckily for me, the last year's worth of cycling has enlarged my calf muscles, and so the pitiful mutt's jaws couldn't grasp onto my soft and juicy flesh - although I'm sure he did leave some kind of mark, as it felt funny for the rest of the ride.

And do you know what was the single most abhorrent, foul, and despicable event throughout this whole tale? Neither of the two dog owners said sorry. Not ONE could be BOTHERED to say a SIMPLE damn APOLOGY for their FILTHY, flea-infested CREATURE. So, from this point on, I will hate all dog-owners. Except people who own Basset Hounds or Labradors, both of which are too damn stupid to do anything besides lick their own genitals. So beware, dog owners. Next time your dog 'playfully' runs alongside a cyclist, don't be too surprised if they kick the stupid pet in it's stupid fat face...

Shortened version: I ride my bike, get bitten by dogs three times, owners don't say sorry, I get furious.

* Or whichever breed of dangerous canine you feel the need to adorn yourself with.
Originally posted by Slime101
I think your atitude towards dogs stinks - just cos of one or two bad owners doesnt mean they are all bad creatures.

We have a lane which is a footpath - made for walking and is used by all the local dog owners - we have problems with irresponsible cyclists hurtling down it narrowly missing us and our pets - its only a matter of time until they hit one or other (one of my dogs, recently died - before that she was almost blind and pretty deaf...but very mobile, she had no idea about bikes but loved to run about) :mad:

You dont like being attacked by dogs - fair enough, it shouldnt happen. But if you were to cycle into my dog, or kick it or anything else by god i'd beat you into a pulp.

totally agree
I don't think someone would kick a dog for no reason, if someone kicked your dog because it attacked them... what would you do?

now labradors are clever and i love em to bits so i wont stand 4 that comment but despite being a dog owner / lover ;) i understand what ur saying, and if a dog attacks its the owners responsability, u should have given the owner a severe shouting at and, i think if a dog is tearing at ur ankle and the owner does nothing u should feel very welcome to fend the attacker off, just as u would if it was sum ***** from outside spar, kick at their stupid dog and chase it away, then, maybe the owner will take note that someone is trying to hurt precious poopy kins and attempt to intervene
i say this as a dog lover but the owner is the one at fault and if sum slight harm comes to their animal, whether it be a kick they might think twice about letting their animal do as it pleases in public, of course u run the risk of being attacked by the owner but, if im not mistaken, ur bike is faster than they can run :D
now im not saying if someone kicked my dog i wouldnt be angry but if my dog attacked them any they used force to fight it off, as long as it was within reason id accept what they done and apologise and if they were hurt id invite em round 4 a cup of tea, etc etc
Originally posted by BENJAMIN HERBLE
if you have a problem with a dog sort it out with the owner...

my dad asked the lad if he could get his dog on a lead (ours were already) and he laughed, and his "thing" (pitbull/staffy bull cross or something) attacked one of my alsatians, which he thought was funny. until i kicked it full pelt in the face.
Originally posted by Jimmyboy
now labradors are clever and i love em to bits so i wont stand 4 that comment but despite being a dog owner / lover ;) i understand what ur saying, and if a dog attacks its the owners responsability, u should have given the owner a severe shouting at and, i think if a dog is tearing at ur ankle and the owner does nothing u should feel very welcome to fend the attacker off, just as u would if it was sum ***** from outside spar, kick at their stupid dog and chase it away, then, maybe the owner will take note that someone is trying to hurt precious poopy kins and attempt to intervene
i say this as a dog lover but the owner is the one at fault and if sum slight harm comes to their animal, whether it be a kick they might think twice about letting their animal do as it pleases in public, of course u run the risk of being attacked by the owner but, if im not mistaken, ur bike is faster than they can run :D
now im not saying if someone kicked my dog i wouldnt be angry but if my dog attacked them any they used force to fight it off, as long as it was within reason id accept what they done and apologise and if they were hurt id invite em round 4 a cup of tea, etc etc

When im cycling, and I come across a dog/people, I always slow down, and when a dog starts at your feet, its really really hard to start pedaling to get away. I was once cycling up some roads with my mate, and this dog started barking in the house besides me... I thought nothing of it... then I heard this scream... I turned around, this massive dog was chasing my mate and he was pedaling at full speed shouting like hell... it was well funny... though we were going fast the dog did keep up. :/
Originally posted by bouncin
That beagle bears a stunning resemblance to gollum.

:mad: Lilly is > Gollum

BTW all these people telling us about how they kicking dogs when they are out on walks...your all really hard, respect! :)

/sarcasm off
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