Dog Owners: Please Read

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i have two alsatians..and they are kept under control. they don't bother with cyclists or footballs or anything and my dad doesn't let them crap everywhere because they won't until theyre told to.

i was out with my older dog (jade) and this pitbull cross type thing attacked her, and the lad was a typical piece of scum, baseball cap at a 45 degree angle, shell suit. he was laughing. until i booted it in the face and it started squealing.

hope that dog learned a lesson. don't attack other dogs for no reason.
Originally posted by George

Another thing about dogs is that they crap everywhere, I'm sure every single one of you has stud in it many times...

Humans aren't allowed to crap on the streets and nor should dogs, something should be done about it.


EDIT: Lmao, Seraphim, you should write to the BBC or something to be a comedian... you have a talent sir. :D

Yes, we could make them all wear pants and go to the toilets stupid does that actually sound to you?
If you knew anything at all about dogs they are actually quite fussy I find about where they crap, mine for instance likes to do it in one place where its then bagged and binned...crap everywhere annoys me too, especially when I am out walking my dog and have to tiptoe round it to get to the special bins to put the crap in. Despite what you seen on Bruce Almighty dogs unfortunately cant be trained that easily to hold there own members and aim it in the loo (its the lack of opposable thumbs you see :) ) Nor can they ride bikes...
I fail to see how my post upset you
as at no point did you mention where you where riding your bike, given that the old lady would have been scooting down the pavement I assumed (wrongly it appears) that you too would be in the vicinity of her dog which would have been attached to her by a lead of about 3 - 4 foot? So I wasnt been stupid really was it?????
If there were more Korean and Chinese immigrants, there would be less dogs around to annoy us :D

Open the flood gates :D


(I completely share your view of dogs, I had something similar happen to me, imagine a huge bull terrier standing on my 5 yr old body, ready to eat my face :eek: )
I have this problem with one dog consistantly and have come to the conclusion that the owner just has no comprehension of the damage that her dog could to to itself and to me if i was to get knocked off.

Maybe when someone is in hospital with a broken leg she will realise.

My solution was to leave for work 5 minuites earlier.

I ahve no particular qualm with dogs, it just that some dog owners really should try cats instead (Seriously) - especially if they can't be bothered to pick turds up off the pavement.
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Being a fello cyclist I total agree I hate dogs.

ok there is no such thing as a bad dog just bad owners but still dogs crap everywhere and they stink.

but lucky for me my m8 is a better **** magnet than me, if there's poo to be found he'll find it.


I never cycle on roads - x-country 4terwin
I'm not much of a dog fan either, but thankfully most of them where I ride seem reasonable enough.

Never had one attempt to bite me, but the occasional one goes for the tyres. The thing that bothers me most about dogs is that I feel the need to slow down when they are around so I don't up injuring them if they go for the front.
It's not just cyclists that have problems with dogs. I took up running over the summer. There are plenty of country lanes around where I live which are great for running since you are well out of the way of traffic.

You would not believe the amount of dogs that tried to take a chunk out of me because either their owner had let them off of their lead or had just let their dog run loose in their driveway without shutting the gate.

I had to change my route quite a few times as I got to know the trouble-spots.
How ignorant some of you are. How can you say that you hate all dogs? I mean come on, just because a few dont have their **** picked up by their owners doesn't make said dog a bad one. As many of you have said it is hard to find a bad dog, just careless owners. Unforunately there are many careless owners in this country and indeed the world but please don't say all dogs are bad, they arent, honest!

OMG either you guys live in areas massed with killer dogs or your taking the dogs too seriously :/

I work with dogs every weekend and have owned a few myself. I've looked after a pair of dobermans for awhile. I noticed as soon as people saw these pair of dobermans they immediatly started to feel warey - talk about prejudice! These dogs were so gentle but if they suddenly ran over to someone the persons **** themselves and used to give me lip about keeping my savage dogs under control. WTF the dogs were coming over to say hi....Do they really think I'd let my dogs off the lead if they were dangerous?

I got a Beagle atm. People love her to bits cause shes small, got big ears and a pink nose :) If she comes up to them they fall to peices stroking her and asking me what type of dog it is. Fact is she is probably worse than the dobermans. If I run around with her she will go for my ankles to bring me down and then play fight me when I'm on the ground. It is play though! She growls and nips me but does not go full out to the point where she will hurt me. Its all play....

What I'm trying to say is are you sure these dogs were attacking you? There is a big difference between a dog trying to attack you and playing around....(But this can be hard to spot)

P.S I do know there are some bad dogs out there but they are usualy young (They don't offend twice :( ) or kept on a lead...

Some I likes, some I don't.

If one ever tried to attack me though, you can be assured that I would have it put down - right there and then - using my foot against it's skull repeatedley.

Tis the best option for all concerned tbh.
Originally posted by BENJAMIN HERBLE
trust me when i say this but anyone brave enough to kick or try to injure my dog would be wearing their pushiron as teeth braces...

if you have a problem with a dog sort it out with the owner...


It's not always that easy. If theres a Doberman chewing on your ankle are you suggesting that you should calmly search for the owner and ask for the mutt to be removed? I certainly wouldn't do this, I'd kill the dog if I had to.
When I was 4, I was attacked by my aunts pet Doberman. The thing was jealous of me because my aunt was paying more attention to me at the time. It pinned me to the ground and shook me. My dad had to beat the thing with a long tail shovel to get it off me. The dog was dazed at the time but after it went for me again my dad promptly killed it by beating it round the head repeatedly with the shovel.

Are you suggesting that my dad should have let the thing get on with it while he waited for my aunt to get the thing off me? I think not good sir.
we are talking about a dog in a park not a deranged doberman that should never of been put in the company of a child...

dogs are only as good as there owners have trained them...

the odd exception is bad breading.

as soon as a dog shows that it cannot be trained or wants to attack people it should be put down humainly..

Originally posted by BENJAMIN HERBLE
we are talking about a dog in a park not a deranged doberman that should never of been put in the company of a child...

dogs are only as good as there owners have trained them...

the odd exception is bad breading.

as soon as a dog shows that it cannot be trained or wants to attack people it should be put down humainly..


I'll have to agree with you there. The majority of the time it can be put down to a bad owner but there are dogs out there that are trained perfectly well and have great owners, yet end up involved in freak attacks. Certain breeds of dog should be muzzled in public in my opinion. A Bichon Frise isn't going to do much harm if it attacks you but a Rottweiler can do a considerable amount of damage if it wants to. 99% of them are probably no threat at all but you just can't predict what they will do.
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