Domino's Delivery

Normally if i order from Domino's I've ordered using the app and paid with my card, i never have cash or any change around for a tip
Just ordered dominos.. I always tell them to keep the change... it's usually £3 so not much but a nice gesture
I order via the app but still think the driver should get a tip. It's probably one of those rare occasions where you know the tip will go to the person you give it to.

Just wondering if £2 is a bit stingy. :D
Normally I'd use the app and not tip, however if I pay cash I'll just let them keep the change, be that 50p or up to a fiver.

I guess it depends how quick it came too.
As someone who spent two years as a pizza delivery boy (in Holland) I always tip. I used to live for tips back then, we made five euros an hour and the rest was tips. On a good winter's night (I'm talking -14 in the snow here) we'd often cash up with 100 euros per night. I loved that job as a kid.
I tip for good service. Unfortunately handing over a box doesn't give much room for such an impression; so no tip from me!
I did when I first used them but not any more. The food is ridiculously expensive for what you get so the drivers should be paid more from the cost of the pizzas!
They earn at least minimum wage, why should I subsidise extra? Not like it's back breaking work.

Because it's crap work. Riding a bike which is maintained to the lowest possible cost, often with broken bits, through rain, snow, hail, negative temperatures and under immense pressure. Take it from someone who's done it, it's a crap job ;)
^^ They all drive cars near me. I don’t tip. It’s slightly embarrassing as I usually order a couple per month and it’s usually one of two blokes who delivers.

Coming home from work on Friday there was a little hottie in Dominos uniform coming the other way. Why do I never get her? She’d get the tip.
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