Dom's Training Log

I look forward to this.

I'm guessing Olympic stuff is going by the way-side?

Probably for now. My Saturday sessions are at the moment whatever I feel like doing but I have things that are higher on the list right now, that doesn't mean that they won't be done but probably just very rarely :).

195kg deads for 5 reps?

Bro, I shall finally concede that you're more handsome :(



Good god the DOMS! This was a very unpleasant session, everything was so sore!

Paused Squat

- So painful. Ended up going a little soft on myself for these but it's only the first week so it isn't the end of the world

Paused Bench

- Neck/pec thing was giving me a little gripe so I kept the volume low

Deadlift + Chains

- Chains add roughly 55kg at the top. :eek: I had ~245kg in my hands :eek: Pretty chuffed with that :D


NG Machine Row

Damn that was tiring. Very pleased with the deads, more to come me thinks.

Yes, yes it is :cool:. It is just a product of me lifting some heavy ass weight rather than the feeble ones I have been moving up 'till now. Time to make all kinds of gains :p.

Regular deads for 3 today and I am feeling sexy, still got DOMS of course :D

I am hoping to change things round a little bit next week. I need to lose some weight now, I am still carrying a lot of Italian weight but I am not concerned about loosing it at all. It will get there, and it will also help me get back into shape in to short term.
I think I am too lazy to CBL properly. I have tried doing it pretty strictly and have lost some weight on it but I don't feel like it was enough for me to get excited over. I'll just do more training :)
I don't really smash carbs that much. My off days have a normal dinner because I still live at home and it would be and inconvenience to do it another way. I'll still cook low carb food for lunch and other meals but it's the juggling around all the food that in theory spike your insulin that irritates me. Like eggs, wtf is that about?

I want to train more as it is so I'll see how it goes doing it that way :)
training more, so jealous :(

looking strong though mate!! 245kg's on the top end of your chain DL's is pretty damn tasty!

Is the next time your maxing going to be nationals or do you have any mock meets planned in the next 8-9 weeks?
Mock meets planned for w/c 19/08 and 16/09.

I do aim to please :p.

I don't quite have anything planned for the extra training but I want to be doing something everyday really.
Strong session!

Going to toss a tyre around tomorrow again and go for a jog with the farmers handles :p Probably not conducive to your training!
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