Donald Trump

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Abuse of power is not even a recognised crime

Doesn't need to be, it's still an impeachable offence. Lying about a blowjob isn't a recognised crime either, but Clinton was still impeached for it.

but they couldn't find any evidence of a quid pro quo

They found a ton of it, and even more has come out in the last few days.

Joe Biden however......... not president, and did not request a quid pro quo.

Impeaching Trump for "abuse of power" would be like the police charging people for "non crime hate incidents" that are not even recognised in law, if anyone is abusing power it's leftists making **** up and acting outside of the law. They pervert everything they touch.

Hilarious nonsense.
Then why do you act like it? Just look at you joke post above about Joe Biden. We see you as the resident TDS Trump monkey.

You choose to ignore the evidence of Biden's actual quit pro qou (see the videos) where none exists with Trump (see the transcript evidence).

The President has the constitutional responsibility to ensure taxpayers money is spent properly and not sent to a corrupt country, that's all he did.

He asked them to look into corruption and the 2016 election interference, that's all he did.

Based on that, there is a high Chance of acquittal by the senate as not high crimes or misdemeanours occurred.

Many Dems from the point of Trumps election, have clearly stated they want to impeach as they know they cannot beat him in a democratic election, it's that simple.
Then why do you act like it? Just look at you joke post above about Joe Biden. We see you as the resident TDS Trump monkey.

It's clear proof of Biden's corruption which also filters down his family, open your eyes.

We all know and it's universally known that TDS is purely what deranged Trump haters like yourself suffer from. Pathetic attempt at deflection.
Wasting my life.

congratulations, you realised this at last, get a hobby ( a creative one like mine). It's better for your mental health.

Here's one of my creations from a couple of years ago.

You either hate corruption, racism, bigotry and lies.....or you dont. Its all about morals.

I don't disagree with that, but this applies to all politicians, especially as in the 'Swamp' as it's described.

What you do is decide is that some politicians that are corrupt, racist etc are better than others. e.g. Biden vs Trump.

For you it's not about morals (otherwise you should be applying that standard equally). it's about who you hate the most and how the MSM that has twisted your viewpoints.
I think i'm just going to stop talking to these people. They literally ignore the posts that debunk their nonsense and then re-post everything that's been debunked.

Wasting my life.
congratulations on getting there. there's no saving them. have no fear. we're 11 months from a very good potential removal of trump and all that comes with it.

in many ways you're one of the worst trump fans i've ever seen, however i have to say that's really impressive. looks great and something you should be proud of. any others you've done?
I don't disagree with that, but this applies to all politicians, especially as in the 'Swamp' as it's described.

What you do is decide is that some politicians that are corrupt, racist etc are better than others. e.g. Biden vs Trump.

For you it's not about morals (otherwise you should be applying that standard equally). it's about who you hate the most and how the MSM that has twisted your viewpoints.
Send all the ******* to jail. Screw the lot of them. But let's not excuse the most powerful person on the planet for engaging in proven corrupt behaviour just because we strongly suspect other politicians might also be less than straight up.
[QUOTE="in many ways you're one of the worst trump fans i've ever seen[/QUOTE]

That's probably because I have never claimed to be a Trump fan but rather point out the hypocrisy and derangement of the left, which certain ppl of the forums hate. I have clearly stated many times in threads that i beleive that Trump is just as corrupt as the other politicians in DC.

As for the models:






You choose to ignore the evidence of Biden's actual quit pro qou (see the videos) where none exists with Trump (see the transcript evidence).

The President has the constitutional responsibility to ensure taxpayers money is spent properly and not sent to a corrupt country, that's all he did.

He asked them to look into corruption and the 2016 election interference, that's all he did.

Based on that, there is a high Chance of acquittal by the senate as not high crimes or misdemeanours occurred.

Many Dems from the point of Trumps election, have clearly stated they want to impeach as they know they cannot beat him in a democratic election, it's that simple.

More evidence is coming to light on a daily basis that impeachment is fully deserved. His high chance of acquittal has absolutely nothing to do with the evidence and you know it.
You choose to ignore the evidence of Biden's actual quit pro qou (see the videos) where none exists with Trump (see the transcript evidence).

The President has the constitutional responsibility to ensure taxpayers money is spent properly and not sent to a corrupt country, that's all he did.

He asked them to look into corruption and the 2016 election interference, that's all he did.

Based on that, there is a high Chance of acquittal by the senate as not high crimes or misdemeanours occurred.

Many Dems from the point of Trumps election, have clearly stated they want to impeach as they know they cannot beat him in a democratic election, it's that simple.

None of this is true.

New question - do you believe that Trump does not know Lev Parnas?
I don't disagree with that, but this applies to all politicians, especially as in the 'Swamp' as it's described.

What you do is decide is that some politicians that are corrupt, racist etc are better than others. e.g. Biden vs Trump.

For you it's not about morals (otherwise you should be applying that standard equally). it's about who you hate the most and how the MSM that has twisted your viewpoints.

Why are so many of Trump's associates and campaign staff in jail or indicted? Why do you support a man who has seemingly spent his whole life surrounding himself with, and employing criminals?
I don't disagree with that, but this applies to all politicians, especially as in the 'Swamp' as it's described.

What you do is decide is that some politicians that are corrupt, racist etc are better than others. e.g. Biden vs Trump.

For you it's not about morals (otherwise you should be applying that standard equally). it's about who you hate the most and how the MSM that has twisted your viewpoints.

Except this is a Trump thread and you are just using Biden(previously Hilary) to deflect, throw in a fake news jibe just to add to the Trump excuse Bingo.
“You choose to ignore the evidence of Biden's actual quit pro qou (see the videos) where none exists with Trump (see the transcript evidence).”
Your lying again both in saying I ignored evidence on Biden and in saying that none exists with Trump. What transcript evidence? Every time I ask for the full transcript evidence that apparently clears Trump you fail to provide it. Pointing to a heavy edited transcript with approx. 2/3 of the text removed does not clear Trump. If Biden provided a heavily edited transcript with half the text missing to clear his name, how would you act? Would you accept it as evidence to clear his name?

This week a first-hand witnesss like Lev Parnas deeply involved in Trumps illegal scheme and illegal quid pro quo said it all happened and provided all the notes, emails, chats in the past few days. How can you lie and say there is no evidence? What about everything that came out this week? How is that not evidence?

“The President has the constitutional responsibility to ensure taxpayers money is spent properly and not sent to a corrupt country, that's all he did.”
Which Trump clearly doesn’t care about. Trump stole vast sums of taxpayer’s money when he stole that charity money in an extreme case of corruption. Now this week it looks like Trump has been dealing it vast sums of illegal foreign money. Taking that illegal foreign money for himself.

“He asked them to look into corruption and the 2016 election interference, that's all he did.”
Another lie that is not all. If that was all why have Ukraine opened up an investigation based on the evidence that came out this week on Trumps illegal activity which has nothing do with the left or Democrats? What about Lev Parnas evidence?

“That's probably because I have never claimed to be a Trump fan but rather point out the hypocrisy and derangement of the left, which certain ppl of the forums hate. I have clearly stated many times in threads that i beleive that Trump is just as corrupt as the other politicians in DC.”
Accept for you attack people who are not left like myself for disliking Trump even if they back up what they say with evidence. Trump isn’t just as corrupt as the other politicians. Trump is massively more corrupt over the other politicians as the evidence shows. Hypocrisy and derangement of the left doesn't cover people like me.

I proved to you multiple times many acts Trump did that are massively more corrupt then other typical politicians. Each time no matter how much evidence was shown you refused to acknowledge any of it. You’re the one that keeps defending corruption and criminal activity.

“We all know and it's universally known that TDS is purely what deranged Trump haters like yourself suffer from. Pathetic attempt at deflection.”
Accept for its proven I am not a TDS member as I backed up my statements with evidence and facts something people like you suffering from TDS don't do. You on the other hand just use pathetic attempt at deflection and ignored evidence, ignore facts and you lie time and time again. Which is why you are the one that is suffering from hard core TDS. Its almost like you cannot admit to being wrong so you have to create bigger and bigger delusions instead of looking at the Truth.

The fact you still go on about a transcript that clears Trumps despite there being no full transcript released that clears Trump, shows what I am saying is true. I only assume you lie so often as you don't want to admit the Truth and so keep digging a bigger hole.
More evidence is coming to light on a daily basis that impeachment is fully deserved. His high chance of acquittal has absolutely nothing to do with the evidence and you know it.

Does not seem to be real evidence, mostly opinion and hearsay. Any new evidence is a bit late as the impeachment enquiry is done and the dems had the opportunity to subpoena the likes of john Bolton but did not bother to do so.

You also know very well that this impeachment is totally partisan on the Dems side and is solely to defeat Trump as they cannot beat him in the democratic voting process.

The corruption they are seeking through this impeachment process only serves to highlight corruption within DC both current ans past.
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