Donald Trump

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Does not seem to be real evidence, mostly opinion and hearsay. Any new evidence is a bit late as the impeachment enquiry is done and the dems had the opportunity to subpoena the likes of john Bolton but did not bother to do so.

You also know very well that this impeachment is totally partisan on the Dems side and is solely to defeat Trump as they cannot beat him in the democratic voting process.

The corruption they are seeking through this impeachment process only serves to highlight corruption within DC both current ans past.

Here you go.
Does not seem to be real evidence, mostly opinion and hearsay.

Hilarious nonsense.

Any new evidence is a bit late as the impeachment enquiry is done

Wrong, Democrat impeachment manager will be presenting the case in the Senate, and they are free to introduce any new evidence that has since come to light.
Except this is a Trump thread and you are just using Biden(previously Hilary) to deflect, throw in a fake news jibe just to add to the Trump excuse Bingo.

This is an impeachment thread and not you echo chamber SC Trump thread.

It's relevant for corruption which many people in DC are involved in.

The 2016 election is relevant as that what was being asked to be investigated (not Hilary, why mention her, I didn't mention her, more derangement on your part it seems).
Your lying again both in saying I ignored evidence on Biden and in saying that none exists with Trump.

While not directed only at you, the transcript does not prove a quid pro qou in relation to the withholding of military aid as the Ukraine stated already that they did not know the aid was on hold and Trump did say they if you don't do XXX, then you don't get the military aid. Biden did that and bragged about it.

This week a first-hand witnesss like Lev Parnas deeply involved in Trumps illegal scheme and illegal quid pro quo said it all happened and provided all the notes, emails, chats in the past few days. How can you lie and say there is no evidence? What about everything that came out this week? How is that not evidence?

Not seen it so cannot comment. Where is his testimony from the impeachment hearings? Let the dems submit it as evidence and the senate decide.

Trump stole vast sums of taxpayer’s money when he stole that charity money in an extreme case of corruption.

I'm aware of this case, but he was not President when it happened I believe. does not excuse it but you are using this as a deflection tool.

Accept for you attack people who are not left like myself for disliking Trump

Please provide evidence where i have attacked you?

Trump isn’t just as corrupt as the other politicians.

Does that make the other corrupt politicians OK or better in your view?

Is someone doing 130 mph on the road much worse that someone doing 125 mph even though they broke the same law?

To me they are just as bad. I guess to you if the person doing 130 mph has a criminal history and the other does not, you have to hate the criminal more...

Accept for its proven I am not a TDS member

you are slowly getting there, step away from the Trump stuff for a bit and get some fresh air.
“While not directed only at you, the transcript does not prove a quid pro qou in relation to the withholding of military aid as the Ukraine stated already that they did not know the aid was on hold and Trump did say they if you don't do XXX, then you don't get the military aid. Biden did that and bragged about it.”
How do you know the transcript does not prove quid pro qou when Trump is hiding it and refusing to let us see an unedited full transcript? Like I asked you before many times and you always skip over the question. If Biden provided a heavily edited transcript with at least half the text missing to clear his name, how would you act? Would you accept it as evidence to clear his name?

As you said yourself this is a Trump thread, this is about Trumps criminal behaviour not Biden. Any criminal behaviour by Biden does not justify Trumps criminal behaviour. Also this weeks evidence there is far more to this then quid pro qou. There are all the others bits like the illegal stalking Trump had done in relation to Ukraine. There is also the case of the illegal Trump foreign money aid which is worse corruption then Biden.

Are you going to answer my question or are they too hard for you?

“I'm aware of this case, but he was not President when it happened I believe. does not excuse it but you are using this as a deflection tool.”
It not deflecting it proves that Trumps has done despicable acts that are far worse then typical politicians and far worse then Biden. It not only justifies my dislike of Trump but it shows Trump has a history of high levels of corruption and anyone who has a history of high levels of corruption should be watched closely. But you come across as thinking its ok for someone to have high level of corruption and then be left along to cause more corruption. Trump isn’t being investigated just because of the political race. He is being investigated due to his history of illegal behaviour and corruption and what looks like on going corruption and illegal behaviour still today.

You say its only because of the left and dems but if that was true then why are the FBI and separately the Ukraine investigating Trump for illegal behaviour and corruption? Both of those have nothing to do with the left or dems. We have first hand people directly involved in this saying its real, we have Ukraine investigating because it looks real yet you refuse to even think about the possibility it might be real? What if it is real and what if it is worse then Biden? Don't you think that needs investigating?

“Does that make the other corrupt politicians OK or better in your view?
Is someone doing 130 mph on the road much worse that someone doing 125 mph even though they broke the same law?
To me they are just as bad. I guess to you if the person doing 130 mph has a criminal history and the other does not, you have to hate the criminal more...”
Of course the person with a history is worse. The first time can be a one-off mistake and are less likely to do it again. Someone who is a repeat offender is massively more likely to offend again.

You already know the answer to that anyway and its more like the other politicians are doing 5mph over the speed limit on a motorway which is a minor offence in comparison. While Trump is doing 130mph in a 20mph zone next to a school. Which is much worse by Trump then what the other politicians are doing.

“you are slowly getting there, step away from the Trump stuff for a bit and get some fresh air.”
Take a look in the mirror.

“Please provide evidence where i have attacked you?”
You have often lied and made false statement and didn’t you in the other thread made false statements about me calling me left and supporting the dems. You also called me deranged just because you didn’t want to accept evidence and facts. Just today you lied and said I ignore the evidence of Biden's .
Abuse of power is not even a recognised crime but they couldn't find any evidence of a quid pro quo, Joe Biden however.........

Impeaching Trump for "abuse of power" would be like the police charging people for "non crime hate incidents" that are not even recognised in law, if anyone is abusing power it's leftists making **** up and acting outside of the law. They pervert everything they touch.

What are you on about? what has that to do with impeachment?

The Constitution provides, in express terms, that the President, as well as the Vice-President and all civil officers, may be impeached for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”

The term “misdemeanor” was likewise used to designate all legal offences lower than felonies, — all the minor transgressions, all public wrongs, not felonious in character. The common law punished whatever acts were productive of disturbance to the public peace, or tended to incite to the commission of crime, or to injure the health or morals of the people, — such as profanity, drunkenness, challenging to fight, soliciting to the commission of crime, carrying infection through the streets, — an endless variety of offences.

These terms, when used to describe political offences, have a signification coextensive with, or rather analogous to, but yet more extensive than their legal acceptation; for, as John Quincy Adams said, “the Legislature was vested with power of impeaching and removing for trivial transgressions beneath the cognizance of the law.” The sense in which they are used in the Constitution is rendered clearer and more precise by the long line of precedents of decided cases to be found in the State Trials and historical collections. Selden, in his “Judicature of Parliament,” and Coke, in his “Institutes,” refer to many of these, and Comyns names more than fifty impeachable offences. Amongst these are, subverting the fundamental laws and introducing arbitrary power; for an ambassador to give false information to the king; to make a treaty between two foreign powers without the knowledge of the king; to deliver up towns without consent of his colleagues; to incite the king to act against the advice of Parliament; to give the king evil counsel; for the Speaker of the House of Commons to refuse to proceed; for the Lord Chancellor to threaten the other judges to make them subscribe to his opinions.

So its a pretty long list of "crimes" than a POTUS can and should be impeached for.
Does not seem to be real evidence, mostly opinion and hearsay. Any new evidence is a bit late as the impeachment enquiry is done and the dems had the opportunity to subpoena the likes of john Bolton but did not bother to do so.

You also know very well that this impeachment is totally partisan on the Dems side and is solely to defeat Trump as they cannot beat him in the democratic voting process.

The corruption they are seeking through this impeachment process only serves to highlight corruption within DC both current ans past.

What you are expecting is to believe is that all those who gave evidence under oath, including career diplomats, are lying and all those that Trump blocked from giving evidence are telling the truth. That's quite a stretch for anyone to believe, even someone like yourself. The fact is you don't actually care if he's guilty, for what reason I'm not quite sure.
How do you know the transcript does not prove quid pro qou when Trump is hiding it and refusing to let us see an unedited full transcript?

How do you know it does? The impeachment process did not call/subpoena the transcript as it had already been released. You are just buying into the MSM's lies that it does exist. However, Biden has his quid pro quo on video, how can you deny that?

If you really believe there is a different transcript, why has the house of Dems not taken the procedural steps to get it?

It not deflecting it proves that Trumps has done despicable acts that are far worse then typical politicians and far worse then Biden.

In your opinion they are more despicable. I say they are all equally corrupt, so call them all out rather than just the one focused by the deranged left.

You still seem to think that when 2 ppl commit the same crime, they are not equal... This is at the root of the left's hypocrisy. If the guy on the left commits the crime, turn a blind eye, if the guy on the guy on the right commits the crime, crucify him. I'm saying do the same for both, either turn a blind eye to both (don't support that) or crucify them both (preferred option). There fore you are taking the lefts position here 'but. But he's worse!!!!!'. :rolleyes:
What you are expecting is to believe is that all those who gave evidence under oath, including career diplomats, are lying and all those that Trump blocked from giving evidence are telling the truth. That's quite a stretch for anyone to believe, even someone like yourself. The fact is you don't actually care if he's guilty, for what reason I'm not quite sure.

Apart from Sonland, none of them provided evidence, only their opinion and second/third hand was aired in a totally partisan process.

If the Dems were genuine, they would have subpoena'd those in the meeting and followed that process through. They chose not to call the witnesses who were actually there.
They haven't as they know the correct process will take too long, probably not give them what they wanted.

This is why the impeachment will fail.
The whitehouse refused the subpeona for transcripts and audio recordings. That what the Obstruction of Congress impeachment is.
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