Donald Trump

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Have you even looked into the allegations against Trump? They happened all over from meeting rooms, public places, Rally’s, girls dressing rooms.

Yes allegations against a billionaire running for President must be true, it's not like there would be any sort of incentive for these women to be told to come forward and say things, such as the other candidate winning and the women getting lots of money. Where were these women before he ran for President?
Yes allegations against a billionaire running for President must be true, it's not like there would be any sort of incentive for these women to be told to come forward and say things, such as the other candidate winning and the women getting lots of money. Where were these women before he ran for President?
Why do you hold women in such low regard? Your posts stink of it.
I think it was more of a suggestion based on his opinion. On the other hand, ultracrepidarianism is the mass everyday practice on social media worldwide practiced by near all and sundry. We just don't see it often on tv.
When you're holding a press briefing to update the public on your response to something like Coronavirus the public don't want, or need, suggestions they need information and facts.

I know it's easy to get lost in the fact that they're meant to keep the public informed what with them becoming little more than campaign rallies and praise of Trump but they're meant to be used to brief the public on what action you're taking and what actions you need them to take in order to save lives.
When you're holding a press briefing to update the public on your response to something like Coronavirus the public don't want, or need, suggestions they need information and facts.

You are quite right.

Edit. Personally I think the task should be delegated a bit more, briefer, and a bit less frequently done by the top chap. A bit like we do (have done) in Australia.

It became trivially boring to listen to pretty much the same level of small difference in information given / available here in Australia by the PM after it was done for many consecutive days.
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Yes allegations against a billionaire running for President must be true, it's not like there would be any sort of incentive for these women to be told to come forward and say things, such as the other candidate winning and the women getting lots of money. Where were these women before he ran for President?
One was his ex-wife who divorced him saying at the divorce hearing that he raped her. This was before he ran for president.

The Teenager dressing room incidents over multiple years was proven to have happened. Trump even admitted it. None of those underage girls planned to hang around Trump, it was Trump that forced his way into there rooms in an area men are not allowed.

The audio recording was 2005 so again pre President neither of which involved getting money off Trump.

So you are perfectly ok with Trump letting him self into Teenager dressing rooms while they are naked in an area men are now allowed? and the youngest girl was 15. You are also ok with Trump talking about dating his own daughter and hanging out at a parties where the owner sex traffics underage girls? Many of those girls had no choice and didn't want to be there.

How can you not find any of that creepy and then call Biden Creepy for touching someone's arm? As bad as Biden is he looks like a saint standing next to creepy Trump.
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I like to think RxR is just Cantona-ing during his "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it is because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea" phase. There are at least three things going on at all times and we get to see one of them.

They should have sent a poet :love:
Edit. Personally I think the task should be delegated a bit more, briefer, and a bit less frequently done by the top chap. A bit like we do (have done) in Australia.

It became trivially boring to listen to pretty much the same level of small difference in information given / available here in Australia by the PM after it was done for many consecutive days.
True, in the UK it's done by a variety of ministers (probably largely down to the PM being sick), i think they're chosen on what talking point the want to address (health, financial, business, etc), and they're flanked by a couple of experts not involved in the political side of things (chief medical officer, army logistics, etc), and it normally lasts 15min or so, the rest of the time is taken up by press Q&A.
I''ll just leave this here:

"US President Donald Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment – a highly dangerous idea that has sparked outcry from medics"

"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

Later in the briefing "I'm not a Doctor", no **** Sherlock, really?

He really is a class A plonker, how long until the first Trump supporter dies?

I'm waiting for the TDF to come in and say "oh yeah but this", and "oh yeah and that", but "The Democrats", "Pelosi" ... blah blah blah!!
Personally I don't think he's quite as much his own good self at the moment, and I'd bet on the causes. My limited concern is for the performance of the decision maker, the man. Not his office or politics. These last two are indivisible, obviously as they come as a bundle.

However, if he was my next door neighbor, I'd have him decidedly his own good fighting fit within 2-3 days.
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