Donald Trump

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It's fine - commendable even - for POTUS to think outside the box but not on a nationally televised briefing which is designed to update, reassure, and steer the public through a pandemic. Do it behind closed doors, you great orange buffoon. People are going to drink bleach and die, aren't they?
I think Trump is onto something.

If you get a really bright torch, put a small DDT sprayer (with a cable remote switch) onto it, duct tape should do it, insert it into the lungs, hey presto, use two methods at once to kill the virus!
Who will be the first Trump supporter here in A&E with a Maglite stuck up their rectum or after getting their stomach pumped after drinking a bottle of Dettol.
He's one of those unfortunate souls who can't help but say what's in his head isn't he? I think Homer Simpson has a similar problem.

These briefings are like a trump advent calendar, every day there's a new treat waiting to be discovered.

I'm mostly looking forward to the amazing array of excuses and mental gymnastics that will be surely forthcoming over the course of the morning from our ocuk TDF residents, it's pretty exciting!
Anyone who still thinks he's fit to be POTUS after last night's debacle should be injected with disinfectant. I'm not quite sure what his strategy is, he can't be that bat **** crazy surely? :confused:
I'm mostly looking forward to the amazing array of excuses and mental gymnastics that will be surely forthcoming over the course of the morning from our ocuk TDF residents, it's pretty exciting!

Pretty sure this is the first time I have seen tang0 criticise Trump, ever. It seems there is a limit on supporting a man with mental retardation.

I was with you when he started on about the UV light and disinfectant, apparently they're testing a technique that zaps airborne viruses with a narrow-wavelength band of UV light, but don't know wtf he was on about when suggesting an injection of disinfectant
LOL what on earth is wrong with this guy!? That clip was ridiculous!!!

Injecting disinfectant... seriously.

He sounds like a man that thinks the sea might part if he walks into it.
Even his most ardent supporters on here admit it's a ridiculous thing to imply, yet someone is trying to actually defend it and suggest he was misquoted in the SC thread.

It's a dumb thing to imply in any form, he's not a doctor and should think before he speaks which he can't.
Can someone translate?

Tomorrow he’ll be saying “Inject it. What do you have to lose”

I love how he says "Sounds interesting to me". Sounds potentially deadly to me ffs! What is he on?! I bet these Doctor's roll their eyes behind closed doors. The man has lost the plot. He literally has no idea how to deal with this and hasn't from the very beginning. He's not a leader, he's just someone that's got into that position thinking everything will be fine and it isn't right now. People deserve better than this tbh.

Having said that, we're not really in a better position with our current government, but at least we don't have people pushing medicine that kills, or crazy ideas like injecting disinfectant into the lungs as a cure.

I'm no expert but surely blasting someone internally and externally with UV light isn't very safe either?
Who was it sitting in the chair that he tried to get confirmation from, when he looked over and said "that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it".

I wonder what was going through her head.
Who will be the first Trump supporter here in A&E with a Maglite stuck up their rectum or after getting their stomach pumped after drinking a bottle of Dettol.

It's not the maglites you want to worry about, it's the people who look around their living room and can only find a 6ft stand lamp.

BBC News:

Pointing to his head, Mr Trump went on: "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."

lols... he talking about his penis?
Thank goodness we got to hear from him directly and not through the utterly biased media who generally misrepresent him, don't listen to them when they tell you that sticking a sunbed up your bum isn't a good idea, they're all in it together and just want to get microchips in you.
Who was it sitting in the chair that he tried to get confirmation from, when he looked over and said "that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it".

I wonder what was going through her head.

That was Dr Birx, one of his main advisors, an actual expert as it were. In the other clip with him suggesting intense light and heat he directly asks her to comment on this suggestion, and the look on her face is classic WTF!?, Then some mental gymnastics trying to relate the heat idea back to the bodies normal response to generate fever to combat illness, not exactly what Trump was suggesting though.
He's a Post Turtle:

"When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; you wonder who put him there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."
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