In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.
What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.
So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!
The best video I could find which has just his comments and no opinion added, despite the framing of the vid aiming to show that the Doctor "disagrees" with Trump -
0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"
0.09 - Trump says
"You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor
0.16 - Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?
0.20 - Trump says
"You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor
0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"
0.32 - Trump asks
"is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor
0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"
0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"
0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"
Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.
I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron