Donald Trump

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In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing.


He didn't string those exact words together, mainly cause he has the language skills of an 8-year old according to a family member who's a primary school teacher.

He's a narcissistic (proven by him attempting to indicate his superior intellect) child in a 70 something year old body with a level of understanding and comprehension lower than my infant school attending nephew. Meanwhile any sane adult can see Birx's body language squirming at every sentence of verbal diarrhea he utters. Despite using every sinew of her being to supress it.

He's racked up a 50k body count in a few weeks, and their blood is on his hands. Took multiple other presidents 10 years to do that in the Vietnam War.
It's taken a while to get their story together but at last here they are, the TDF to explain away their moron leaders comments.

You didn't disappoint, never change. Beautiful!
Imagine what he’s like in meetings and things behind closed doors if this is how much of a **** up he makes of the public briefings... I bet he’s an absolute nightmare.

At what point do the government just say to themselves, do you know what? All this ass covering and statement releasing isn’t worth it.
BBC Reporting: President Donald Trump has said that his comments suggesting disinfectants could help treat coronavirus were "sarcastic".

During a signing for a new coronavirus aid bill on Friday, Trump said that he "was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen"
Must have rocked them to see Tango acknowledging the utter stupidity of Trump's comments, but now they appear to be surfacing again after taking all day to recover.
BBC Reporting: President Donald Trump has said that his comments suggesting disinfectants could help treat coronavirus were "sarcastic".

During a signing for a new coronavirus aid bill on Friday, Trump said that he "was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen".
That can't possibly be true, his supporters on here have already manufactured several explanations.:o
BBC Reporting: President Donald Trump has said that his comments suggesting disinfectants could help treat coronavirus were "sarcastic".

Well I for one am convinced. It's a totally appropriate time, a time where 50,000 of your population has died to be messing around and suggesting potential lethal use of disinfectant.

Nothing to see here people, he's not a complete xxxx wit moron after all, he's just trying some sarcasm.
Apparently that’s how he’s trying to pass it off, unbelievable. Even though he was talking directly to Dr Birx it was sarcasm to the reporters.

How on earth anybody can believe a single word that drops from this mans lips is beyond me!

The pathetic excuse that this was an attempt at sarcasm is almost as embarrassing as the original statements, almost!

That can't possibly be true, his supporters on here have already manufactured several explanations.:o

Yep nobody called “sarcasm” in their forensic timeline of what Trump said, amazing ;)

0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"

0.09 - Trump says "You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor

- Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?

0.20 - Trump says "You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor

0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"

0.32 - Trump asks "is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor

0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"

0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"

0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"

In fact this says “to Doctor”, not “sarcasm to reporters”!!!!
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BBC Reporting: President Donald Trump has said that his comments suggesting disinfectants could help treat coronavirus were "sarcastic".

During a signing for a new coronavirus aid bill on Friday, Trump said that he "was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen"

That sinks the TDF then. The Donald has just confirmed he said what everyone thought he said.
No way was he being sarcastic, he was making a suggestion to the doc that they should look into it, but similarly he wasn't telling people to inject themselves with bleach either

He obviously knows he said something daft, hence why he's now backtracking
In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.

What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.

So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!

The best video I could find which has just his comments and no opinion added, despite the framing of the vid aiming to show that the Doctor "disagrees" with Trump -

0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"

0.09 - Trump says "You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor

- Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?

0.20 - Trump says "You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor

0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"

0.32 - Trump asks "is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor

0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"

0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"

0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"

Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.

I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron :D

That's a very lengthy and detailed (and inaccurate) rebuttal for you misinterpreting the Presidents (non-existent) sarcasm to reporters (actually Dr Birx. Who has real qualifications instead of narcissistically pointing at her head to assert her intelligence).
He obviously knows he said something daft, hence why he's now backtracking

But his backtrack is almost as bigger insult to your intelligence than the original statements, he honestly must think we’re all stupid.
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Guardian reckon Mark Grenon, The leader of a prominent group (Genesis II Church of Health and Healing) in the US who advocate using potentially lethal industrial bleach as a “miracle cure” for coronavirus wrote to Donald Trump at the White House this week.

So what's most likely;

1. Sarcasm
2. Crackpot writes to clown boot, clown boot buys it hook line and sinker then regurgitates it live on TV

Place your bets.
Your replies are utter nonsense to be honest. There's an actual video recording of him saying what he can do to women and how they just let him do it because he is who he is. This isn't him saying he asks them first. It's him saying he just does it without any concern for whether they're ok with it or not, which isn't ok. Their feelings don't matter to him. The entire conversation is based around him and his behavior and the way that he views women. But yeah, sure, all unsubstantiated and fake. It has to be. Oh, and the women asked for it. Yep, sure. Good one :rolleyes:

I know it leaves a bad taste in the mouth when a billionaire says that women let him do whatever he wants to them, but that's the reality, substitute billionaire for premier league footballer, movie actor, famous musician, etc, it's the same thing. I listened to Dan Bilzerian on Joe Rogan and he said he slept with a girl without even having to speak to her. The types of women hanging around with these men do not mind at all. Guys on here seem completely naive to how some women act around men at that level. Buy a £50m Yacht and see if you can't get a group of attractive women on board who'd be more than happy with whatever you wanted to do to them, it's crass to hear him describe that to his friend, but it's the reality.
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