Donald Trump

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Genuinely, if you were someone that cared about people you'd speak up and walk away from the position. How could you continue to work in an environment where your medical expertise is questioned by someone with such stupid ideas and solutions? She should be ashamed for not saying something at the time. It should have been a straight up "Absolutely do NOT inject yourself with disinfectant, you will die!"

Well this then means you can have no one in that position or many other positions if you want them to call him out live on air every time he says something stupid/dangerous. Even if she had spoken up, he would have talked over her or cut her off to spin some other nonsense.

How many doctors would you go through before this whole thing was over?
I think if Trump wants to see if disinfectants really work then he should nominate himself to be guinea pig ;).
Well this then means you can have no one in that position or many other positions if you want them to call him out live on air every time he says something stupid/dangerous. Even if she had spoken up, he would have talked over her or cut her off to spin some other nonsense.

How many doctors would you go through before this whole thing was over?

You shouldn't need to go through any. You just need a new President, one who understands just how dangerous and irresponsible it is to just speak their own mind in matters which they have no knowledge or experience, and how far reaching an effect they can potentially have when saying such things.

Unfortunately he doesn't care about what he says or how he says it, and just pushes back saying he didn't actually say what he actually said. He feels that he is untouchable, and from past experience he certainly seems to be.
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Well **** off and search then. Sick of you continually posting this same rubbish like you are owed an explanation by everyone.

I think that post sums up how toxic this thread is.

In other threads, when someone claims something and is asked to provide any evidence to support their claim, even just one link to one post, nobody would sink as low in reply as you have done.

If it was just your post, it would be a reflection on you alone. But your attitude is sadly common. You and all the others like you have indirectly and unintentionally provided a plausible answer to my question - people who support Trump do so because of people like you.

I'm out of here. Wallowing in sewage with low grade people is not my cup of tea.
I think that post sums up how toxic this thread is.

In other threads, when someone claims something and is asked to provide any evidence to support their claim, even just one link to one post, nobody would sink as low in reply as you have done.

If it was just your post, it would be a reflection on you alone. But your attitude is sadly common. You and all the others like you have indirectly and unintentionally provided a plausible answer to my question - people who support Trump do so because of people like you.

I'm out of here. Wallowing in sewage with low grade people is not my cup of tea.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...
Just imagine for one second a Muslim had said those exact things, except he used his faith as an excuse and not the 'faith of celebrity and richness'.

Exactly. They wouldn't even need to mention religion because like Trump they don't do it for religious reasons, they do it because they view women as things to possess and use for their own gratification. They don't care what carnage they might leave someones life in, it doesn't cross their minds for one moment. The same people in here defending Trump would be calling for them to be castrated, killed or deported even if they were citizens. The hypocrisy stinks. And its us that aren't on the right that are the probelm :rolleyes:
In other threads, when someone claims something and is asked to provide any evidence to support their claim, even just one link to one post, nobody would sink as low in reply as you have done.
And when that evidence is presented, as i did for you, and it's dismissed out of hand how would you like people to respond?
If it was just your post, it would be a reflection on you alone. But your attitude is sadly common. You and all the others like you have indirectly and unintentionally provided a plausible answer to my question - people who support Trump do so because of people like you.
Not defending ChrisLX200 as personally i thought his/her post was quiet rude and confrontational, that she/he rose to your bait and gave you exactly what you were seeking, a rise from someone so you could take umbrage and claim that it proved your point.

However presenting a particular attitude as a reason for supporting something is quiet absurd as you're basically admitting that you're not supporting that something because it has any redeeming qualities but simply because it's the opposite of what someone who was rude to you wanted, that's the sort of behavior we'd expect see in the playground.
What on Earth was going on with his hair/head last night when he turned to Dr Birx to confirm his stupidity??

Quite a bald patch there eh Donnie?? Not looking so picture perfect as you desperately try and make your loathsome self out to be.

Where are our resident TDF at?? Have they managed to come out with a good explaination or excuse as to why Trump was off his rocker again??
What on Earth was going on with his hair/head last night when he turned to Dr Birx to confirm his stupidity??

Quite a bald patch there eh Donnie?? Not looking so picture perfect as you desperately try and make your loathsome self out to be.

Where are our resident TDF at?? Have they managed to come out with a good explaination or excuse as to why Trump was off his rocker again??

He must be dementing, he seems to be getting less and less rational.
He must be dementing, he seems to be getting less and less rational.

Oh he's worried. All he had the was the economy and it is now in tatters. He's down in the polls, behind Biden in key states (polls I know can be way off) and he can't go after a virus like he does opponents and that is the only thing he knows how to do, he can't do empathy with those affected because he doesn't understand it, it would just come off as totally fake. He's flailing around. Who knows what the next crazy thing is he's going to say.
Tonight is going to be good. I wonder if the White House will manage to reign him in and give him little to no airtime. It wouldn't surprise me if the next thing is "President Trump cannot be in attendance because he's been diagnosed with COVID-19! A convenient way to get him off the air and his ratings back up again.
In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.

What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.

So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!

The best video I could find which has just his comments and no opinion added, despite the framing of the vid aiming to show that the Doctor "disagrees" with Trump -

0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"

0.09 - Trump says "You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor

- Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?

0.20 - Trump says "You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor

0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"

0.32 - Trump asks "is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor

0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"

0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"

0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"

Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.

I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron :D
In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.

What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.

So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!

The best video I could find which has just his comments and no opinion added, despite the framing of the vid aiming to show that the Doctor "disagrees" with Trump -

0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"

0.09 - Trump says "You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor

- Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?

0.20 - Trump says "You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor

0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"

0.32 - Trump asks "is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor

0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"

0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"

0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"

Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.

I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron :D

Just no.


Stop defending this idiot. He has almost certainly been told and advised correctly but he only heard what he wanted to hear, and has latched onto those bits which he then tells the universe about and points the blame on someone else when it's him that has misunderstood or not paid attention to what he's been told by advisors and experts. The doc's reaction and body language, in fact absolutely everyone behind him in press conferences shows that what they certainly spoke about behind closed doors has been misinterpreted by Trump.

Again, youtube channel body language ghost is a psychologist who breaks down body language and explains what's going on.

His comprehension level is that of a child, and that's why he doesn't pay attention to experts nor does he pay any respect to women, journalists or basically anyone that week that has not agreed with him. This isn't an assumption, this is fact and his Twitter account is proof spanning many years.
In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.

What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.

So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!

The best video I could find which has just his comments and no opinion added, despite the framing of the vid aiming to show that the Doctor "disagrees" with Trump -

0.04 - Trump says "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light"

0.09 - Trump says "You told me you were going to test it" to Doctor

- Trump asks "can you bring the light inside the body?

0.20 - Trump says "You told me were going to test that too" to Doctor

0.26 - Trump says "so I see the disinfectant knocks it out"

0.32 - Trump asks "is there a way we can do something with that?" to Doctor

0.43 - Trump says "it will be interesting to check that"

0.45 - Trump says "so you're going to have to use medical doctors"

0.49 - Trump says "sounds interesting to me"

Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.

I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron :D

47 seconds in. You can't talk about disinfectant and injections like that and not expect people to assume you are talking about injecting disinfectant. Joe Public is sadly stupid or certainly a large percentage are. The man is an idiot who just word salads rubbish.

Again, at no point are the "headlines" correct. Trump ASKS the doctor to confirm what THEY have told HIM and that he finds these tests "interesting" but he never TELLS the public what to do. But as I've said before, truth sells less than juicy fiction.

I now await the TDS folks to tell me I'm a moron :D

0:13 Trump : "Then I said supposing you brought the light within the body" : Why on earth is he suggesting anything to a Dr with decades of experience, what medical experience does Trump have to offer any kind of opinion, he should just keep his mouth shut on anything medical and let the people that actually know do the talking.

Maybe a discussion that he can have with the Doctors in private but as part as a televised briefing, oh no!

Maybe next he could ask the Dr if she's going to check if he smears bear fat on his johnson if that would cue the virus! The stuff he's talking about is like voodoo!

I'd don't think you're a moron but you defending the indefensible, for once just put your hands up and say "yep I think his statements were very ill advised".
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In a shock to absolutely no-one, Trump's statement has been incorrectly quoted by some media outlets to make a "shocking" news story and those which say "trump said inject disinfectant" haven't watched the briefing. At no point did Trump claim anything like that, and at no point did he "tell people" to do anything, at all but the truth always travels slower than a juicy lie.

What he did do is ASK the doctor sat next to him if THEY were looking into "hitting the body with UV or a very powerful light" and ASKED if they would test whether that light could be brought into the body. Then he ASKED and asked if THEY were looking into a way of using disinfectant to "knock it out" by injection" and then told the press that THEY would have to check with "medical doctors" as it "sounds interesting to me" - Video added below of his ACTUAL words.

So at NO point in ANY of this brief did he suggest ANYONE inject themselves or similar!
Not exactly...
Trump said:
"So, supposing we hit the body with a tremendous - whether it's ultraviolet or just very powerful light,"
"and I think you said that hasn't been checked but you're going to test it"
"And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside of the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you're going to test that too. Sounds interesting,"
"And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
"So it'd be interesting to check that."
*Points to head* "I'm not a doctor. But I'm, like, a person that has a good you-know-what."
*Turns to Dr Birx* "the heat and the light" to treat coronavirus
Dr Birx said:
"Not as a treatment, I mean, certainly, fever is a good thing. When you have a fever, it helps your body respond. But I've not seen heat or light."
Trump said:
"I think it's a great thing to look at."
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