Donald Trump

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Or maybe just do a post search on himself??

But he won’t because he’s talking absolute ******** as usual. He thinks he’s being smart with his nonsense but in reality is just being silly with his big words that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.
How interesting that no one has yet spoke about the latest in the Russia coup hoax, which is that exculpatory evidence has now finally been released to Flynn's lawyers that will prove without a doubt that he was framed by the FBI. Also Durham has appointed Anthony Scarpelli, who is an expert with RICO cases

The biggest scandal the world has seen is being unravelled behind closed doors, and will absolutely decimate the Democrat party before November
How interesting that no one has yet spoke about the latest in the Russia coup hoax, which is that exculpatory evidence has now finally been released to Flynn's lawyers that will prove without a doubt that he was framed by the FBI. Also Durham has appointed Anthony Scarpelli, who is an expert with RICO cases

The biggest scandal the world has seen is being unravelled behind closed doors, and will absolutely decimate the Democrat party before November

Yawn. Let us know when Flynn wins his appeal and the FBI starts arresting people that have been indicted.

Of course we know that Barr will ignore DOJ policy to not get involved in elections within 6 months of the polling date but will use the DOJ as a political tool for Trump at the optimal point in time to help him. But its the other side that is corrupt :rolleyes:
The Russia collusion conspiracy is all forgotten about now that the Democrats have their Covid coup d'etat under way, they'll probably be celebrating if the elections get postponed because they'll be able to scream about Trump being a dictator, it's not like they had chance of winning Biden is everything leftists have accused Trump of being for the last 4 years, if any of them vote for him they're mental.
The Russia collusion conspiracy is all forgotten about now that the Democrats have their Covid coup d'etat under way, they'll probably be celebrating if the elections get postponed because they'll be able to scream about Trump being a dictator, it's not like they had chance of winning Biden is everything leftists have accused Trump of being for the last 4 years, if any of them vote for him they're mental.

Yawn the elections won't be postponed. And if they are Trump and Pence still leave office on 7th Jan and a Democrat in the Senate becomes POTUS
LOL what is a "Noble" prize? Is that one of the sex toys he used to use when partying with Epstein and those sex trafficked girls?

It is funny to see you guys poke your heads above the parapet again now Trumpy has tried to change the subject from his disastrous handling of Covid-19, press conferences and polls in the toilet.
The Russia collusion conspiracy is all forgotten about now that the Democrats have their Covid coup d'etat under way, they'll probably be celebrating if the elections get postponed because they'll be able to scream about Trump being a dictator, it's not like they had chance of winning Biden is everything leftists have accused Trump of being for the last 4 years, if any of them vote for him they're mental.
Which is a major problem for Trump as his entire re-election campaign was built around a strong economy and fighting a socialist opponent. The economy has been devastated by Trumps major incompetence and there is no socialist opponent anymore which has caused Trumps re-election campaign to collapsed.
The Russia collusion conspiracy is all forgotten about now that the Democrats have their Covid coup d'etat under way, they'll probably be celebrating if the elections get postponed because they'll be able to scream about Trump being a dictator, it's not like they had chance of winning Biden is everything leftists have accused Trump of being for the last 4 years, if any of them vote for him they're mental.
There’s some posts a few pages back you need to reply to regarding Trump being in China’s pocket. You’ve been strangely silent on Trump suggesting injecting disinfectant being a possible Coronavirus cure.
lol wut? You make it sound like the pandemic was engineered solely to have Trump removed. If that's the case you are completely insane! :eek:

Believe it or not that's exactly what Trump was implying at his rallies earlier in the year. Called it the Democrat hoax and they were exaggerating it be worse than it actually was (in his opinion). Reinforces how he didn't take it as seriously (and still does) as he should.
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How interesting that no one has yet spoke about the latest in the Russia coup hoax, which is that exculpatory evidence has now finally been released to Flynn's lawyers that will prove without a doubt that he was framed by the FBI. Also Durham has appointed Anthony Scarpelli, who is an expert with RICO casesr

Must be the ultimate mind**** if you're Flynn, Manafort or Stone at the moment. One second they must be thinking surely an imminent pardon incoming since it would be the classic Trump deflection perfect for his latest **** up, then the next second they are thinking there is absolutely zero percent chance of a pardon since that not even Trump would stoop that low to save his arse whilst going through his latest **** up. Their minds must be flipping back and forth like nobodies business.
Trump is going to pardon all of them. If they were innocent though surely they would want to clear their names in court? And then even sue the Gov for millions of $ for wrongful prosecution?
It's all about mememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememememe.

What about a word to the families of the 55,000 dead and counting?
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