Donald Trump

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Trump is going to pardon all of them. If they were innocent though surely they would want to clear their names in court? And then even sue the Gov for millions of $ for wrongful prosecution?

Flynn will be exonerated with court case thrown out, other two will be pardoned when the investigation rolls out showing the corruption which led to the Mueller farce
Flynn will be exonerated with court case thrown out, other two will be pardoned when the investigation rolls out showing the corruption which led to the Mueller farce

You do realise he's already pleaded guilty right? It is only sentencing we are waiting for now. Who pleads guilty to something they didn't do?? I know I never would.

The other 2 are guilty as sin. Both convicted by a jury of their peers. You can try and convince yourself they aren't criminals but they are. Trump will pardon them, that isn't the same as being exonerated, just so we understand that.
They entrapped Flynn with a strategic leak & engineered a fake perjury case against him, he just requested to withdraw his guilty plea along with new exculpatory evidence which will prove that he was framed, and the case will be thrown out, hopefully charges against Van Grack will follow

Stone's trial at the very least was rigged. Selective prosecution, venue selection, judge not randomly assigned, unconstitutional gag orders, denials of discovery, rigged jury selection process, threats to press and public if they talked, disproportionate sentence, first time offender, elderly, victimless crime - investigation wasn't impaired. Not to mention the corruption which took place to get to that stage
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They entrapped Flynn with a strategic leak & engineered a fake perjury case against him, he just requested to withdraw his guilty plea along with new exculpatory evidence which will prove that he was framed, and the case will be thrown out, hopefully charges against Van Grack will follow

Stone's trial at the very least was rigged. Selective prosecution, venue selection, judge not randomly assigned, unconstitutional gag orders, denials of discovery, rigged jury selection process, threats to press and public if they talked, disproportionate sentence, first time offender, elderly, victimless crime - investigation wasn't impaired. Not to mention the corruption which took place to get to that stage
If by just you mean 4 months ago sure. Also shouldn't you wait until you've seen this 'evidence' before jumping to a conclusion, we wouldn't want a conveniently timed dead cat being thrown on the table to distract people from the POTUS asking for an investigation into sticking sunbeds up people bums and scrubbing their lungs with a toilet brush covered in domestos would we.

Also if you believe it's a Russian coup hoax then you've entirely failed to understand their modus operandi, Russia's intention is to undermine the trust people have in western democracy and make them loose faith in their governments, by buying into the whole Russian coup hoax narrative you're basically doing Russia's job for them.
Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.
Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.

Maybe that’s because you came out with some ”defend the top” rubbish and why we maybe should now support Trump now he’s painted himself into a corner and then followed up with some self grandiose wordplay which I presume in your mind gives you the intellectual high ground rather than making you look pompous and just a smokescreen to the fact your original statements were just a bit silly :)

I still don’t think you’ve explained why we should now be supporting and morally corrupt President who makes false statement and the lies to cover them up?

I’m sure your retort will be in a similar vain to further boost your perception of the intellectual high ground. I’m sure you’ll interpret this post as a personal attack so that you can continue to play the victim card ;)
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Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.
Perhaps you'd like to address them as you said "we guard our shared greater system performance by distributing the work of maintaining it by constructive criticism" so unless you provide some constructive criticism we can't guard our greater shared system performance, if you're not willing to provide a signal we can't feed it back into the system and correct the errors, can we.
Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.

In normal world we say "some people picked on me for trying to sound smart all the time."

I appreciate a good use of language but when it takes 200 words to say what could be said in 10 it isn't a good use of language.

All you do is make it difficult to understand.

Going forward I suggest you adjust your writing style.
Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.

In English we say 'good morning', and then maybe respond to questions/inquiries put to us :)

When you say 'rend aid', what precisely is it that you think we should be doing? What do you think would aid Trump?

Please go ahead and quote me saying that I "wish Trump were a better communicator", or even words to that effect.

I've certainly poked fun at his utter inability to be even slightly articulate.
They entrapped Flynn with a strategic leak & engineered a fake perjury case against him, he just requested to withdraw his guilty plea along with new exculpatory evidence which will prove that he was framed, and the case will be thrown out, hopefully charges against Van Grack will follow

Stone's trial at the very least was rigged. Selective prosecution, venue selection, judge not randomly assigned, unconstitutional gag orders, denials of discovery, rigged jury selection process, threats to press and public if they talked, disproportionate sentence, first time offender, elderly, victimless crime - investigation wasn't impaired. Not to mention the corruption which took place to get to that stage

Tang0. Look forward to seeing how all that pans out.

While you're here, what do you think about Donald's current use of sarcasm. Genius eh?
Interesting. My last post was followed by 7 abusive ad hominems directed at myself. 7 attack-the-man versus the issue under discussion failures of reasoning. 7 failures of judgement.

As you were, gentlemen.
Interesting, both my last few posts where not abusive ad hominems yet you and the other Trump supporters failed to respond. One could say that's a big failures of judgement. :) ;)
Tang0. Look forward to seeing how all that pans out.

While you're here, what do you think about Donald's current use of sarcasm. Genius eh?
It's a brand new skill he's acquired so I expect it to be used far more frequently, in fact I can't believe he hasn't used it before to mask all his other **** ups.
It's a brand new skill he's acquired so I expect it to be used far more frequently, in fact I can't believe he hasn't used it before to mask all his other **** ups.
Calling it a skill seems a bit of a stretch as he's only got its use wrong so far, I'd say it's more a new word that he's discovered.
Tang0. Look forward to seeing how all that pans out.

Agreed, it's very interesting, the Democrats aren't blameless here.

I know Tang0 was one of the first to disagree with Trump statements from Thursday so kudos for that.

Apparently Trump has "unfollowed" Piers Morgan on Twitter ;)
It is funny to see you guys poke your heads above the parapet again now Trumpy has tried to change the subject from his disastrous handling of Covid-19, press conferences and polls in the toilet.

It's pretty funny, i imagine it goes something like "oh thank god, someone has come up with an excuse that we can work with". A few posts appear supporting the now adopted narrative then it's time for trump to wake up and find his tweet box. What happens next is more often than not akin to Homer Simpson's ""DOH!!" moment.

Redo from start.
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