Donald Trump

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I wonder when the world will collectively 'wake up' and realise we live in a system where someone like trump can get into high office, the 'system' is beyond corrupt.

When will humanity seek real change & realise we should be in a world ran by educated & qualified scientists, thinkers, philosophers, a world where money is a system of commerce not control & power, we need to flip things on their head and work for ourselves, the people, indeed the original idea of government, not what it is now - essentially a subsidiary of massive corporate with the word 'government' slapped on.

Sounds like an excuse to get your hands on MY tax dollars to pay for YOUR health care.
32 tweets in a couple of hours last night. it must be so reassuring that he is constantly working hard in the middle of a crisis and not just spouting nonsense on social media.
Hardest working president ever!

Well he can’t now grandstand on the news briefings every night so he’s got to spew out bile somehow.
ha, well, money/gov was originally setup thousands of years ago as my point, its now just a system of economic power, sad times.

Its not a great system but its the best we have over the others currently your world "ran by educated & qualified scientists, thinkers, philosophers" would return to a class system with only a select few can making the calls and masses won't have a say. As they are not "thinkers" (WTF is that anyways) or one of the other groups you outlined.
How sad, Trump retweeted himself 3 times last night. Even more strange - that deep fake video he posted, their handle is Trump & Biden Are Rapey :confused:.
Quite how we got to the point the sitting POTUS can retweet stuff like that is quite saddening.

Our politics are bad, but the sheer pettiness, lies and name calling that is seen as normal is depressing.
How sad, Trump retweeted himself 3 times last night. Even more strange - that deep fake video he posted, their handle is Trump & Biden Are Rapey :confused:.

That was Trump giving the green light for everyone to refer to him as "Rapey Trump" from now on. Considering his history he probably considers it to be a compliment...
Even more strange - that deep fake video he posted, their handle is Trump & Biden Are Rapey :confused:.
I can't be the only person wondering what he was either searching for or why such a handle didn't trigger alarm bells for him, IDK as i don't use Twitter but if i came across something called such & such are rapey I'd be very hesitant to click through to it let alone share it with complete strangers.
He is going ham again on twitter attacking the media and states(obviously only dem ones) to cover up his constant **** ups.

Imagine if he actually worked this hard running the country.
I can't be the only person wondering what he was either searching for or why such a handle didn't trigger alarm bells for him, IDK as i don't use Twitter but if i came across something called such & such are rapey I'd be very hesitant to click through to it let alone share it with complete strangers.

I think the user changed their name after the retweet. Not a lot you can do about that. :D

Incidentally, it was his wife's birthday yesterday. Bet she was glad he had managed to amuse himself on twitter all day without the need for her. :p
"IF on the other hand.. there's information that implicates the president..... we might need a heads up not only for the president, but for the country".... and wasn’t asking for any confidential information

Mueller's team selectively edited the transcript of the call in the report to make it look like obstruction



All the people they targeted, Flynn, Stone, Manafort etc, they had tried to coerce out of them dirt on Trump. Even putting Manfort in solitary to try and break him, pulling him out of there 9 times to see if he'd hand over dirt on Trump, none of them had anything
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"IF on the other hand.. there's information that implicates the president..... we might need a heads up"

All the people they targeted, Flynn, Stone, Manafort etc, they had tried to coerce out of them dirt on Trump. Even putting Manfort in solitary to try and break him, pulling him out of there 9 times to see if he'd hand over dirt on Trump, none of them had anything

But how could there be anything that implicated Trump? What had Trump done? The first thing a lawyer does is sit down with their client (Trump) and find out everything that could possibly incriminate them. Also why dangle a pardon? Why would he need one?

Manafort was put in solitary for his own safety. He wouldn't last 5 minutes in general population.
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