I'm going to level with you here. You're posting on a computer forum, yet you are doing all you can to sound more intelligent than the rest of us whilst falling flat on your face in the process. We're not in an Oxford University literature class where you attempt to one-up your classmates by reading big words from a thesaurus to sound clever. Regardless of whether the words you're using are appropriate for what you're trying to say, stringing them together into one incoherent babble of nonsense causes them to become incomprehensible, and it makes you look rather silly. I cannot imagine for one minute that you actually speak to people like that in the real world. If you actually did, I'd say that most people would just turn around and walk away from you. This isn't a personal attack upon you, just some friendly advice to tone it down. Perhaps you'll find some meaningful discussion in the process.
Anyway, that said, I'm rather curious to find from you why you support Trump (or so it seems) and what you think he's done right during this pandemic. You're very quick to jump on the rest of us for saying "negative" things about him, but nothing that's been said is a wild accusation, it is what's actually happened. You speak as someone trying to project intellect, so surely you've watched his briefings and come to a similar conclusion? Do you see how he comes across in each and every one of them? If not, go and watch a few now and pay attention no to what he's saying, but to how he says things. He's very defensive and it's difficult to hide his inability to deal with this crisis properly.
Then, if you pay attention to what he's saying, it's just the same thing at every briefing. It's an extended election rally used as a platform for him to showcase how amazing he is, and he won't allow anyone to get in the way of that. He dodges relevant questions and then waffles on about something completely unrelated but that's sure to highlight how amazing he's done something. He belittles journalists in a very rude and belligerent way, but he will not allow them to ask him the hard questions, he just dismisses it all whilst talking over them or telling them to be quiet. He makes everything about him at every opportunity so that the issues raised disappear into the ether. Deflection and false information are his weapons. He keeps making factually incorrect statements like how the US is the greatest at testing (which at the beginning they completely failed at due to rubbish kits), has had the best economy ever since he came along (again, debunked with actual statistics, some of which were posted a few pages back), discussing the use of bleach used inside the body to clean out the virus with an advisor and passing it off as sarcasm with the journalists (which even if it was, which is an epic reach, is a wholly irresponsible thing. Last night he said that without him they'd be at war with North Korea. Again, something completely irrelevant t say in a briefing that's supposed to be about COVID-19, but it makes him sound better than he actually is. His ban on travel from China was too late to be effective, and has been proven to still allow over 40000 people into the US, so that was nothing but a pointless move (laced with racism I hasten to add, given the context of things he was saying at the time).
I genuinely don't understand how people buy into all of this and support it. It isn't personal hatred of the man that makes me unable to buy into what he's saying. It's that he's morally, factually and politically bankrupt, and someone that's completely in over his head, and who can never own up to his mistakes. Regardless of how something plays out, he's done an amazing job, every single time. This is how he comes across at every briefing without fail, only more recently things have been headed downward at an even more alarming rate, hence why his last few were cancelled with him crying like a baby about how it's too difficult to endure them with the press being so "nasty". No, it's actually because you can't backup what you're saying with fact and you then try to get out of what you've said by lying quite blatantly. It's an absolute joke.