Donald Trump

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Is it though!!!!!!

Just another hate filled hit job that people like you pander to.

There is nothing objectively critical there.

Did you even read it? If so, what do you disagree with? I don't even have to look up sources to know that everything in that article is correct. I've seen it all over multiple sources over the last few months, from the people that said everything in it. The government officials, the protests, the tweets, the interviews. Or did that simply not happen and these videos were somehow doctored to discredit Trump and those individuals that were in them. I'm not even sure how someone can be that paranoid to be honest. But if you think that and you aren't afraid of a morally corrupt man in power, then I suppose you should just enjoy your life. Stop trying to convince everyone else that your personal brand of rubbish is a load of rubbish for everyone else. We can make up our own minds and to be perfectly blunt, Trump is doing a damned good job at proving just how incompetent he is, even without the videos and soundbites. But I guess it must be difficult to hear someone speaking when all you see is sunshine and rainbows coming out of every one of his orifices.
I'm not going to bother searching to find out her rationale, so to take a wild guess is it something to do with Jesus > Science?

Basically she's one of those people that doesn't believe that there's anything to do with the Coronavirus. She thinks everything has been blown way out of proportion and it's not really an issue. Yep, sure, ok. So the masses of people dying to something you can't even see isn't a big deal. Ok then...
Is it though!!!!!!

Just another hate filled hit job that people like you pander to.

There is nothing objectively critical there.
So should we take it you disagree with it, if so is there any particular part you disagree with? If it's all of it there shouldn't be a problem picking out a single part.
So should we take it you disagree with it, if so is there any particular part you disagree with? If it's all of it there shouldn't be a problem picking out a single part.

When i have time to read through it again and go point by point I will.

I agree with the part that says the US political system and presidency was ruined long before Trump.
I'm not going to bother searching to find out her rationale, so to take a wild guess is it something to do with Jesus > Science?

I think she is simply a paid shill. She might have conservative views but she saw a hole in the market for a women of colour to fill and exploited it to make money. The views she aires are ridiculous, claiming white people "freed the slaves" but are perfect for the Breitbart/Fox News crowd, they lap this up, buy her books and invite her to speak at events. Trump is a godsend to her marketability.
Oh dear, fails at debating so you have to cancel the opposition, sad, very sad.

You're at home, sitting on your sofa in your living room. The window is open, and outside is a bloke with a jackhammer smashing the pavement to bits. He's making an awful racket so you stick your head out and ask him why he's doing it, and he doesn't hear you. You ask again, still nothing. Eventually you sit back down, and he suddenly pipes up "great weather isn't it?*", so you think he's opening a discussion. So yet again, you pop your head out the window and ask him why he's doing what he's doing. Again, no reply. So you sit down again, and continue whatever it is you're doing. A few seconds later "did you see the news today, that Trump fella is great isn't he?*", so you jump on this opportunity to find out why he's making such a racket. Again you ask the question, and again no reply.

So what do you do? You close the window, right? After all, there's an awful din outside and no yelling, shouting, reasoning or otherwise will get it to answer your question.

This is what it's like talking to the Trump supporters. Eventually you just shut the window regardless of what Jackhammer man says.

Sidenote, some translations for @RxR :

*It is rather fortunate that we are able to enjoy to the fullest extent the current optimistic and positive experience offered to us by our current meteorological situation, isn't it?
*Did you happen upon the report on the television set pertaining to the current affairs in which we find ourselves, where that gentleman Donald J Trump was featured, he's such a dapper, gentle person I think you'll agree"
You're at home, sitting on your sofa in your living room. The window is open, and outside is a bloke with a jackhammer smashing the pavement to bits. He's making an awful racket so you stick your head out and ask him why he's doing it, and he doesn't hear you. You ask again, still nothing. Eventually you sit back down, and he suddenly pipes up "great weather isn't it?*", so you think he's opening a discussion. So yet again, you pop your head out the window and ask him why he's doing what he's doing. Again, no reply. So you sit down again, and continue whatever it is you're doing. A few seconds later "did you see the news today, that Trump fella is great isn't he?*", so you jump on this opportunity to find out why he's making such a racket. Again you ask the question, and again no reply.

So what do you do? You close the window, right? After all, there's an awful din outside and no yelling, shouting, reasoning or otherwise will get it to answer your question.

This is what it's like talking to the Trump supporters. Eventually you just shut the window regardless of what Jackhammer man says.

That's pretty much spot on.

Sidenote, some translations for @RxR :

*It is rather fortunate that we are able to enjoy to the fullest extent the current optimistic and positive experience offered to us by our current meteorological situation, isn't it?
*Did you happen upon the report on the television set pertaining to the current affairs in which we find ourselves, where that gentleman Donald J Trump was featured, he's such a dapper, gentle person I think you'll agree"

I'd agree with that but in reality, TDS sufferers go way more overboard that being justifiably objective. Trump, Clinton and now Biden, none of them are fit to be the president of the United States.
If Clinton or Biden were the POTUS then you'd have some basis for an argument, as it is they're not so you're simply bringing up a hypothetical scenario, you're engaging in conjecture, it's supposition, it's an imaginary situation. While I'm all for imaging things shouldn't you be more concerned with the clear and present danger? For instance I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on a question i asked earlier..
Does it not concern you that so many people misunderstand him? I think we can all agree, rightly or wrongly, that lots of people misunderstand what he says and Trump supporters often have to 'explain' what he actually meant, if you're constantly having to do that doesn't it worry you that someone will misunderstand him at a critical moment and put the lives of American service men and women in danger or worse, if he had to deal with something like the Cuban missile crisis the last thing you'd want is a misunderstand.

Also while I'm asking questions: Don't you find his inability to imagine why there's been a surge in calls to US emergency hotlines regarding disinfectant over the last two days a bit concerning? If he can't image what caused that doesn't it concern you that he may not be able to image other causalities.
When i have time to read through it again and go point by point I will.

I agree with the part that says the US political system and presidency was ruined long before Trump.
Like i said a single point is more than sufficient, because agreeing with the part that says the US political system and presidency was ruined long before Trump doesn't seem match your statement that there's nothing objectively critical in the article.
I think she is simply a paid shill. She might have conservative views but she saw a hole in the market for a women of colour to fill and exploited it to make money. The views she aires are ridiculous, claiming white people "freed the slaves" but are perfect for the Breitbart/Fox News crowd, they lap this up, buy her books and invite her to speak at events. Trump is a godsend to her marketability.
This. She is vacuous and only cares about the money and money in the right wing are more than happy to supply it in spades for her to spread their poison.
It's only you and people of limited critical thought who think that.

I have always said that the US had a choice of 2 bad candidates and they do again in 2020.
Ooh big fancy words there lol.
I’m afraid that’s where you are wrong, we think that because time and time again you say you don’t support Trump but you prove that you are being untruthful with your fervent support of him and your lack of critical thinking when it comes to criticising him in any way, shape or form.

2 bad candidates?? Only one was the bad one and almost 4 yrs later it’s been shown beyond a doubt what a massive mistake it was to elect him. Sure Hillary isn’t or wasn’t going to be the best candidate but compared to Trump, she wouldn’t have ****** up so many times. She would have been nowhere close to a calamity that Trump has truly been
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Ooh big fancy words there lol.
I’m afraid that’s where you are wrong, we think that because time and time again you say you don’t support Trump but you prove that you are being untruthful with your fervent support of him.
2 bad candidates?? Only one was the bad one and almost 4 yrs later it’s been shown beyond a doubt what a massive mistake it was to elect him. Sure Hillary isn’t or wasn’t going to be the best candidate but compared to Trump, she wouldn’t have ****** up so many times. She would have been nowhere close to a calamity that Trump has truly been

But back in 2016 it was an absolute nailed on fact that Crooked Hilary was going to be locked up if she didn't drop dead first, there was obviously no way she could have become president. Even though she received more votes than Trump...
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