Donald Trump

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This ridiculous idea that's been floated that somehow the bad test kits were Obama's fault is absolute rubbish. Trump himself has claimed this in a video . Coronavirus was only identified at the beginning of the year. Obama was the President almost four years ago. No Trump, it was your responsibility to get correctly working and adequate test kits. Honestly, the crap that Trump spouts is toxic, and the people that lap it up so mindlessly need to get a grip and find their brains and common sense.

President Manchild said:
"The last administration left us nothing. We started off with bad, broken tests, and obsolete tests."

Jim Acosta of CNN said:
“You say ‘broken tests’ — it’s a new virus, so how could the tests be broken?”

President Manchild said:
“We had broken tests. We had tests that were obsolete. We had tests that didn’t take care of people"

Fact said:
While it wasn’t possible for Obama to leave coronavirus tests for Trump, his administration did leave behind a detailed pandemic response playbook put together by Obama’s National Security Council in 2016. But instead of using it, Trump fired the government’s pandemic preparedness team in 2018, and later spent six weeks after the coronavirus arrived in the US downplaying it at every turn.

This is why we have a problem with Trump. It's things like this that create more of a problem, and in a situation like we are now, we don't need any more of a problem with things. Yet this idiot that's apparently in charge just can't help himself, says and does stupid things, or nothing at all, and then spends weeks claiming that he's done a spectacular job at dealing with things when in actual fact all he's done is create more of a mess.
15 cases - should be down to nearly 0 shortly, then he saved up to 2 million lives, then it would be well under 100,000 deaths (despite ordering 100,000 body bags), now it's between 80-100k deaths and finally - he says they hope to have a vaccine by the end of the year. He has no clue.
8 years of a previous weak leader fatigues the us populous. In November they again have 2 bad choices.
So it's always the other guys fault? And people would only have two bad choices if there were two identical candidates, they both maybe bad compared to other countries or past candidates but people ain't electing them so the comparison is invalid, the valid comparison is between, and only between, the two candidates so one will be a worse choice than the other, pretty simple really.
All false.. you really should get off Twitter
It wasn't twitter it was from watching Trumps speak live so its all true.

That website appears to be wrong not only do the other factcheck websites confirm its true but that website says its unclear why they left office. The reason they left office is because the Trump administration axed the executive branch team responsible for coordinating a response to a pandemic. Also others who did not get fired got reassigning. Last time I looked prevention funding was reduced 80%. Trump was warned the harm all this was cause so he is responsible.

As for the rest its not false there is direct video footage of Trump directly saying Obama is to blame for the test shortage and broken test when its 100% Trumps fault.
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I’m going to hazard a guess here but maybe, just maybe, if Clinton had won the election this whole situation would have been handled far better.

Actually every situation in the last 3 years would have been handled better and professionally.
I’m going to hazard a guess here but maybe, just maybe, if Clinton had won the election this whole situation would have been handled far better.

Actually every situation in the last 3 years would have been handled better and professionally.
Are you joking? We would have been at war with Russia and NK, the 44th Benghazi investigation would be currently underway, she would have died from her illness but a mixture of a body double and animatronics would have been used in place, there would be no bullets for the armed forces, there would be no Space Force, 1bn Americans would have died from COVID-19, all guns would have been banned by now, the word Christmas would have been officially outlawed, Chelsea Clinton would be press secretary, Bill Clinton would be AG and Comet Ping Pong would have expanded nationally and begun lobbying the government for a national pizza inspired paedophile ring (with delivery options on Uber Eats).
Are you joking? We would have been at war with Russia and NK, the 44th Benghazi investigation would be currently underway, she would have died from her illness but a mixture of a body double and animatronics would have been used in place, there would be no bullets for the armed forces, there would be no Space Force, 1bn Americans would have died from COVID-19, all guns would have been banned by now, the word Christmas would have been officially outlawed, Chelsea Clinton would be press secretary, Bill Clinton would be AG and Comet Ping Pong would have expanded nationally and begun lobbying the government for a national pizza inspired paedophile ring (with delivery options on Uber Eats).

Sounds like something Trump would say :)
Are you joking? We would have been at war with Russia and NK, the 44th Benghazi investigation would be currently underway, she would have died from her illness but a mixture of a body double and animatronics would have been used in place, there would be no bullets for the armed forces, there would be no Space Force, 1bn Americans would have died from COVID-19, all guns would have been banned by now, the word Christmas would have been officially outlawed, Chelsea Clinton would be press secretary, Bill Clinton would be AG and Comet Ping Pong would have expanded nationally and begun lobbying the government for a national pizza inspired paedophile ring (with delivery options on Uber Eats).

Funny but true:p
This ridiculous idea that's been floated that somehow the bad test kits were Obama's fault is absolute rubbish. Trump himself has claimed this in a video . Coronavirus was only identified at the beginning of the year. Obama was the President almost four years ago. No Trump, it was your responsibility to get correctly working and adequate test kits. Honestly, the crap that Trump spouts is toxic, and the people that lap it up so mindlessly need to get a grip and find their brains and common sense.

This is why we have a problem with Trump. It's things like this that create more of a problem, and in a situation like we are now, we don't need any more of a problem with things. Yet this idiot that's apparently in charge just can't help himself, says and does stupid things, or nothing at all, and then spends weeks claiming that he's done a spectacular job at dealing with things when in actual fact all he's done is create more of a mess.

Donald "pass the buck" Trump, nothing is ever his fault, it's all the fault of the previous administration.

So there you go. If that's true, that's utterly shocking. I wonder what he'll have to say for himself if that does happen!

I feel really sorry for the innocent people that have been staying at home and only going out when they've needed to, now likely getting ill or dying because of the imbeciles that have been ignoring the warnings. And for the medical staff who have been working tirelessly through this whole situation. It's such a shame that they're the ones suffering through such at-the-top incompetence :(

Well Trump defenders, what have you got to say to defend the apple of your eye now huh?
So there you go. If that's true, that's utterly shocking. I wonder what he'll have to say for himself if that does happen!

I feel really sorry for the innocent people that have been staying at home and only going out when they've needed to, now likely getting ill or dying because of the imbeciles that have been ignoring the warnings. And for the medical staff who have been working tirelessly through this whole situation. It's such a shame that they're the ones suffering through such at-the-top incompetence :(

Well Trump defenders, what have you got to say to defend the apple of your eye now huh?

But Hilary. It’s Obama’s fault. Fake news.
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