This ridiculous idea that's been floated that somehow the bad test kits were Obama's fault is absolute rubbish. Trump himself has claimed this in a video . Coronavirus was only identified at the beginning of the year. Obama was the President almost four years ago. No Trump, it was your responsibility to get correctly working and adequate test kits. Honestly, the crap that Trump spouts is toxic, and the people that lap it up so mindlessly need to get a grip and find their brains and common sense.
This is why we have a problem with Trump. It's things like this that create more of a problem, and in a situation like we are now, we don't need any more of a problem with things. Yet this idiot that's apparently in charge just can't help himself, says and does stupid things, or nothing at all, and then spends weeks claiming that he's done a spectacular job at dealing with things when in actual fact all he's done is create more of a mess.
President Manchild said:"The last administration left us nothing. We started off with bad, broken tests, and obsolete tests."
Jim Acosta of CNN said:“You say ‘broken tests’ — it’s a new virus, so how could the tests be broken?”
President Manchild said:“We had broken tests. We had tests that were obsolete. We had tests that didn’t take care of people"
Fact said:While it wasn’t possible for Obama to leave coronavirus tests for Trump, his administration did leave behind a detailed pandemic response playbook put together by Obama’s National Security Council in 2016. But instead of using it, Trump fired the government’s pandemic preparedness team in 2018, and later spent six weeks after the coronavirus arrived in the US downplaying it at every turn.
This is why we have a problem with Trump. It's things like this that create more of a problem, and in a situation like we are now, we don't need any more of a problem with things. Yet this idiot that's apparently in charge just can't help himself, says and does stupid things, or nothing at all, and then spends weeks claiming that he's done a spectacular job at dealing with things when in actual fact all he's done is create more of a mess.