Donald Trump

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Because he's a ******* moron deflecting from the 65,000 deaths on his watch.
-edit, 66,109 and counting. RIP
And what makes it doubly worse is that all his supporters are all ******* morons too ;)

And Trump wouldn’t know **** even if it hit him smack on the face.
Hmm I wonder why the President is tweeting out something so serious over a debunked conspiracy, maybe being the President he knows something that we don't? :confused:
Still not addressing any of the points people raised with you over your posting of this sort of stuff i see. :rolleyes:

And you can't seriously be suggesting that because Trump tweeted something it must be true or that he actually knows about it, this is a guy who, if reports are even close to accurate, doesn't even pay attention to presidential briefings.
I just remember back 3 years ago in the SC thread, when Trump first tweeted about wiretaps and the Russian hoax. All the TDS lot went mad at me and others calling us everything, saying how he's lying and how gullible we were, and now look what has happened

Every time you underestimate him and he smacks you right in the face time after time, and I love seeing you lot take his bait, it's hilarious
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Any one care to take a guess what tang0's response will be when Hillary doesn't run in November?

She was 9/1 this morning, last week she was 20/1.

Bidens odds are dropping fast, this allegation will end him now that the DNC is investigating him and he will drop out. Hillary will "Rise from the ashes" to save the day and it will be this big saviour moment with the media

She knew she couldn’t win the people over, so she planned to win the delegates instead. Why do you think Bernie hasn't dropped out and is holding onto his delegates?

Take a screenshot
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How did the trump wiretaps turn out again?

Oh yes, it was that the FBI were tapping (with warrants legitimately obtained) people* who trump was then calling (including now convicted felon manafort and various dodgy russiians)- they didn't aim for trump at the time, it's just that Trump was stupid enough that he kept getting into contact with people who were dodgy and under investigation for various things, which in itself tends to get the police etc interested when someone is routinely in touch with multiple others who are under investigation.

It's one of those subtle legal differences that are probably not part of the 49dd chess that Trump supporters seem to think is going on.

Mind you even Trump backtracked on his claim at least once saying something along the lines of he didn't mean it literally but something like surveillance or monitoring was going on at Trump towers (a statement that could have covered virtually every major multi residence property in NYC at one point or another over the decades).

*I wish I had the FBI's crystal ball as they obviously knew Trump was going to run when they started tapping Manafort's phones as part of their investigations into him several years before Trump announced hew as going to run, i mean with a crystal ball like that I'd be winning the lottery.
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Any one care to take a guess what tang0's response will be when Hillary doesn't run in November?
If that happens tang0 will just blank it out and keep living in there own alternate reality like they have been for years. We all know tang0 is very gullible and mislead by fake news and fake alternate facts. Truth doesn't matter to them as history has shown.
She was 9/1 this morning, last week she was 20/1.

Bidens odds are dropping fast, this allegation will end him now that the DNC is investigating him and he will drop out. Hillary will "Rise from the ashes" to save the day and it will be this big saviour moment with the media

She knew she couldn’t win the people over, so she planned to win the delegates instead. Why do you think Bernie hasn't dropped out and is holding onto his delegates?

Take a screenshot
There are multiple snapshots of Pizzagate from you in this thread - you were wrong.
You've got to love Biden it's like he is trolling all of the anti-Trumpers by being more Trump than Trump, except with zero policies.
You've got to love Biden it's like he is trolling all of the anti-Trumpers by being more Trump than Trump, except with zero policies.
He has policy's like putting black people in the role of judges which is long overdue and making sure females are better represented including a female VP.

I see you are still turning a blind eye to Trumps abuse of young girls and hanging around with Epstein’s sex trafficked girls. Its funny how you pretend to be outraged at Biden but are happy for Creepy Quid Pro Quo Trump to do worse.
She was 9/1 this morning, last week she was 20/1.

Bidens odds are dropping fast, this allegation will end him now that the DNC is investigating him and he will drop out. Hillary will "Rise from the ashes" to save the day and it will be this big saviour moment with the media

She knew she couldn’t win the people over, so she planned to win the delegates instead. Why do you think Bernie hasn't dropped out and is holding onto his delegates?

Take a screenshot
Seen as Hilary has already announced she endorses Biden, then it won't happen that she runs.
Hmm I wonder why the President is tweeting out something so serious over a debunked conspiracy, maybe being the President he knows something that we don't? :confused:


There is always a Trump tweet for everything.

Except he didn't lie about something related to the Trump campaign. They interviewed him under duress and it was a process perjury trap where they tripped him up with a question about something else. FBI agents who interviewed him did not believe he lied about his call with Kislyak, but they did not tell him this. His previous lawyers that were supposed to be protecting him, were basically working with Mueller's team, and was forced to plead guilty quickly because they threatened to hit his son with a bogus charge.

We have the text messages where Strzok & Page discuss how they're changing the original Flynn 302 interview form to remove exculpatory statements from it. We'll probably see the original 302 soon

So obviously Trump was forced to fire him because he plead guilty
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"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
Is that why Trump is always trying to make it seem like America, and particularly himself, are so strong and great? It's good to see you finally coming to your senses.
I just remember back 3 years ago in the SC thread, when Trump first tweeted about wiretaps and the Russian hoax. All the TDS lot went mad at me and others calling us everything, saying how he's lying and how gullible we were, and now look what has happened

Every time you underestimate him and he smacks you right in the face time after time, and I love seeing you lot take his bait, it's hilarious
Hoax, what hoax? The guy's been impeached over it, has that small detail slipped your mind or something.

I'll tell you what's more hilarious, seeing how far you've fallen down the rabbit hole of hard-right CT nonsense, next thing you'll be telling us they're turning the frogs gay, you do know the sort of site where you're picking up this clap-trap only publish the stuff they do to drive clicks, right?

Also we're yet to see who has the last laugh, personally I'm looking forward to when Trump leaves office and he no longer has the protection that being POTUS affords him.
Except he didn't lie about something related to the Trump campaign.
Doesn't matter, it's a crime to knowingly make false statements to law enforcement officers, the subject is irrelevant.
They interviewed him under duress and it was a process perjury trap where they tripped him up with a question about something else.
Are you being slow on purpose? Name me a single interview conducted by law enforcement officers where the interviewee isn't under duress, i mean you're literally being interviewed over something that could see you, and people associated with you, spend time in jail. And no they didn't trip him up with questions about something else, he chose to knowingly make false statements, it doesn't matter what the subject of the questions being asked are, if you choose to make false statements you've broken the law.
FBI agents who interviewed him did not believe he lied about his call with Kislyak, but they did not tell him this. His previous lawyers that were supposed to be protecting him, were basically working with Mueller's team, and was forced to plead guilty quickly because they threatened to hit his son with a bogus charge.
You can't be serious, are you really suggesting law enforcement officer should tell the person they're interviewing if they sound convincing? You've totally lost the plot.

Also "were basically working with Mueller's team", when you say basically do you mean not at all?

And you've already had responses to "the threatened to hit his son with a bogus charge" that you've chosen to ignore so perhaps it would be a good idea to address those as you're starting to sound like a broken record.
We have the text messages where Strzok & Page discuss how they're changing the original Flynn 302 interview form to remove exculpatory statements from it. We'll probably see the original 302 soon

So obviously Trump was forced to fire him because he plead guilty
So you admit Flynn was guilty. :confused:
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