Donald Trump

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A reporter has just asked her if she'll pledge to never lie at the podium, she's said she won't ever lie, and has then gone on to lie in the things she's discussing. Great!

She's also said that intelligence reports are just estimates. Yep, that's how intelligence from spies and agencies works!

She is a proven liar and if you look at her career she has done nothing but peddle Trump's lies to make a name for herself. She has zero journalistic integrity and is stupid as she is ignorant.

and there is more.

Talking about stupid. Here is a very in-depth assessment from Trump saying the Virus will go away without a vaccine. "Burning embers, Boom we put it out!"

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We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we are ordering a lot of different elements of medical.
It's a couple of months old but it's hilarious and infuriating people defend stupid like this.
You just know a person has zero credibility when the only way they can attempt to get their message across is by blaming the claimed actions of the previous office on the state of the present situation. I have not yet seen a single interview with her where she hasn't blamed someone else or mentioned the failing of another party. People who live in the past will never be a success in the future and will never gain trust from actual human beings.
You just know a person has zero credibility when the only way they can attempt to get their message across is by blaming the claimed actions of the previous office on the state of the present situation. I have not yet seen a single interview with her where she hasn't blamed someone else or mentioned the failing of another party. People who live in the past will never be a success in the future and will never gain trust from actual human beings.

This is also the same TV pundit that claimed Trump has never lied to the American people ever LoL (@7:00 approx below). How she manage to say this on TV with a straight face is a feat in itself.

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This is also the same TV pundit that claimed Trump has never lied to the American people ever LoL (@7:00 approx below). How she manage to say this on TV with a straight face is a feat in itself.

Wow what a fruitloop. But I suppose her job depends on her defending the indefensible :p
Deflect! Deflect!
Coming up to 70,000 deaths and this joke of a "leader" is praising "Boaters", praising his "CHINA BAN" and retweeting ***** from his echo chamber. What a ****.

Oh, and that his intelligence service didn't tell him about Corona until late January. Dream on, idiot. The USA was giving intelligence about Covid to Israel, among others, as far back as November.
Deflect! Deflect!
Coming up to 70,000 deaths and this joke of a "leader" is praising "Boaters", praising his "CHINA BAN" and retweeting ***** from his echo chamber. What a ****.

Oh, and that his intelligence service didn't tell him about Corona until late January. Dream on, idiot. The USA was giving intelligence about Covid to Israel, among others, as far back as November.
As terrible as it is 70,000 isn't as bad as it sounds given the population of the USA is 330m so 5x higher than the UK population yet the death rate is only 2.5x higher than the UK.
As terrible as it is 70,000 isn't as bad as it sounds given the population of the USA is 330m so 5x higher than the UK population yet the death rate is only 2.5x higher than the UK.

Its more about Trump failing to act, the lies, the deflections, the blaming other people, the hoax, the downplaying, the endless gaffs(disinfectant, Hydroxychloroquine) after all the warnings and intelligence they had in January/Feb. Its a litany of failure.

That said the UK has been just as poor.
As terrible as it is 70,000 isn't as bad as it sounds given the population of the USA is 330m so 5x higher than the UK population yet the death rate is only 2.5x higher than the UK.

Not even in top 10 per capita, US is managing it better than Europe with lots of testing

But the mentally trapped TDS cult just have to come on the internet every day showing disdain for a leader of another country, very odd behaviour
Not even in top 10 per capita, US is managing it better than Europe with lots of testing

But the mentally trapped TDS cult just have to come on the internet every day showing disdain for a leader of another country, very odd behaviour

You can't honestly think its been handled well? Seriously? The richest nation on earth, with the "best" medical care in the world. It should have a far fewer deaths . And the UK, Spain, France and Italy have nothing to be proud of either. The US, UK and France had a heads up with what happened in Italy and still managed to balls it up.
As terrible as it is 70,000 isn't as bad as it sounds given the population of the USA is 330m so 5x higher than the UK population yet the death rate is only 2.5x higher than the UK.

Dont forget the UK is 7x more densely populated than the US.

There's no 1on1 comparing of any country's handling of this situation. Once all the dust has settled im sure we will see far better metrics but for now the death rate is a pointless statistic!

That aside, Trump is a reckless moron in charge of arguably the worlds most powerful nation with a good likely hood of being re-elected, wtf America, 330m people and he is the one in charge?! :confused:
You can't honestly think its been handled well? Seriously? The richest nation on earth, with the "best" medical care in the world. It should have a far fewer deaths . And the UK, Spain, France and Italy have nothing to be proud of either. The US, UK and France had a heads up with what happened in Italy and still managed to balls it up.

As @Trusty defended and repeatedly reminded, Ranked number 1 in the world to deal with pandemics and as I stated at the time not necessarily under this management. That fact has not aged well. No one wishes for the death toll but you have admit Trump has been terrible and it's obvious he desperate to find ways to deflect.
Not even in top 10 per capita, US is managing it better than Europe with lots of testing

But the mentally trapped TDS cult just have to come on the internet every day showing disdain for a leader of another country, very odd behaviour
Its not odd if you stick your head out of the sand. If you get out of your mental trap the disdain makes perfect sense. Trump lied about tests with a test shortage because he was golfing instead of sorting out supply along with the facts Trump firing the main anti-pandemic team followed by Trump dismantling the anti pandemic structure put in place. This allowed the Virus to spread harder and kill more than it would have otherwise. Then the medical supplies stock ran out because Trump was golfing again, instead of stocking up supplies. But I guess you believe Trumps lie that its Obamas fault along with the test shortage and broken test. Do you believe that its Obamas fault as that was the reason Trumps gave for the broken tests and shortage of tests?

If that wasn't bad enough the massive job loss’s and destroyed economy have been hit harder than it needed to be because Trump failed to put in a proper protection system instead giving the money mostly to his rich friends while the everyday people surfer record job losses and lost health care.

While not the worst, the situation has been handled terribly and that is directly Trump fault. Just because they have some wide open remote areas keeping the death per capita low it doesn't mean the situation is being handled well.

The only odd behavior is your mentally trapped cult state of mind where you cannot see the truth. The US had some of, if not the worlds best anti-pandemic teams and best anti pandemic structures in place which Trump destroyed. This in turn is expected to cause the deaths to more then double or worse over of what they would have been if those systems where still in place. Trump is directly responsible for the extra deaths and extra economy damage because he shut down the anti-pandemic systems and fired all the best anti-pandemic people who would have limited the virus spread. Trump is also responsible for the test shortage and medical supplies that ran out. It was his job to restock, not Obama.
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