Donald Trump

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I have and now I'm asking you what you think the documents posted show, I'm asking for your opinion on a subject you raised.

Why else would you post them if you're unwilling to share your opinion of them?

There are another 10 docs to read. So off you go :)

This about facts not an opinion.
Literally the only one in this thread who goes out of his way to name call people and even make off the cuff racist remarks towards Yas in the past is you Deuse.

You should always...always quote a person so they can answer back.

And religion(nut jobs all of them) is not a race.
So no one can be racist.
Citations may be needed if you had been asleep for the past 4 years. Otherwise you would have noticed with the amount of criminals(most close personal friends or associates of Trump), firings, perversions of justice, 100's of stooge Judges appointed, the impeachment. List is near endless, all down to Trumps corruption.

So you have nothing in fact to back you up...thought so :)
Did you mean tax rate?

I don't know, I simply have no idea and no inclination to do the work involved to answer the question.

No I don't believe that a cap should be used, just that financial systems need to evolve the way the world has evolved.

How should it evolve do you think?
I do know that if the Democrats start giving out more money.
The US unemployment will last for years.
Home work boy.

This is before the Chinese virus. I will repeat for you. This is before the Chinese Virus.

Excellent none partisan source there, shame that most of the things an that list which Trump has attributed to himself are now down the toilet. Wave 2 will hit the US and then it’s game over for Trump and his supporters will be counting the cost for his negligence for years.

Well that’s if he manages to dodge COVID which seems increasingly unlikely no matter how many test he had (what a moron)
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There are another 10 docs to read. So off you go :)

This about facts not an opinion.
I've already told you I've read them.

And the facts don't show anything that's why I'm asking for your opinion but it's clear that's like trying to get blood out of a stone so it's probably best if i just assume you know they shown nothing and you're just posting spam.
Obama inherited an economy on its knees. Oh the irony of calling Obama a narcissist, I don't remember him saying it was all about him, Trump = absolute authority, zero responsibility.

You do remember the world wide recession in 2008 right? Black Americans have been badly off forever in America. It is still sadly one fo the most racist counties in the world.

Maybe Obama realised he was the president of everyone including republicans and so deporting illegal immigrants was a gesture to them? Also by not deporting them it just made his life on other maters more difficult. You can't win every battle but he did what he could for the likes of the dreamers.

Do you think BLM become a thing because of how Obama treated black people?? Are you serious? It is because of the decades long injustice of how black people are treated compared to white people by the justice system. Just take the crack cocaine prison sentence compared to powder cocaine. The same drug but crack used more by black people, powder by white, crack gets 10x the prison sentence length. Only this week the case of Ahmaud Arbery. Murdered by 2 white guys in cold blood back in February, the video was available to police and prosecutors from day 1, the story that there was a series of break ins they used as an excuse was a lie, a lie police that they would have known. Yet it is only when the video goes public that the men are arrested and charged and the story of break ins turns out to be untrue. That is institutional racism. It was in effect a lynching. Now I don't agree with a lot of what BLM do and say but you'd have to be blind not to recognise the problem the US has with racism in the justice system.

How has he achieved more? He inherited a booming economy. Look at the graphs of the economy from 2008 to 2020 and its a steady climb, nothing changed growth wise when Trump came in. He took millions off health care in his attempts to gut the ACA, how is that helping people? He gave a tax cut to the rich, the national debt grew by 2 trillion under Trump, that money would be useful for a crisis right? Like now? His handling the crisis has been terrible. He put his own political interests ahead of the country and hopefully he'll pay for that come November.
That is not even close to being accurate.
That's false, money is printed, there's an infinite amount of money. If we had matter replicators then we would have infinite material wealth too. The problem is when you take away capital from the people who research and develop products and services and are highly productive and give it to people who are economically unproductive it actually damages society, it doesn't make it better. People who earn less need to gain skills and increase their economic output, you can't make someone more productive by incentivising them to continue being unproductive, it's backwards. What you need is to increase the opportunity people have to gain skills, you will always have poor people, that's not a problem as long as poor people have opportunity. Demonising rich people as if they're hoarding wealth is ridiculous, saying things like "there's only so much money to go around" just shows you have a fundamental lack of understanding of how the economy works, it's actually laughable - I don't think people who say things like that even deserve a vote.

Go on print infinite money and see where that gets you. Governments have to have sensible monetary policy if it is to be worth anything in the long run so yes "there is only so much money to go around". No with matter replicators you wouldn't have infinite material wealth unless you also had infinite energy. If you have both of those then a lot of our problems are pretty much solved. Well probably not because we'd find a way to **** it up.

Sorry I just don't buy that argument. For one it simply isn't true, it doesn't damage society and it can make it better. The US had tax rates between 70% and 90% for the highest earners from the start of WW2 up until 1980 and during that time it was the the engine of the world economy and had a huge increase in standard of living across society. Secondly the problem with your argument is there always has to be people at the bottom of the pile who are forgotten and left to live hand to mouth, pay cheque to pay cheque and remove one pay cheque and they are in real crisis of not being able to pay their mortgage, rent and buy food or other essentials. Society is always going to need people to empty bins, sweep streets, clean sewers, clean offices and hospitals, drive buses, work in restaurants, the list of jobs where pay is terrible but we have to have them goes on and on. So for these people you just say "you should have worked harder in school" or words to that effect. Thing is if they had all worked harder in school or go back to school later in life who does those jobs? Unless of course you want to pay all those people a wage that not only allows them a good standard of living but also to save a little each month for a rainy day or tax them at a lower rate that achieves the same thing?
Taxation isn't fair in the way you want it to be. Everyone paying 20% might seem fair but it isn't. What someone can do with that extra £200 a month when paying a lower tax rate as they have a low income compared 20k or 200k a month is obvious. Someone with 5 million more a year will have bought a house that costs probably 1 million + and will take expensive holidays and buy a more expensive car. If you take an extra 10% in tax of what they earn after the first million they still buy a house, they still buy a car and they still go on holiday, they will still be motivated to work and try and earn more.
Who is demonising rich people? Where has anyone said that? I have no problem with people earning lots of money. Good luck to them, I just think they can pay more in tax than those at the other end of the spectrum as a percentage of what they earn. Giving tax cuts to the mega rich and paying for it by adding it to the national debt is stupid, especially in good times.
You do love to thrown around insults at anyone that doesn't agree with your world view don't you.

Money is infinite, it's printed on paper or stored as digital numbers in a bank account. Rich people having a yacht that's worth £50million isn't the reason someone else is signing on to job seekers allowance, infact building that yacht gave hundreds of people jobs and will provide jobs for people for years to maintain and service it. So bored of Corbyn style economics, **** off to the USSR. Oh wait.

LOL this whole argument was about paying taxes and you based it on that. Thing is people not working and on unemployment benefits don't pay taxes do they, certainly not income tax. VAT yes but everyone pays that at 20% on personal items that VAT applies to.
You try to come across like you are thinking on a different plane to everyone else, the truth is that is only in your head lol.
Go on print infinite money and see where that gets you. Governments have to have sensible monetary policy if it is to be worth anything in the long run so yes "there is only so much money to go around". No with matter replicators you wouldn't have infinite material wealth unless you also had infinite energy. If you have both of those then a lot of our problems are pretty much solved. Well probably not because we'd find a way to **** it up.

Sorry I just don't buy that argument. For one it simply isn't true, it doesn't damage society and it can make it better. The US had tax rates between 70% and 90% for the highest earners from the start of WW2 up until 1980 and during that time it was the the engine of the world economy and had a huge increase in standard of living across society. Secondly the problem with your argument is there always has to be people at the bottom of the pile who are forgotten and left to live hand to mouth, pay cheque to pay cheque and remove one pay cheque and they are in real crisis of not being able to pay their mortgage, rent and buy food or other essentials. Society is always going to need people to empty bins, sweep streets, clean sewers, clean offices and hospitals, drive buses, work in restaurants, the list of jobs where pay is terrible but we have to have them goes on and on. So for these people you just say "you should have worked harder in school" or words to that effect. Thing is if they had all worked harder in school or go back to school later in life who does those jobs? Unless of course you want to pay all those people a wage that not only allows them a good standard of living but also to save a little each month for a rainy day or tax them at a lower rate that achieves the same thing?
Taxation isn't fair in the way you want it to be. Everyone paying 20% might seem fair but it isn't. What someone can do with that extra £200 a month when paying a lower tax rate as they have a low income compared 20k or 200k a month is obvious. Someone with 5 million more a year will have bought a house that costs probably 1 million + and will take expensive holidays and buy a more expensive car. If you take an extra 10% in tax of what they earn after the first million they still buy a house, they still buy a car and they still go on holiday, they will still be motivated to work and try and earn more.
Who is demonising rich people? Where has anyone said that? I have no problem with people earning lots of money. Good luck to them, I just think they can pay more in tax than those at the other end of the spectrum as a percentage of what they earn. Giving tax cuts to the mega rich and paying for it by adding it to the national debt is stupid, especially in good times.
You do love to thrown around insults at anyone that doesn't agree with your world view don't you.

No, sorry, the tax rate in the US was lower than it is today actually and no one paid that top marginal rate. Those high tax rates are nothing to do with the booming economy after the world war.

The war itself got America out of the great depression, not "some higher tax rates"
No, sorry, the tax rate in the US was lower than it is today actually and no one paid that top marginal rate. Those high tax rates are nothing to do with the booming economy after the world war.

The war itself got America out of the great depression, not "some higher tax rates"

Where did I say the higher tax rates got the US out of a depression? Roar87 said it was bad for society to tax the highest earners more, I simply pointed out that they were taxed at far higher rates for 40 years and it didn't hurt the US economy or society.
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