I have been.
The reason why is the extreme polarisation and extremism. So anything other than absolute raging hatred of Trump and absolute condemnation of him in every way at every opportunity for every reason (real or wildly biased or wildly exaggerated or completely fictional) and more vehemently than everyone else is condemned as being a Trump lover. It's like the white supremicists of the past and their name-calling of "[magic word banned here] lover" or the McCarthyite era "communist sympathiser", etc, etc, etc.
When extremism is an all-consuming passion, anything less than maximum extremism is condemned as being the opposite extreme. There's no room in such a mentality for anything other than two fervent extremes in absolute opposition with one being Holy Wonderful Goodness and the other being Diabolic Vile Evil. No exceptions, no other position can exist. You're absolutely with us in every way or you're THE EVIL ONE THE DEVIL THE SCUM OF VILENESS!