Donald Trump

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As we all expected it turns out you where completely wrong about Trump handling the virus well and not being in the top 10 worst. The US due to Trumps terrible handing of the situation is now in 8th place and working its way towards 5th place based on current data and based on almost 200 county's. Same for the economy due to Trump being completely useless the US has been hit extra hard and is now in the worst economy state its been in for 100 years again that is worse then expected due to Trump. Deaths are almost 100% higher then predicted peak due to Trump messing the situation up. All those extra deaths are directly Trumps fault.
pathetic attempt at delfection
So yet again you bring NOTHING to the thread. Just a daft picture. Which again gives nothing. There is no Obamagate. Just a silly word a small child created to spread another CT about absolutely nothing. Deflection of the poorest kind
That shows the US has handled the Virus worse than the majority of counties being right up there with the other counties that have handled the virus badly. It also shows the US has now moved into 8th place and still rising with a higher growth rate and looking like they will overtake more of those others in the top 8, the US is on track based on current data to over time be in the top 5.

The US had every advantage including plenty of warning from everywhere else and Trump wasted it all making the situation worse than I needed to be.

Well. If you think the US has done bad.
Then you have to admit that the UK is the worst hit in the world.
Well. If you think the US has done bad.
Then you have to admit that the UK is the worst hit in the world.

I don't think anybody is debating that our TrumpLite has been any less useless. More than one leader can be incompetent, just as multiple posters on here can be consistently wrong.
As we all expected it turns out you where completely wrong about Trump handling the virus well and not being in the top 10 worst. The US due to Trumps terrible handing of the situation is now in 8th place and working its way towards 5th place based on current data and based on almost 200 county's. Same for the economy due to Trump being completely useless the US has been hit extra hard and is now in the worst economy state its been in for 100 years again that is worse then expected due to Trump. Deaths are almost 100% higher then predicted peak due to Trump messing the situation up. All those extra deaths are directly Trumps fault.

You don'y half sprout rubbish.
If you ever live in the US and think the president(at that time) is going to help your state. Think again.

It's up to the governor of each state to look after it.

NY\NJ did terrible. They have more money coming in then Florida.
NY even charge your personal tax on top of the other taxes.

Yet the governor failed 100%
He sent people with the Chinese virus to nursing home that never had it till then...

But I am glad they are going to investigate NY\NJ and CA.
You don'y half sprout rubbish.
If you ever live in the US and think the president(at that time) is going to help your state. Think again.

It's up to the governor of each state to look after it.

NY\NJ did terrible. They have more money coming in then Florida.
NY even charge your personal tax on top of the other taxes.

Yet the governor failed 100%
He sent people with the Chinese virus to nursing home that never had it till then...

But I am glad they are going to investigate NY\NJ and CA.

NY was getting less money than the other states DESPITE it being the highest contributor to the funds. So that's an absolute load of rubbish. They also had more cases than any other state, not because the governor didn't handle things well (he's done a better job than most of the others in NY) but because all the flights came to NY. So get your facts straight.
Still posting your monthly crap?
Still waiting for answers from the 3 things you was asked.

I suspect he'll keep posting it until it gets through to that thing you seem to be incapable of engaging. I agree with him, you're posting drivel from 100 years ago. We've come a long way since then you know. Women are allowed to vote now, blacks are not considered slaves anymore. You should try hopping in to the new century, it might not be perfect but its a hell of a lot better than that dump of an era you seem so keen to hold on to.

Well. If you think the US has done bad.
Then you have to admit that the UK is the worst hit in the world.
Not worst but right up there near the top. Which doesn’t change the fact Trump handling of the situation has been terrible.

Just because you don’t like to admit to being wrong about backing the wrong person it doesn’t mean I am sprouting rubbish.

“If you ever live in the US and think the president(at that time) is going to help your state. Think again.”
It was the president job to restock the medical supplies instead he didn’t bother, going out golfing instead then blamed Obama for the stock being empty even though Trump had plenty of time to restock. This was Trumps fault and caused the virus to hit harder than it would have

There was a anti pandemic handbook to help reduce the spread. Instead of using it Trump binned it and lied saying it was Obamas fault for not leaving any anti pandemic handbook again Trumps fault.

Early on instead of given useful advice Trump was lying saying it was a democrat hoax and nothing to worry about. This caused the virus to spread more than it would have as parts of the population thought it was a hoax.

It is the presidents job to set a good example but Trumps isn’t interested refusing to wear a mask and attacks people for being sensible and wearing a mask on Memorial Day. His followers follow his example leading to more virus spread again Trump fault.

Controlling the boarder is directly Trumps responsibility and like the UK he didn’t bother doing proper checks allowing people with the virus to freely enter the US. All the while lying to the population about the virus so it spreader faster and earlier.

Protecting the economy and limiting the damage is Trumps responsibility and he has done an absolutely terrible job at this causing the worst damage in 100 years. It was always going to be bad but Trump has made it massively worse.

It is Trumps job to stand up and reassure the population and give out useful advice. Instead he talked like someone suffering from long term dementia. Spent more time praising himself then given out useful advice. Plus a ton of other stuff all covered in this thread.

Ultimately the responsibility goes to the leader at the top which is Trump. When Obama was in charge and dealt with the other virus Trump spent a long time saying the leader takes full responsibility and he constantly blamed Obama for handling that virus. Now Trump is at the top and there is a new virus so responsibility for handling the virus falls on Trump.

Or are you saying the bad things Trump had been saying about Obama are false and lies and in in fact Obama was correct and Trump was wrong?
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Chinese virus? Racist cretin.

Oh I wouldn't be surprised if he's got his KKK outfit hidden away somewhere, Deuse is the poster child for what we as a species left behind us many years ago.

Funny enough, my wife is doing a degree in psychology and she was recently studying a bit of behavioral analysis. One of the things that highlighted if someone is insecure in their lives is their need to replace certain commonly used words with their own words to try and make a passive aggressive point, knowing it would wind others up. It was seen as a subconscious cry for help. I believe the conclusion to this study was that in most cases, the people doing this were found to be clinically depressed or at least very unhappy in their lives.

Such words as "DemocRats", "Chinese Virus" and a few others which the usual folks post in here.
Well. If you think the US has done bad.
Then you have to admit that the UK is the worst hit in the world.

I believe we are, certainly thus far, we had a woeful initial response, on a par with the US, as in we did next no nothing until lockdown.
We'll have to see if second waves come along and how they affect matters here and elsewhere.
NPC time.


The left column is irrelevant, and you know this. What's relevant is that we've already decided, as a society, to call it the Coronavirus or Covid-19. This was established by health professionals all over the world and is accepted as the correct terminology. By ignoring the socially accepted norm and instead using something which is directly related to race, is literally the definition of racism. You do understand this, right?
Still waiting for you to point out where in Murphys post he was deflecting?

I'm still waiting for many replies to facts i have posted and accusations of deflections.

I guess the rules are they get answered first.

Or is it that you just post crap without being able to back it up.....hmm, let's think about that one.....Yep, definitely unsubstantiated crap! :)

Just the same as most TDS posters then. :)
I'm still waiting for many replies to facts i have posted and accusations of deflections.

I guess the rules are they get answered first.

You're not waiting for any from me and I asked you the question. You could have backed up what you said in the multiple times you have replied to me since and decided not to. So yep, just the usual unsubstantiated crap from you then!

Just the same as most legitimate Trump detractors then. :)

Well, no, that's obviously not true since you can just look back and see most people provide links to back up what they say. The even funnier bit is we actually read them first to make sure they do back up what we are saying, lol, not like the idiots trying to defend Trump who only read the headline when the body of the story undermines their point :D
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