Don't get burgled!

7 Jul 2011
I'm intrigued by the concept of private policing. Why don't we move to a system where we pay a group of people, a sum of money on a regular basis to ensure our property is safeguarded, protected, if you will. These men would need to be strapping lads to ensure that the average scally is loathe to break the law. In the event of a break in, why not have these upstanding members of society "pay a visit" to the culprit, to dissuade him from further schenanigans and to retrieve property?

We could even ensure costs are reasonable by allocating work on a locality basis, and then encouraging each firm to branch out from their territories using aggressive negotiation tactics, ensuring a strong and vibrant market place.

Of course non-payment of debt would need to be included as an enforceable crime, thus mitigating costly small claims proceedings.

The main benefit of course is that I would have a reason to buy a three piece suit and a stetson.
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
I'm intrigued by the concept of private policing. Why don't we move to a system where we pay a group of people, a sum of money on a regular basis to ensure our property is safeguarded, protected, if you will. These men would need to be strapping lads to ensure that the average scally is loathe to break the law. In the event of a break in, why not have these upstanding members of society "pay a visit" to the culprit, to dissuade him from further schenanigans and to retrieve property?

We could even ensure costs are reasonable by allocating work on a locality basis, and then encouraging each firm to branch out from their territories using aggressive negotiation tactics, ensuring a strong and vibrant market place.

Of course non-payment of debt would need to be included as an enforceable crime, thus mitigating costly small claims proceedings.

The main benefit of course is that I would have a reason to buy a three piece suit and a stetson.

Just move to Russia or somewhere.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Anyone else thinking that the Insurance companies are going to have a few unhappy words with the their local Tory MP about this?

If this comes to pass I can expect insurance policies to increase in cost as more people get away with more burglaries :(

It's utterly pointless having police turn up 99% of the time. They don't do forensics, although I doubt forensics come out the vast majority.

They turn up take a statement, something that doesn't heed to be done in person. As most of the time it's I dint know anything other tha between x-y time.
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
so if I batter the crap out of a burglar with my 9 iron I won't then be taken to court and charged with assault or worse because I was defending my house and family due to the police freely admitting the would no longer attend a burglary call out ?
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
so if I batter the crap out of a burglar with my 9 iron I won't then be taken to court and charged with assault or worse because I was defending my house and family due to the police freely admitting the would no longer attend a burglary call out ?

They would attend if a crime is in progress this wouldn't change.
2ndly only if CPS belived you were using reasonable force.
Man of Honour
17 Nov 2003
Southampton, UK
so if I batter the crap out of a burglar with my 9 iron I won't then be taken to court and charged with assault or worse because I was defending my house and family due to the police freely admitting the would no longer attend a burglary call out ?

For reference this does not include burglaries in progress, just ones where the offenders are long gone, so talking about protecting your home and reasonable force are moot. If you come home to find someone in your home, you can still expect a normal police response.
6 Oct 2004
Anyone else thinking that the Insurance companies are going to have a few unhappy words with the their local Tory MP about this?

If this comes to pass I can expect insurance policies to increase in cost as more people get away with more burglaries :(

Isn't this going to make insurance fraud a lot easier as well?

Fancy a new TV?

Sell/dump the old one, smash a window, call the police & claim a break-in, get a crime reference number, call insurance co.
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