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30 Nov 2011
a bit sucky but i'm sure you can straighten it out with them. Interesting you say 'don't tell me to post in customer services' though. Have you been told that before?

That's what everyone replies when people come on the forum to complain. On the one hand it's a valid response, because a lot of people do post in the GPU section which isn't generally monitored by shop staff, but obviously in this case the OP is aware of that and wants to vent which is also a valid response.

A big part of the problem is that the OCUK website actually sucks and doesn't support a lot of the functionality that a lot of other etailers websites do (e.g. live stock updates), or it has functionality, like they could limit sales to e.g. 50 of a thing, but they quite often put items live and the website will continue to accept preorders when actually the guys in the office know they'll never be getting that many from the supplier.

Customers expect things to "just work", and the OCUK store has been in dire need of overhaul for years. And then a lot of the support staff don't seem to know the actual ins and outs of how to fix a particular issue and only have very limited remit, usually to just offer a refund.
31 Dec 2007
The TARDIS, Wakefield, UK
As i have no gpu my computer will not work with a new keyboard.

I take it you dont have an AMD APU or Intel CPU ?

to be honest I`m surprised you saw 2070's in b grade as there have not been decent cards in there for weeks. Other day I looked and it was reverting to ATI cards again. I can forgive you for being new or not familiar but its well known amongst the regulars that the OCUK website is awaiting a vast update, as well as their whole computer system. B grade items are a bit of a lottery as often it says there is stock but the item cant either be found or exist. Their B grade section is a bit like a forgotten lost Uncle you know you had one but its not really kept much contact with hence Nik's clearout every year. I've ordered stuff from their only to be told they cant find it but I just know its part and parcel so I dont do a song and dance about it.

Also regulars will know they are very very very busy at the moment and dont forget they are/were working from home too so its a lot harder at the moment running things. For everything they get wrong you then get them going above and beyond eg voucher codes for GPU so definitely not the worst etailer out there.

Plus I got really good service recently in the B Grade section after putting in an offer and selling my old monitor basically got a 34" 144mhz U/W for £80!
25 Aug 2005
I put a couple of decent sized orders in last year within a week of each other. One had 3 x haribos and one had none. Strange times we live in.
Also, don't tell me to post in the CS section either.
18 Nov 2020
I love this type of complaining thread, we don't get enough of them in OCUK.

Also the OP I assume you typed this on a phone with a very small keyboard?
Yes and very fat fingers
As for the haribo i got a free bag when i asked if i could buy a jumper off them for a wraith led cooler and they sent me the jumoer for free plus the haribo, order a monitor and no haribo. Didnt post about that one though
17 Aug 2003
Woburn Sand Dunes
That's what everyone replies when people come on the forum to complain. On the one hand it's a valid response, because a lot of people do post in the GPU section which isn't generally monitored by shop staff, but obviously in this case the OP is aware of that and wants to vent which is also a valid response.

I know that, you know that and the OP knows that too which is unusual for a new account, no?
20 Apr 2015
My first post on here for a few months now and definitely my first time using: :cry:

Could do with a nice hat....
18 Jun 2018
Isle of Wight
I don't understand making an account to post in the forums, if you're not going to post in customers services, which is actually the place that might be able to make a difference?
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