Doom Eternal

Loved Doom 1 and 2 when I was younger, fantastic games for their time, but Doom 3 to me was a much better game, loved the atmosphere but totally understand the “not really Doom” comments. But it just felt like that it had to go that way to stay relevant with other FPS games coming out at the time

Didn’t really like Doom 4, I enjoyed it sure but found it draining to play for stretches. Had to force myself to complete it. I get that it’s a nod to the Dooms of old, but it just felt too arcadey to me and gaming has moved on since the original Doom games so that play style just didn’t suit me
Apparently some people are getting triggered about a gag in the latest Doom trailer where the UAC hologram says 'Demon' is an offensive term and they should be referred to as 'mortally challenged'.
Best ones are still the 90s originals. The map design is still a LOT better than any that came after it. They were a work of art.

Doom 2016 was basically a series of arenas. Kill everything in one large room, move on to the next, repeat, which was a bit of a lazy design. It means they didn't really have to think about map layout etc. Just make a big square room and spawn waves of enemies in it.
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Just watched the Quake con video and it looks alright I guess. It'll be like the last where I play it over a weekend then uninstall never to be touched again. Jumping around small arenas, shooting demons gets boring fairly quickly for me. This looks like its basically the same game as the first, with some extra weapons and enemies.

Hopefully it is on Steam or I wont be bothering with it.
Just watched the Quake con video and it looks alright I guess. It'll be like the last where I play it over a weekend then uninstall never to be touched again. Jumping around small arenas, shooting demons gets boring fairly quickly for me. This looks like its basically the same game as the first, with some extra weapons and enemies.

Hopefully it is on Steam or I wont be bothering with it.

You watched the whole presentation? They're expanding the Doom world. It isn't going to be little boxed arenas.
Gotta be honest I felt a bit bored watching the footage - the engine has potential visually but after Doom 2016 the gameplay isn't really exciting me - maybe actually playing it a bit would change my mind.

I'm also kind of feeling the lack of a decent game following up on Quake 1 or Quake 2 - though Quake 1 wise looks like Arcane Dimensions has been polished up pretty nicely.
Doom 2016 was poor. It has all the modern fps nonsense of upgrades, glory kills, collectibles, story with a narrative, crysis praetor suit etc and was just a dumb arena shooter. I might play it when discounted if it isn't arenas again.
Looking forward to this, enjoyed playing through 2016 and still listen to the soundtrack from time to time whilst playing other games.
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