Doom Eternal

I'm yet to play it still. There's such a fine line between getting oldschool into newschool that many games just don't deliver despite being so close. For me 2016 was a 9/10, i replayed it many times.
Metal: Hellsinger.

It’s a rhythm shooter set to a heavy metal sound track. Normally I have no interest in anything rhythm-based, but this had me captivated from beginning to end, and actually made me strive to her high in the score boards.
I finally got through to the end and did the final boss, after almost three years. The game does improve - the first two or three levels are slow but once you unlock the ballista, chaingun, double barreled shotty and some upgrades the fun really moves up a notch.

Having said that - I do still prefer Doom 2016. I still don't like the chainsaw mechanic. Grenades are a complete waste of time. Way way way too many upgrade trees for various things. And the marauder was just a complete let-down given how hard he was hyped. The gladiator and maykr fights were ok but the icon of sin was a mess, it's just a messy survival fight, trying to figure out which part is still alive whilst you're being assaulted with colours from everywhere.

I'm not sure I have any inkling to replay it or bother collecting things, which is a shame as I still drop into 2016 from time to time.

I'm wavering around a 6/10, whilst i'd consider 2016 an 8/10.

But, at least I got it done!

I admire your persistence!! :)
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