Doom Eternal

2) They introduce these encounters with rage monsters and to stop it you either have to find the sword or the main bad guy. These encounters suck ass.
Sort of agree. Sometimes this comes down to luck.

3) Grenades are pointless and add too much complexity to the game.
I'd hardly call two types of grenade "complex". Halo had 2 types of grenade and that was hardly the most complex shooter.

4) Flamethrower is great but I finally figured out the gameplay loop for this by mid-game since they spent so little time introducing it properly.
Seriously? Mid-game? It's a key part of the gameplay loop. It's your main source of armour!

5) The chain on the super shotgun was a hella dumb idea. I used it once when you had to for the boss but the rest of the time that entire weapon was not needed.
Again, it's a key part of the traversal mechanics. Once you get it, so many options are opened up to you.

8) the chainsaw loop is frustrating. I don't want to be doing that to fire weapons it just makes the game unnecessarily clunky. Sometimes I would have fuel and it would refuse to chainsaw a minion.
I don't consider pressing "c" every now and then to be a substantial break in the gameplay. It incentivises you to keep some of the fodder alive for longer and encourages target prioritisation.

9) I didn't mind the platforming, but there's some weird pixel perfect jumps in this game that do spoil it.
Sort of agree.

10) Monster variety was excellent as was the level design. However the two often didn't go well together and you would get caught in a corner and just die.
Really? The levels are designed as fairly open arenas.

I found the game quite a chore to get through by the end. This game kinda makes you feel like a clumsy fool, but Doom 16 made you feel like a badass and I honestly believe that's why a lot of people cant get on with it.
As much as I liked 2016, Eternal elevated the experience in so many meaningful ways. I'm glad 2016 still exists; but I find myself visiting Eternal way more often.
We all like a good challenge, but that is where Eternal failed. Because a 'good challenge' is something just outside your comfort zone. Something that tests you, but is 'reasonably' easily achievable. Not something miles outside, requiring a herculean effort!

For most 'casual' gamers, Eternal was just too big a step in too short a time. For those casual gamers, not enough time is given, and precious little instruction, to learn, and develop their skills with these new things, before being dropped head-first into the thick of it.

Eternal gets 'more' fun if you take the time to learn the mechanics, which again, the casual gamer isn't going to take the time to do.

Most games from the first doom to doom2016 are basic 'run around, WASD, fire your weapion of choice'. The majority i would say are happy with that. They didn't want to join the GB acrobatic team, they didn't want to have to master the speed squirts, or juggle the different grenades (on the same button which to me makes it worse). And i bet they didn't want to have to farm armour and ammo with flame and chainsaw.

These things of course, like most things, you get used to...(especially if you use a script :) ) given time. But to throw em all in at the same time? Misjudged imo.

The 'hardcore' gamer will accept the challenge and adapt, and the 'casual' gamer will get bored and move on.

Totally understandable.

Btw, i'm too old to be hardcore, i was just bored :)

Pretty much spot on.

I'm too old and have too much other stuff to do to get embroiled in learning and perfecting all this hardcore stuff in doom eternal. It failed as a doom game for me.
Pretty much spot on.

I'm too old and have too much other stuff to do to get embroiled in learning and perfecting all this hardcore stuff in doom eternal. It failed as a doom game for me.

I'm guessing the game was more on the side of a flop? As I noticed it quickly died down that it never held its magic. Sure graphically it's quite amazing. As is the sound engine. What put me off most of Eternal was it lost the dark atmosphere. Making everything so bright and vibrant.
I'm guessing the game was more on the side of a flop? As I noticed it quickly died down that it never held its magic. Sure graphically it's quite amazing. As is the sound engine. What put me off most of Eternal was it lost the dark atmosphere. Making everything so bright and vibrant.

It did kind of lose that atmosphere of earlier doom games. It seemed more of a sequence of arenas to beat than anything else. The platforming bits got on my nerves too. Technically it was great though. Looked good and ran superbly. To me, it just wasn't really doom.
Pretty much spot on.

I'm too old and have too much other stuff to do to get embroiled in learning and perfecting all this hardcore stuff in doom eternal. It failed as a doom game for me.

I would if it enhanced the level of fun the game was providing. But i'm not sure what exactly was so broken about the gameplay loop before that it needed all this faff bolted on? I want to be rewarded for learning a game and getting good at it, but I end up good at a game that's still worse than it's less complex predecessor?
I would if it enhanced the level of fun the game was providing. But i'm not sure what exactly was so broken about the gameplay loop before that it needed all this faff bolted on? I want to be rewarded for learning a game and getting good at it, but I end up good at a game that's still worse than it's less complex predecessor?

They definitely overcomplicated the game mechanics. For me, doom should be a simple game based on pure run and gun twitch gameplay. Introducing all this bolted on mechanics just took away from what made it great. But maybe they are aiming it at a wider demographic than us old school doom players now :(
Bought during the Steam sale and have just completed my first playthrough on Ultra Violence. So here are my thoughts.

1. I love how it has become more complex. The fights were leaving me pumped up after being put under increasing pressure. I do want to play more and become better at weapon combos!
2. Platforming was fun and added a little more complexity.
3. The most stable game I have played. No crashes in 18 hours of play.
4. Soundtrack. The intro gets me hyped up every time.
5. The final boss was an absolute slog. But the satisfaction in killing him was immense.

Definitely a great game although if you want to mindlessly run around and gun everything then it has elevated itself in complexity above this.
Bought during the Steam sale and have just completed my first playthrough on Ultra Violence. So here are my thoughts.

1. I love how it has become more complex. The fights were leaving me pumped up after being put under increasing pressure. I do want to play more and become better at weapon combos!
2. Platforming was fun and added a little more complexity.
3. The most stable game I have played. No crashes in 18 hours of play.
4. Soundtrack. The intro gets me hyped up every time.
5. The final boss was an absolute slog. But the satisfaction in killing him was immense.

Definitely a great game although if you want to mindlessly run around and gun everything then it has elevated itself in complexity above this.

Completely agree.
Bought during the Steam sale and have just completed my first playthrough on Ultra Violence. So here are my thoughts.

1. I love how it has become more complex. The fights were leaving me pumped up after being put under increasing pressure. I do want to play more and become better at weapon combos!
2. Platforming was fun and added a little more complexity.
3. The most stable game I have played. No crashes in 18 hours of play.
4. Soundtrack. The intro gets me hyped up every time.
5. The final boss was an absolute slog. But the satisfaction in killing him was immense.

Definitely a great game although if you want to mindlessly run around and gun everything then it has elevated itself in complexity above this.

I think I'll grab it. I saw Fatal1ty play it on the highest settings the other night. Damn, it was gorgeous.

I think I'll also purchase The Witcher 3 GOTY Edition.
Was a great game IMO. Yes, it was a change for 2016 but for the better. 2016 took itself too seriously, this one is just bonkers.

Great graphics and completely stable as well, not a single crash IIRC.

The mechanics are superb and I didn't get bored of them until the very end, unlike 2016 (not because I can't enjoy mindless shooters, I'm a massive Serious Sam fan:D). When you spend some time to get used to them, it all just clicks and allows you for some properly insane combat.

Also, it wasn't as hard as people say on moderate difficulties. I completed it on Hurt Me Plenty on a PAD and did all 6 Slayer Gates:D
It only gets insane on higher difficulties as it's supposed to.
I went with Deluxe thinking, why not.

I will however have to complete the first game though.
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