Doom Eternal

No love for the 2nd Half of the DLC here then? I cant wait....released tomorrow (18th Mar) btw...


1st half saw me get rinsed a lot and I found super hard but loads of fun...hopefully this is more of them.
I could not complete the last slayer gate in the first dlc on a high difficulty and then lowered it to the easiest setting. DLC's last boss and last part of the game was still quite difficult even on the easiest setting yet I beat doomn 2016 on the highest setting (the one that is unlocked after first beating the game I think) so it's not like I am not capable. I think DLC was way overturned and way too hard.

Kinda looking forward to DLC 2 but the first DLC was so damn hard that it felt more tedious than fun.
Kinda looking forward to DLC 2 but the first DLC was so damn hard that it felt more tedious than fun.

I *think* beat the main game on Ultra-Voilence. More them my fair amount of deaths.

With this DLC, I'm gonna stick to Hurt Me Plenty. I'm getting too old to be punishing myself in these games.
I *think* beat the main game on Ultra-Voilence. More them my fair amount of deaths.

With this DLC, I'm gonna stick to Hurt Me Plenty. I'm getting too old to be punishing myself in these games.

I had to drop it to Hurt Me Plenty in the later stages, Ultra Violence just kicked my backside and I suck too hard to be skillful enough. Even then I struggled.
Still havent played it....stupid work and stupid DB Locks....:D
Hopefully I'll get to it tonight, anyone else had a play yet?
Had a play through the first level and it is good old doom, albeit to me it seems harder than dlc 1, which in itself was harder than the main game.

They introduced more annoying enemies that are countered only by a single weapon type or single game mechanic. But they have also introduced the hammer as a mechanic to get more ammo/armour on an aoe scale, which should in theory help spice up "low ammo" game mechanic.

On the one hand it's a great game but on the other hand the low ammo thing annoys me a lot, especially on difficult levels when I just end up dying many many times because I just ran out of ammo on all weapons on on that specific weapon that counters that specific monster in a tiny room and now I'm about to get killed whilst I'm looking for a low level demon to slice up with a chainsaw for ammo.
This Part 2 is insane. On the first gore nest thing or whatever they call it, i did the first encounter, and then it said there was a second encounter that was optional. Tried it and the amount of enemies is staggering. I got through wave after wave of stuff, 5 mancubus, then 2 archviles then 2 doom hunters anmd 2 tyrant spawn at the same time. I gave up after that.
Well I just finished Part 2 and man was it hard, feel like it was a little too hard in places. The next to last section I died over 30 times on Hurt Me Plenty.
Final boss was pretty ridiculous to be honest, its so hard just to hit him and when he hits you he auto heals. After 20+ deaths and him not losing much health I had to drop the difficulty just to finish the game.

Didnt really enjoy Part 2 tbh, its just tipped over the balance of too hard for me personally and I probably wont play that one again though I imagine more skilled players than me may have loved it.
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