Doom Eternal

Hopefully it's all optional, as I will not be doing any in-game micro transactions.
I'll just uninstall the game if it's plagued with that post sales money grab crap.

It's Bethesda, this was what they did to Quake Champions. That has and amongst other things greatly destroyed the game.
Ah no, I hope not!
I'm managing to get through Fortnite without paying a penny..

But I just play save the world not the battle arena version
Really pumped for this, playing through Doom 2016 on Ultra-violence (for some reason I played on the pansy Hurt Me Plenty on first play through) and it still rocks. Though just got the BFG and am doing the first big fight/gore nest after it - having my ass get beaten so far :D:o
Been playing Doom 2016 in ultra-wide. Looks good but weirdly the game doesn't fully support it as some of the things like opening video are 16:9. Was a bit surprised as I would have expected this game to be one of the pioneers of this sort of PC tech.
Anyone know what kind of extra DRM is going to be layered on top of the Steam version and why we even need it in the first place? I'm almost tempted to pirate it out of spite if they require that stupid pointless Bethesda launcher.
Been playing Doom 2016 in ultra-wide. Looks good but weirdly the game doesn't fully support it as some of the things like opening video are 16:9. Was a bit surprised as I would have expected this game to be one of the pioneers of this sort of PC tech.

It does support it, there is a way to get it 21:9 as I have the Acer Predator 34A and played it full screen. Off the top of my head I can't remember how.

Edit: ignore that I didn't ready your post properly
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