DPD - Follow My Parcel *5th August*

Waiting on something from you coming with DPD now, unfortunately this is the first time I have not got my hour window Say delivered between 0600-1800. Hoping its just a fluke and all will be back to normal next time. Always had great service from them and generally know when they are in my area.
Pretty sure Scotland is covered, are you really far out in the highlands? - Next time you order from us, and it doesn't work, let me know so I can see if it is a problem, or if it just means your area is unfortunately not covered.

I only use you guys and one other place DUE to you using DPD. They are utterly fantastic.... even down in Cornwall!
I can't fault DPD, they've been great every time I've ordered something from overclockers.

And things just get better.
Maybe this would have helped for my last big order, when the website claimed the driver had attempted delivery, but there was no card, and I can personally vouch that not a soul even came down the road from DPD that day.

Maybe they were simply running late, maybe it was the very sunny afternoon that sparked their sense of adventure, maybe they never even made it out of bed. Who knows. What I do know is, I lost a great deal of my precious time (and a days money) just to have to wait longer to collect something from the depot 25 miles away.

Their other deliveries were great though. They brought the packages with my name on to my door without much issue.
I think it will help a lot, any issues you have had in the past, I'd imagine this will eliminate a lot of them. :)
TBH this isn't really needed, DPD are great already. What's really needed is for the other couriers to catch up with DPD!


I ordered something from another company and they claimed they delivered and never did!!!!! big company to!

i guess the added tx feature helps but most ppl can get email to some extent on there cell i guess these days anyway.
I have found DPD > Every other courier.

The 1 hour time slot seems to work well. Narrowing down the delivery can only make the service even better.

That Swiss mountain singing delivery company, they could learn a thing or two from DPD. When I know they are delivering a parcel to me, I hope that it arrives on the day they predict, rather than expect it. A bigger bunch of amateurs, I have yet to find.
I have found DPD > Every other courier.

The 1 hour time slot seems to work well. Narrowing down the delivery can only make the service even better.

That Swiss mountain singing delivery company, they could learn a thing or two from DPD. When I know they are delivering a parcel to me, I hope that it arrives on the day they predict, rather than expect it. A bigger bunch of amateurs, I have yet to find.

From my experience, they've never met that window ad i have often had to call them to find out where my delivery is, just my luck that they forgot to dispatch it, but thankfully they managed to get it shipped out at the very last outgoing delivery.

I still think they're a good company though, much better than some of my RM deliveries. :P

What a cool service though, very nice.

p.s. i think its just my local depot, my deliveries were kinda during their depot changeover period to be fair.
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Never had a single problem ocuk/DPD, superb service, now royal mail, thats another story. Always end up increasing my order just so royal mail is not used!!

Like what has already been said, i think its very Depot specific.

@OCUK/5UB please dont stop using DPD unless another courier can offer the same/better service. I dont like waiting in all day for my new toy!
Maybe they could play music like an ice cream van, so i can run out and greet the driver to collect my electronic treat :D
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