Crazy, just sounds like luck of the draw based on your local depot/their staff...
RM are scum. I spoke to multiple postmen, 2 of which were friends, and they said basically if they cba they just take what they want for the day and the rest gets left on the shelf, I asked if there was a quota to meet parcel/letters wise, and they said nope it just gets added to the next day and so forth...
So if they're hungover and cba they just take a shorter day, also they had loads of randoms working I'd never seen before, and I was told they were all agency, I asked one of them about working for RM and they said they haven't done any form of checks/verified anything and basically just turn up on the first day and are entrusted with everything/access anywhere and go straight out an hour later...
So no wonder what we saw in those 2 undercover filmed episodes of Panorama showing all the thefts/leaving trolleys miles up the road unchained, slacking off, managers doing nothing about thefts, literally just walk into 2 of the biggest depots in the country, no one is even at the desk/ID's you even when you start, just given a high vis and asked for a first name, no ID... Just like down here...
This is why when I pay for next day, it'll 8/10 times arrive within 3 or more days and ironically 2nd class stuff will often turn up quicker, as it literally depends on what helmet is working that area/shift and what they cba to carry/if they're hanging/some blagger on agency who doesn't give a damn...
The best one I had recently, was they told me as the buyer and the seller both over the phone that, the plane couldn't take off due to bad weather with my RM next day delivery that I'd paid extra for... BUT IF I'd paid for the guaranteed by 1pm service 1 tier higher, that I would get it... So they have 2 planes then, 1 that isn't water/weatherproof and a special magic one that can fly through all weathers if you pay extra... RIIIIGHT....
I'm glad they got nailed what was it 5 billion not long ago for stuff like this...
Yeah it's really random. Especially with RM as I do send hundreds and receive 100s over a couple of 3 years and it's been the best service of all. And with sending I'm sending all over the country.