Teaser 'The Breach' trailer:
"The Threat will unite them!... You will Lead them!" Morrigan
'The Fires Above' trailer:
"Darkness closes in...Will you stand against it? or lead this world to it's bitter end!?" Morrigan
The Enemey of Thedas trailer:
Who has been awakened, who can be trusted as the Inquisior you need to discover the truth!
The Inquisitor and Followers:
Nine Companions to Join you and Advisors to guide you...Commanders in their own right earn the right to lead them!
Discover the Dragon Age:
A vast world to explore with 100's of hours of gameplay:
The Keep:
(input the events from DA:ORIGINS AND DA:2 or use the default state if you would prefer)
Use the Tapestry to shape the world of Thedas at the start of Inquisition:
Dragon Age: The Last Court
A text based game found in The Keep to link the events of DA:2 AND DA:I
Character Creator:
The most detailed Character creator ever in Dragon Age:
Crafting and Customisation:
Deep and Meaningful choices to shape your world:
The Epic Title theme By Trevor Morris:
DA:I built on and for PC:
Bioware has not forgotten their roots:
DA:I Multiplayer Trailer:
Multiplayer is set in the time of the Inquisition but is seperate to the campaign with deep customisation and crafting.
To succeed you will need to think carefully who you take into battle!
Launching in the UK on 21st November 2014 with preload available on Origin a few days earlier.
The Novels:
The Masked Empire,
Last Flight and the Graphic Novel
The Silent Grove hold valuable background info and are well worth a read.